Friday 9 November 2018

All in a day's work..

Having finished writing this, eaten a simple breakfast of Parasol mushrooms on toast, and taken the dog for a long walk, I shall take my trusty Husqvarna to the wood pile, and cut a wheelbarrow load of logs for the evening fire. Luckily it's not raining.

I shall then head for the woods; not to look for mushrooms this time, but to try to re-find a spot where I'd noticed a superb landscape just crying out to be painted. I'm pretty sure I can find it again. If successful, I'll return with my kit in a few days time, to complete the actual job.

I'm still extracting those tiny bloody pink Oxalis bulbs from Haddock's. They really are the most annoying and persistent of all my garden weeds. I do a small patch each day, and try to find every single bit (some hope). This will employ me for about 15 mins; I become very easily bored with the task.

I shall then make Vermicelli soup for lunch.

A friend has no Walnuts, so I shall go to gather a couple of Kilos for her. There are loads about. I'll probably gather a few Apples for us at the same time; Lady M has promised a Tatin.

'George', our kitchen wood-fired cooker hasn't been used for about 8 months, We'll probably want to fire him up again before long, so I'll take it to bits for a thorough cleaning. It doesn't take long, but it's a dirty old job; the chimney pipe is the worst bit! 

I have a small paint job to do on the 'tower' ceiling; that will take a max of 10 mins.

By then it'll be time to think about supper. I'm thinking either Italy or India.... not sure yet, but more likely Italy.

Fred is purring like a steam train.... how am I supposed to think!!!


  1. Sounds like a good day. Your greens look good. I have given up on oxalis. Not a lot of it here but it is hard to get rid of.

    1. I'm going-over Haddock's inch by inch. I know I won't get it all out, but there no alternative. I really hate the stuff.

  2. Whenever you mention your Husqvarna, I think of a sewing machine. Not much use in the woods really.

    1. I didn't know they made sewing machines. Here they are known for garden equipment; mostly chainsaws.

  3. Freddy looks very content. I'm missing the log fire. A bit.

    1. With it not being too cold at the moment, the fire tends to overheat us. Still, better than shivering.

  4. That’s a full day of work ...... i’m going to the pub for lunch later !!!! XXXX

    1. I'd love a pub' lunch. A pint of Guinness and some Shepherd's Pie.... perfect.

  5. Sounds like a good winters day. Lots of variety!
    We gathered a pile of olive logs from Vasos property yesterday. They've been sitting there for a year while we put off the job. We have a months worth of wood which is a great start.
    Still too warm for fires thank goodness. Yes, the warmth is nice but then its the ash and the cleaning routine which I dont want to start yet.
    I have been digging out oxalis every other day and it has already taken over. At least I've managed to keep it out of pots and the old wine barrel
    Hope the weather stays dry for your painting

    1. I light our fire at about 5 pm, when we begin to settle down for the evening. Yesterday it was far too hot; we had to open the door.

  6. I shall be walking 2 dogs in about 10 mins....half an hour, then drop one off with her elderly owner for the day. Put washing in machine. Go to Harpenden and do banking for Oxfam bookshop. Food shop. Home in time for lunch. Walk dog again. 2.45 go to St. Albans to collect grandkids from school. Back to Harpenden. half an hour free...(probably trying to stop kids fighting!) Prep their meal and our meal. Eat. say good bye to them and their Dad ( my son)6.30 ish . Go to fetch little dog from her day away. Relax with a gin and tonic!! Luckily I am retired!! Have a nice they say!

    1. A nice quiet day then! Retirement isn't all The Archers and Crosswords.

  7. Love Fred on his cushion, guessing he's getting the warmth from the lamp. lol

    1. He's just recently started joining me in the mornings again. He's a bit noisy!

  8. a good day..we're wet and windy here and forecast so for a week!

    1. Not bad here, temps around the 18 C mark for next week. I can live with that!

  9. I went for a brisk 3 mile walk in the Castle Grounds this morning. I've got to get back to my daily walks. Being away and visitors have distracted me.

    1. Nothing like a good long half-hour walk every day. One of the advantages of having a dog!

  10. Sounds like the perfect productive day on ones own terms. Not jumping to the piper.

    1. To be perfectly honest, it's not easy filling one's days at this time of year. I literally have to find jobs to do.

  11. I think the purring means your Editor approves of your work plan. We have the first snow flakes of the year this morning and I am off for my walk.

    1. I hate snow. I hope any we might have holds off until Jan or Feb.

  12. That sounds a pretty busy and fruitful day. If you think Oxalis bulbs are a nuisance, try Mares Tail.

    1. We have that as well, but not at Haddock's; up at the orchard!

  13. Pink oxalis is almost a welcome in my garden but I have the dreaded yellow and white! I can never get enough time together to give everything a real going over.. unless I take time off work. Last time I did I got 3 x bucket loads of the horrible stuff out of my gardens. Barely touched the sides..sigh!

    Jo in Auckland

    1. We do have some of the dark purple leaved Oxalis in pots; they came from my late mother-in-law. But the wild green leaved stuff is simply a menace.

  14. I love Fred.Please give him a big kiss from me.
