Thursday 29 November 2018

A tad excessive.

You're going to laugh your heads off when you've read this!

I've written previously about my love of Fray Bentos steak and kidney pies. I'm quite aware that they're classified as 'convenience food'; but they're delicious, I adore them, and I will not be deprived.

As a pre-Christmas present, I decided to treat myself to a year's supply, and ordered a 6 pack through Amazon; plus 6 smaller steak and kidney Puddings, which I haven't had for decades.

By some bizarre cyber glip, my payments were picked out as 'unusual payments' by my bank's clever computer, and were declined.

I tried again... same thing. I tried yet again... same thing again.

I phoned my bank, and my (their) problem was instantly sorted. Strange, because I'd spent a very similar sum of money with Amazon just a few days before, and I'd had no problem.

What I hadn't realised was that every time I tried to re-order my pies, each order was being re-registered, and as soon as my bank's payment system was resolved, all 4 orders went through together.

I've now ended up with 3 x 6 packs of Pies (18 pies), and a 6 pack of steak and kidney Puddings; rather a lot I must admit, but I'm not complaining.

I am very fond of these, but I think I now have supplies for several years. I've checked the 'eat by' dates, and I reckon I'll just about manage to get through them all before they turn green, or explode!

OK, you can laugh now.


  1. I remember them - they were delicious.

  2. Gosh, we even had them here in Australia when I was a kid but I never tried one. Neighbours used their empties for guinea pig food and water trays - funny the details you remember after the visual prompt! Your local recycling sorting depot will be puzzling over your addiction for many months to come.

    1. Maybe I'll keep the empties, and make them into something.

  3. They are wonderful. I have one in the cupboard.

    1. I have 18 in the cupboard. I hope I'm still as keen on them when I come to the 18th.

  4. Replies
    1. I thought so too. It's a good thing I wasn't ordering Diamond Rings.

  5. It is a weird story. I find the most amazing part being that you could phone your bank. It is nigh on impossible to do this in the UK. As for Fray Bentos, the pies take me back to my bedsit days in London and a shared cooker on the landing.

    1. I was quite surprised too by the speed at which their problem was fixed. Lady M has a different UK bank, and she's often on the phone for hours.

      I think Fray Bentos pies were designed especially for bed-sit folk, and their Baby Bellings.

  6. I always keep a couple of these in the cupboard in case we are moored too far from any shops.

    1. The perfect emergency food. Quick, easy, and delicious.

  7. I have a fray bentos steak pudding in my cupboard as I write. No doubt they will come in useful when the sky falls in, refugees throng the streets and the four horsemen of the apocalypse appear. They also taste nice so you can eat them in normal conditions as well.

    1. I've not had a 'pudding' for decades, so, as steak-n-kidney pud' is one of my all time favourite things, I can't wait to have one; probably this weekend.

  8. When I am told I am going to laugh my head off, I don't, however I did end up grinning widely at your batten down the hatches supply of tinned food. Have you eaten Camp! Pie?

    1. I had to look-up Camp Pie. No I haven't eaten it; it looks like what was known in the UK as 'Pork Luncheon Meat', or Spam. These pies have pukka flaky pastry on top, and a delicious meaty filling. 20 mins in the oven (with lid removed) and they as good as your Granny used to make!

  9. I thought you were stocking up for Brexit so you could send them to friends and family here when we are all starving!!

    I remember them from childhood too, but think I may have to try one again

    1. If you are on the brink of starvation, let me know and a few pies will be on their way!

  10. I haven't eaten any kidney for years ever since I took a bad turn after eating a steak pudding and chips in a UK hostelry. In fact I've had three bad turns after eating innards, the other two times were in Austria, something called beuschel so I've had to give up with em.

    1. The very first neighbours we invited for supper, when we first came to live in France, were offered Lady M's 'very English' spectacular Steak and Kidney Pie. What we didn't know was that José was much like you, and couldn't eat kidneys. I still occasionally have fried Lamb's kidneys for breakfast.

  11. I used to love those when I lived in my flat in my 20s ! Good to know they are still as nice. Must see if Waitrose have them. Husband would probably love to try the S and K puddings too!

    1. It's strange how that tin brings back so many good memories; especially from days when we lived in grotty flats.

  12. Out of curiosity I checked Amazon, and because I trust your taste, I almost invited some of them.

    1. I'd hate you to buy one and find you didn't like it... but I doubt if that would be the case.

  13. I have done something similar where the payment wasnt going through so I pressed refresh a couple of times and then tried again at the check out. I bought 4 pairs of pajamas! I was able to return and get refunds. Never press refresh unless you have checked your account!

    1. Like you, I've learned my lesson the hard way.... still, I really don't mind.

  14. I recall you mentioning them before and I probably responded that I can remember them from my childhood. The strange thing is that I would never ever think to buy one but whenever I go into my usual supermarket they jump out at me and say 'Cro!'.

    1. They do the same for me Graham. Go on Cro, buy me, buy me.

  15. Instead of hoarding them I think you should host a Fray Bentos themed party for Christmas.

    1. Alternatively, everyone I know could have one as a Christmas present!

  16. Be honest. You've just raided your local food bank haven't you?

    1. Not worth it... they only have tins of foie gras and confit de canard.

  17. I've never eaten a kidney. Forgive me, but the thought makes me shudder!

    1. You mean you've never eaten a Steak and Kidney Pie? I can hardly believe it.One of life's pleasures!

  18. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, etc., etc. Do you really think they will last three years?

    1. According to the 'eat by' date they should be OK. I doubt if they'll last that long anyway.

  19. I am laughing. It's far more common a problem than you may realize. Mine was to complicated to try to reiterate.

    1. I thought maybe I was alone; reassuring to know I'm not.

  20. My husband loves them. I get them in the Poundshop - obvs £1. I can't stand kidney though.

    1. I wish mine had cost £1... mine were pumped up with the cost of postage.

  21. Yes Please, I so want to try one.
    Sometimes when you do not know the brand or country one it is a bit" iffy' to try one. So because of you I will see if I can find one.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. I've just eaten one of the small 'puddings'; delicious!

  22. My brother would be there with you, he loves those pies and always have them in his kitchen cupboards.

    1. They are huge favourites around the world. You only have to mention the words 'Fray Bentos', and people swoon.

  23. I had a similar experience in the run up to Remembrance Day. This year I decided to order a ceramic poppy broach from the British Legion and just make a donation in cash instead of buying a paper poppy. So I got online and selected my broach. £15 for the broach plus £15 for postage. No problem with that - it is the British Legion after all. But every time I put the broach "in the basket" nothing happened. Tried and tried over and over again. In the end I phoned them to order one that way, and while I was on the phone all my bloody "clicks to put in the basket" went through. I had almost £500 worth of poppies in my basket at that point! Luckily I was able to delete them all, even using my geriatric computer. Phew. Love Fray Bentos too. Anna

    1. I shall be very wary in the future. One click only, and if that doesn't work; QUIT.

  24. My mum used to buy these when I was a kid, the only difference was the pie had to feed 6! But with a pile of creamy mash and some peas and gravy it was delish. Must buy one again!

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I had one of the little puddings last night with some baked potatoes... delicious.

  25. I wish you hadn’t written this... I am sooo tempted, a blast from the past.


  26. We had one each a few days ago, with mashed potato and gravy. Simply THE best quick dinner there is. McDonalds, well, nobody can ever be seen smiling in one of the shite 'establishments'. Says it all really.
