Saturday 27 October 2018

The wisdom of Macron.

France's delightful President Macron recently stated that if the UK leaves the EU with 'no deal', he will block the port of Calais, in order to force the UK into paying a £39 billion divorce settlement.

What a complete and utter fool. I do hope he has discussed this with all French exporters of cars, champagne, wine, and cheese, etc, because they may not be happy; nor would their employees who would find themselves out of work. French exports to the UK are worth around €32 billion annually.

I also hope he's discussed his plan with all members of the French hospitality business. UK tourism to France is huge, and to send all those holidaymakers elsewhere would spell disaster for a great number of people; and the national purse. British tourists to France make up the biggest sector, representing around 20% of their total annual visitors.

There's a wise old saying "Make sure your brain is engaged, before putting your mouth in gear". There are a lot of politicians around the world at present, who should heed that advice.

I think Macron must have attended the same School of Economics as little Jeremy Corbyn.


  1. The title of your post is an oxymoron. One should try and avoid using the words wisdom and politician in the same sentence.

    1. I apologise for my obviously antagonistic title. It was only to encourage comments such as yours. Thank you.

  2. I have just bought a 2-person hot air fryer so that we can have reasonably decent chips without the palaver of the proper one.....
    It isn’t out of the box properly, yet....
    We’ve already nicknamed it....
    The Politician.

    This is all just a “war” of words.... yes, the twit might do this.... which will boost the economies of Belgium and Holland, who won’t... but it will be symbolic... and ease life for the people of Kent whose motorways won’t need to be turned into car parks!
    However.... I wouldn’t want to use the roads around Hull or Harwich.

    1. I suspect some more intelligent politician will be having an explanatory word with him. You can't have your own president threatening to wreck the economy.

    2. I should, of course, add that Corbyn does that all the time.

  3. And what would happen to the economies of Le Havre/Calais/Cherbourg etc.? I believe a group of businesses in the Brittany/Normandy areas have already written to Macron about not "messing with their livelihoods" by doing something like this. When you think of all the Brits who take a day trip over to Cherbourg etc and fill up their cars at Auchon, there will be some very, very unhappy local French businesses if he tried to pull this stunt. It's all bluster of course - but then the French are very good at that (despite this, I have lived in France for many years and love it/them). Anna

    1. Down here, many locals make their livings from the tourist industry. They have invested heavily in accommodation, and must be furious with him.

  4. This morning my Google has the sulks.

    1. There really is no answer to that Gwil W!

    2. My WiFi has been going on and off all morning. Mr Google must be upset about something.

  5. I was going to make exactly the same comment as Adrian who is also old enough to know what an oxymoron is. Your President is beginning to make me wonder if we, the electorate worldwide, are going completely bonkers.

  6. Has he forgotten he is going to lose the migrant camps and chuck them all over here without their feet touching the ground? What does he want, his cake and eat it?

    1. He'll only have his croissant; and that'll stick in his throat.

    2. The Emerald Isle better roll out the green carpet since Spain, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, UK, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy won't take them.

    3. Perhaps they could be bribed.... so much per immigrant.

    4. That's not as far fetched as it sounds.

  7. It has a simple name 'Project Fear' we all supposed to run round in panic like headless chickens screaming ;)

    1. It's only the French who'll panic. The Brits will improve their agriculture, and only buy English, German, or Japanese cars; that are made in the UK. Holiday makers will fly away to less expensive destinations, and Macron will be booted out at the next presidential election.

  8. I agree with Adrian, wisdom and politics don't go together.

  9. Not to mention the vast amount of revenue which the port of Calais makes every year on its own. The mayor of Calais is far more sensible. He has suggested that the British immigration officials who are based in the port should move over the Channel and set up a filtration system for immigrants on their own soil. That would be a problem for us!

    1. ... although it might mean suing the French for people smuggling...

    2. Yes, I heard this proposal too. Would it mean that they send their immigration people over to Dover to see to those heading South? Goose, Gander, etc.

    3. The Scots will have to get past our border guards first...

  10. i am thinking of hibernating until it is all over.

    1. My people's house in Sussex had a door knocker on the master bedroom door. The previous owner used to hibernate, and the knocker was for his maid to bring meals, post, etc. Wise man.

  11. On the positive side, there will be no need to build the shipping container vacation village near you.

    Most of the politicians seem to be playing the game of chicken and we will all pay for it.

    1. If the best comes to the best, he'll go bust!

  12. "There's no such thing as a true Frenchman"

    - Emmanuel Macron (on a visit to Denmark)

    1. He is bizarre. So much adulation when he was elected, and now derided by almost everyone.

  13. This has been a great and a fun read. Love it, Cro. I am becoming a regular reader of yours. And yes, I know what an oxymoron is, too. I also know what a moron is ...
    Margaret P

    1. 'Fun' is the name of the game. Welcome Margaret.


  14. Thank you, Cro. By the way, is your name simply Cro, or is that a shortened version of a longer name?
    Margaret P
