Saturday 13 October 2018

Odds and Sods.

With Lady Magnon away for a few days shopping in London, it's been just me and the boys at home.

She's had a busy time; poor soul. Her driving licence needed updating, she needed some new reading glasses, and she had to see the quack about a nasty bruise she received after tripping over by the pool. She didn't even have time to attend a certain wedding in Windsor.

Over here, after some recent rain, the ground has been dampish, so I decided to light the huge bonfire that had accumulated in the field. It didn't take long for the enormous pile to burn down to nothing. It was quite spectacular; and a wee bit scary.

I've been reading Dylan Thomas, and occasionally watching Rick Stein eating his way through this part of France (Rick Stein's French Odyssey). Of course I already adore our local gastronomy, but when seen through the eyes of a visitor, it makes me even more aware of why I live where I do.

With morning temperatures now quite pleasant, and afternoons not too hot, one has the whole day to devote to outdoor activities; even to mowing. On days like these it's a real pleasure to be out in the styx; walking leisurely through the woods with Bok is pure bliss.

p.s. I've just received an Email saying that Lady M has changed her return flight, and will be returning sooner than anticipated.... she simply missed me too much (or maybe she's missing Bok)!


  1. It seems a long way to have to go to get glasses, go to the GP and renew a licence. Couldn't she do those things closer to home.

    1. She could have, but has a long term relationship with her optician. The other things she's just doing because she's over there. She had a lot of things to do.

  2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  3. Here too there are small signs of autumn, but the rain is still very far away, unfortunately.

    1. We might have some more rain on Monday, but not enough for mushrooms. Too late now anyway.

  4. I have been watching a lot of Rick Stein recently, sometimes seeing the same one twice in the same evening. His son Jack is starting his own series next week, Jack Stein, Born to Cook.

    1. I probably shouldn't say so, but his son, Jack, doesn't have the same allure. Rick has a natural friendliness about him, and makes everything sound interesting. We shall see.

    2. I agree. He hasn't ever impressed me when I have seen him with Rick

    3. Nor me; he's always seemed a bit arrogant and uncommunicative.

    4. I forgot to mention; my friend Simon Fletcher (watercolour painter) is in Episode 8.

    5. And you can read (again) all about Bougnette by typing the word into the little search strip.

    6. I must have seen him; i have watched each one at least 6 times!

  5. I hope Lady M didn't have to go to the British Embassy. Some people go to their embassies and are never seen (in one piece) again.

    1. The DVLA is almost as bad; people go missing.

    2. They go in as sprightly 69 year-olds and come out 70.

  6. So what great dish are you preparing for her return?
    I got a of Steins Mediterranean tour. Should have looked before I bought. Great book but that's the process problem, it's hard back, huge and heavy and so hard to read. Cheap though, 6euros on an online 2nd hand book site.

    1. Writing on a phone so as usual full of mistakes but I'm sure you understood

    2. Funnily I have already planned a dish of seafood with pasta, which she particularly likes.

  7. I see chloe proved your point. Incomprehensible and spiteful rubbish.

    1. Thanks for alerting me; I hadn't seen her comments (I've been mowing). She's now been deleted.

  8. We are having some very nice fall weather too. Sunny and coolish but still sandal weather. The boys look very comfy on the couch!

    1. I'm still in shorts and T shirt. Lovely here.

    2. Shorts and T shirt weather here too.

  9. A change is as good as a rest, we are in Scotland (Perthshire since you ask) and the heavens have opened. We left Somerset at 6 am and arrived at 4 pm. What bliss, log burner going mad, red wine in hand, pub 30 yards away. Looking forward to wild mushrooms, some hill walking and some of the local hooch.

  10. I really must apologize on behalf of Chloe, he's having an exceptionally bad day, and is proving to be the brute that he is.

  11. Warm and wet here Cro - but so windy it is hard to keep upright.

    1. We've been promised a little rain for tonight, and into Monday. I hope they're right.

  12. Love seeing The Boys again so adorable.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  13. I'm a bit confused. I thought your life was in France. Why would your wife need a UK driving licence, and doctors?

    1. Yes, it's bit more complicated than that. She has gone primarily to sort out a lot of things that needed sorting, combined with which she is renewing her (European) licence, and visiting her regular optician. I'm not sure why you think she wouldn't need a driving licence.

    2. Thought that after all those years the licence would be French. I don't pop home to British Columbia to renew my licence, even though it was originally issued there. After we moved here, you are required to transfer the licence to the province you live in.
