Tuesday 13 November 2018

Winter Sun.

At this time of year one expects to be cold, so sunny days are even more welcome than waking up to the hot and sunny days of high Summer. Eating outdoors at mid-day in November is a real bonus.

I was putting away my 'evening' shorts recently, and, when emptying the back pocket, came across €170 in banknotes that I'd totally forgotten about. The pleasure I received was very similar to experiencing our warm sunshine at the moment. It is the unexpected which gives far more pleasure than the expected.

On so many occasions I've been invited out specially to meet someone who I would 'love and find totally fascinating', only to be bored to bloody death. On other evenings, that I've dreaded, I've discovered someone genuinely fascinating, who was the saviour of the day.

I've been to numerous hyped-up restaurants, and eaten badly, and to greasy-spoon dives where I've eaten like a king.

I've also been to fancy expensive concerts of all sorts, and been disappointed; yet listened to street buskers who were magnificent.

So, I'm enjoying our Indian Summer, and am taking full advantage. My Vitamin D tank is slowly filling for 'slow-release' over Winter.


  1. That looks good and to find the equivalent of $283 in ones pocket would be a real bonus. I only carry a quarter of that and only for the Saturday market.

    1. I think we'd all been out for a fancy meal, and I'd over-estimated the bill. I just forgot to put it back in my wallet. A nice surprise.

  2. Yes, we do tend to pre-judge events, sometimes much-anticipated outings can turn out a real disaster and spontaneous meetings be so memorable.

    And you're right, some of the high-end restaurants can be disappointing, and some much-misaligned greasy spoons provide surprising quality and value.

    1. I find these things so, very often. It's a mistake to over hype!

  3. The only things I find in Paul's pockets are dog treats.

    1. I'm often embarrassed by looking for change amongst dog biscuits. Bonios and coins seem to be inseparable.

  4. We had our cup of tea and biscuits outside at my brother's house on Sunday afternoon.

    1. I think Northern Europe is in for a spell of really good weather. Take advantage.

  5. Wonderful weather here too. I thought i hear a thunder storm 50 km south from here but it was something else.

    1. We've been hearing all about it. Let's hope they only have 40 km rockets.

  6. That high end find could make my day. If I found that every day for the working week it could pay for my new specs.
    Normally it's just old shopping lists that get washed in my pockets.

    1. I was almost tempted to look through some other pockets, but I expect I'd only find set mousetraps.

  7. I found half a crown down the back of a sofa once.

    1. Don't tell everyone, they'll all be round with their hands down your sofa.

  8. Lol at your last sentence re banking Vitamin D. I think I would be quite excited to find €170 in cash. How could I spend that? I can think of ways.

  9. I have just been cleaning my knobs and knockers ( oooer missus ) on the front door and we must be having the same sunshine as you ..... it’s blinding !
    ..... and, sorry to top you but a few weeks ago I found $1,000 worth of American Express travellers cheques .... we bought extra when the exchange rate was about $2 dollars to the pound ..... they are never ending so the bank changed them !! XXXX

  10. The best meal I have ever had was in a village in France. I couldnt tell you where it was it I tried. All I can remember is that with the windows of the car open the air smelt of biscuits. It could have been Brittany. The claxon went off in the factory to signal lunch and everyone trouped out and off to lunch, some on bicycles obviously off home. The rest poured into a few different places. We stopped the car and hot footed it, following some rather burly men, into a cafe next to a tabac. In this small cafe we had a 3 course meal for what must have been less than £10 and it was the best meal of my life. There was no choice they just served you what they had and the house wine. wow, what a feast it was. Terrine, pork cooked with sage and saute potatoes and veg and a flan. All made and served by the family. Delicious. The house wine was amazing as well.

    1. My favourite nearby restaurant is like that; one of the last I think. You eat what appears on the table, and if you finish the litre bottle of wine, another one turns up very quickly. And all run by women too, which is another good sign.

  11. What a wonderful surprise: a warm sunny day in November! And the cash find....what a bonus! It must be your lucky day. :)

    It's cold and raining and miserable here in South Carolina this week. Which would be okay if we weren't trying to move boxes of stuff to our new house! It's not looking like things will dry up until Friday, at least. If I could sit by the fire and enjoy a good book I wouldn't mind the rain and cold one bit.

    1. It's another lovely day again today, but I've been unblocking drains all morning. I'm shattered.

  12. It is certainly very pleasant when one goes to a function one was dreading and find really interesting people there. As a person who can even bore myself I'm just glad that I'm not anyone who has to attend functions to which I go.

    1. That sounds like Groucho Marx, not wanting to be a member of any club, that would allow him to be a member.

  13. Yes Cro - every day opf sunshine is a bonus here too. The sun is lovely today but not quite eating outside weather.

    1. I had lunch outside yesterday too. We're being very lucky.

  14. I had been meaning to check out a place called Les Jardins Secrets not far from here - about 20 minutes from Annecy - but never seemed to get around to it. Until this summer when I decided to give it a shot. Wow, was it impressive! I really, really was not expecting that. We used to explore a lot when the kids were little and now, so many years later, I am getting back into it. Oh and finding that money is great - at least you found it before you put it through the wash! Anna

    1. The only things I find in my pockets AFTER they've been washed are tissues, and mushy dog biscuits.
