Tuesday 9 October 2018

Giuseppina Part 2.

This short film counts amongst my all time favourites.

Giuseppina is a young girl who wants her father to take her to the fair. He doesn't have the time, and tries to convince his daughter that all of life can be seen by just looking around her, at his petrol station.

Unfortunately on YouTube it comes in three separate parts, and I am showing No 2. If you enjoy it, you could always go to YouTube, and look at the other two.

It was made in 1959 as a film for TV colour testing. I think I must have first seen it at that time.

I've chosen Part 2 as it contains some 'amusing' English tourists in their Morris Traveller.

Have a look, and see what you think. No 3 is worth watching too.


  1. Very 1950s. Her father was right about life. Look around you and see it. I will look at the other parts if the film later. Now I must get up from my bed and see life here.

  2. Absolutely delightful! Love the very last shot.

    1. We've all done it. I had a friend who did it in the village, and crashed into a poor innocent oncoming French lady. Nasty.

  3. Thank you Cro, it is so beautiful and simple, i shall look for the other parts later.

  4. I love it's simplicity. I couldn't help thinking that the girl must be her mid- seventies now. Time marches on, but how lucky to live at this time when film can make some of it come back to us.

    1. I was thinking much the same. I wonder if she carried on acting?

  5. Thanks for the share. This was just simply beautiful. We are going to have to check out this film now. It looks to be very educational about the life around you. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
