Friday 23 November 2018

The sudden cold.

It was the great Alfred Wainwright himself who said "There's no such thing as bad weather, just unsuitable clothing".

From our glorious late Autumn sunshine, we have now had several days of early morning frost. It has been down to -4 C, and that suddenly feels VERY cold.

'Suitable' clothing has definitely been brought out from its Summer quarters.

However, it's not all bad, and at the base of my old faithful scrumping Apple tree, it's still strewn with fruit. Some show signs of having been nibbled by Deer, others came complete with a Hornet or two, but there were plenty to bring home. This interesting variety appears frost-resistant, they will remain edible well into the new year. 

The fire is lit at 4 pm sharp. I'm beginning to look longingly at my unopened bottle of Winter Single Malt. And the electric blanket is back in use.

Europe's Winter has arrived!


  1. That is definitely COLD. we had a one day cold snap this week - it went down to 9 C and, even though I had cleaned out the fire for summer and put everything outside I brought them back in and we had a fire for one day. Back to 21 today although not as hot as it was previously.

    1. It's returned to above zero mornings now, but what a change from about a week ago.

  2. That makes Lincolnshire sound positively balmy.

    1. For a few days it was like the arctic; a big shock. Only days before we'd been eating outdoors at lunchtime.

  3. Replies
    1. Rain here next week, I'm not sure which I hate the most.

  4. Walking in North Yorkshire I met AW who was having a picnic in a picturesque spot by a river. In Barbondale if I'm not mistaken. It must have been one of his last days out before he died. I'm very glad I was able to say hello to him and wish him well. He took up fell walking to escape from his nagging wife. Unknowingly she did the world a great service.

    1. He must have been an extraordinary man. He spent his whole life devoted to The Fells.

    2. Same as T S Eliot. Unhappy marriage, wrote his best poetry. Married again much later, happy this time and stopped writing.

    3. AW hated bumping into people on the fells. He would make detours if he saw them coming.

    4. His eyesight was failing him. Two ladies in a car had taken him to the spot and prepared the picnic. I felt it was a very moving scene. He said he was enjoying the sunshine and that I should too.

  5. I just knew my sister did not make up that saying about bad weather and clothing, repeated to me by her daughter. Thank you.

    1. Wainwright may well have pinched it from someone before him.

  6. Replies
    1. I've just been wearing mine, but unnecessarily so; it's not too bad today.

  7. The sky looked like snow was due yesterday afternoon and the gritters were out last night.

    1. It did here too this morning; very grey and threatening.

  8. Scarf was donned yesterday ....... really cold and a very heavy frost in the morning..... a bit of a shock after the mild temperatures we’ve been having !!! XXXX

    1. I should say! I prefer a gentle introduction to the cold.

  9. We had record breaking cold yesterday and it always feels colder at the beginning of winter. Style goes out the window when its that cold, hat, mitts,scarf and warmest winter coat.

    1. Yes, I'm afraid that I look even more like a walking scarecrow than usual.

  10. The Hebrides, on the other hand, has just had a glorious week.

    1. Your time will come (when I'm in my mankini)

  11. All I will say is that I am wearing plenty of winter unmentionables.
