Monday 19 November 2018


Photo © Lady Magnon.

Lady Magnon enjoys the company of  horses much more than I do. She used to be an avid rider, but since her quite recent rib-cracking fall, has hung-up her jodhpurs and spurs. Now she restricts herself to feeding them carrots and photographing them, rather than climbing on their backs.

The last horse I rode myself was a lovely ex-London rag-n-bone man's Horse called Joe. 

Joe was a Welsh Cob, who arrived chez nous pulling a Gypsy caravan, owned by Anthony Wedgwood-Benn's niece and her boyfriend. They stayed for about a month, then continued on down to the South coast. 

Whilst here, I used Joe to pull our old farm two-wheeler trap, and also for a bit of bareback riding. As an ex-rag-n-bone Horse, he did everything by word of mouth. You didn't even have to hold the reins to give orders. He was the perfect ride for someone like me!

I've always been a bit wary of horses, ever since my sister's horse, Misty, used to eject me on a regular basis. However, it's always me who has to catch escapee horses and return them to their fields; which occasionally includes the one above. 

We don't have enough land to keep horses, but if we did I'd quite like a big Shire or Percheron. As long as it was big, slow, and had shaggy feet; I'd ride it. 

No frisky thoroughbreds, thank you.


  1. I do love those old shire horses. And have seen the team they show on those Budweiser commercials. Big old feet.

  2. Oh dear - how did Lady M manage to fall and crack her ribs. I hope they are healing.

    1. This was about 2 years ago; she was in pain for months.

  3. The first and last horse I rode was a seaside donkey and contrary to my expectations I didn't like the experience. That's enough of that I quickly decided.

    1. I tried but failed. I see no reason to try again.

  4. Shire horses, they still pull the carts at Wadworth Brewery in Devizes a lovely sight.

    1. I think a lot of breweries still use them; more for publicity these days than practicality.

  5. I now have the theme tune from Steptoe and Son on the brain Cro.

  6. Flighty and nervous beasts. I don't care for them.

    1. There were two escapees yesterday, and one this morning. I left them to their owner.

  7. Horses are beautiful animals ....... lovely photograph Lady M ! My cousins daughter has two shire horses amongst her menagerie in Herefordshire. I’ve never really had much to do with horses .... I did ride one once on holiday somewhere but never took up horse riding. XXXX

    1. I'm not a 'horse person' either; unless it had Austin Healey 3000 (or similar) written on the side.

  8. 'Lady Magnon' would be a great name for a racehorse. Maybe you should buy one. That would give you something to do in the cold winter days.

    1. We've got Pigeons here; maybe she could train one of them!

  9. The nearest I come to a horse is in the bookmakers.

    1. My gambling history is quite good. In the city we'd bet quite often. not knowing anything about horses, I always put my two bob on nags trained by Peter Cazalet (?). He trained the Queen Mum's horses, so I thought he must be OK. At the end of my betting career, I was one shilling up! Later I put a quid on Corbieres in the National, and won £22.

    2. We had a client you was a trainer and had a National winner. We used to follow him mostly.

  10. When we were about 15, my friend and I were nervously stroking a horses nose over a fence, when it suddenly bent down and grabbed a large part of her cotton skirt......would it let go ? Not been keen ever since...wasn't then actually! I did ride one once....being led on a felt a long way up! Never again.

    1. It's a long way to fall; as Lady M found out to her detriment.

  11. Lady Magnon took a lovely photo of a beautiful creature.

  12. Last time I sat on a horse was in Oz a couple of years ago. No matter how many times I said 'gee up' it just wouldn't move any faster than a slow walk. I'm more of a dog person.

    1. That sounds like my ideal horse. I wouldn't ride anything that went faster than walking. First gear only for me!

  13. That's a lovely Picture Lady M. took. I like to look at horses but not ride them They are beautiful animals.

    1. I'm the same. I feed them, round them up, but stay off their backs.
