Tuesday 30 October 2018

Blimey; it's all change.

My shorts have been put away, the woodburner has felt its first flames since Spring, and my thermals  have been given their first airing. We have a put a more efficient duvet on the bed, and I have even resurrected my scarf and beret. 

Sunday was bloody cold and wet; as was yesterday. Even my early morning mushrooming sortie failed to lift my spirits.

Temperatures will rise again, but the shock of 4 C in the early morning was painful.

I don't like Winter. I don't like the cold, and I'd almost forgotten what rain was like. 

Hell and damnation, it'll be over 7 months before we experience pukka Summer sunshine again.



  1. I don't want to gloat because when the cold weather arrives here it will arrive with a vengeance, but it crept up to a mild 20 C here yesterday. Haven't yet turned any clocks back, although the kitchen clock is controlled by radio signal from Frankfurt so that one has turned itself back automatically in defiance of my instructions! I read that it's chaos in Morocco because they've stayed on summer time and the computers have gone ahead and switched everything to winter winter. I think the EU has got cold feet over its plan to fiddle about with the clocks of Europes three time zones and are now thinking of shelving it. Chaos at airports is one reason cited.
    Whatever the commissioners decide you can be sure that the minions in the so called eu parliament will nod it through or not as they are instructed. Ah well, EU'll never walk alone!

    1. We should rise to a staggering 12 C today; if the gods are willing. This clock-changing business is confusing. I am pleased to have earlier daylight for early dog walking, but don't enjoy the lack of light with my afternoon cup of Lapsang. Who controls the time on our Laptops? Mr Google in Silicon Valley?

    2. Maybe Mr Apple controls mine. Or maybe it's Mr Frankfurt who controls my kitchen clock. Or as you say Mr Google. Or maybe somebody in India. Who knows the secret of the black magic box? Chocks away, I'm going swimming. It's warm water Tuesday at the local pool.

    3. Dog has better sense of time than we humans! My time is a bit like a dogs. Regulated by my bowel movements. Cheers!

  2. We do not change our clocks back till this coming weekend so it is still light here at 6 pm for a few more days. It is more the darkness that makes me feel sad than the cold. I still have not put all my summer furniture away yet in the hope that there will be a few more sunny warm days this year.

    1. It all came so suddenly here. I find the change a terrible blow to my body; as if I've been hit by a 10 ton truck.

  3. Stop being such a wimp and do some warm up exercises on the sun terrace.

    1. Did you mean 'The overcast and damp terrace'?

  4. We have very heavy few. Looks like a rain shower. Days are brilliant, up to 24o. You need to migrate for the winter. Cyprus would be perfect for you. Ouzo, Retsina (maybe) , sunshine and English spoken. Hmmmm maybe the latter will put you off. Too many expats. You could go to the Turkish side!

    1. I'm sure I wrote 'dew'. Spell checker is getting crafty and changing things behind my back

    2. I have considered Guadeloupe or Martinique (both French speaking), but I'd have nothing left to moan about!

  5. Over 7 months sounds a long time till summer sunshine.

    1. Far too long. We'll have plenty of sunshine a bit before, but we only open the pool when things are more certain; i.e. beginning of June.

  6. Went shopping yesterday and couldn't believe how long we'd been in the shops when we got back in the car. We were halfway home before we realised we hadn't reset the clock in the car.

    1. On Sunday morning I couldn't wait to get up; another hour in bed was torture. Then at the last minute I fell asleep again, and ended-up wasting a whole two hours. I much prefer when the clocks go forward. The clock in the Compact Royce is on Tonga time, and not being 12 years old, I have no idea how to change it.

    2. The car clock changing sequence is beyond me so it stays the same until the car's annual service and the guy in the garage does it - late Feb and it's about time to change it back again.

    3. My service man doesn't change the clock, but my tyre man did pump-up the spare after a recent visit. I was very pleasantly amazed!

    4. I have no idea how to change my central heating clock/timer so it remains the same all year. Fortunately this is the time of year it is correct. I don't know anybody who bothers to change the clock in the car.

    5. I wait until Kimbo is here, and ask him to do it.

  7. 25c here, dry winds and very dry air, i prefer rainy days.I don't know how to reset the clock in the car, so it will be a summer clock there all winter.

    1. That sounds just fine to me. You can have our rain! Resetting digital clocks is a pain!

  8. It's not until you sit down and work it out that you realise how short our Summers are.
    Like you say, another 7 months before we get the warmth again.
    Saying that, we ourselves are lucky to live in the South. My eldest son lives in Ayr in Scotland and the weather up there is terrible. He only has a couple of weeks when he can go out in a t-shirt.

    1. We plan to return to Btn for the winters, in about two year's time. Push button heating occasionally seems very attractive.

  9. I change the clock in my car because it is so easy to do....on dashboard...settings/clock/summertime off ! Easy peasy !

  10. ps..comment should have been under Rachel's comment! How did it move?

    1. You obviously don't drive a French car with Taiwanese settings.

      You must have replied under 'Add comment' instead of 'Reply'; an easy mistake.

    2. Clocks in cars around here are covered in dust and overhanging papers and you can't see them anyway.

    3. Or hidden under piles of Sagar Beet.

  11. Just thank your lucky stars you don't live somewhere like Scotland! I love summer (who doesn't?) but in the winter I hunker down and do winter things. Mind you living on Lewis there's precious little relative difference in temperature: just in hours of daylight. Today is a glorious day. Tomorrow could be quite the opposite. As for my house that's pretty much a constant 22℃ all year round.

    1. It's actually nice and sunny here at the moment, and I've just come in from sawing logs. These old stone houses are difficult to insulate, we simply have to try not to let the overall interior temperature drop too much.

  12. Definitely time to stay in by the fireside. My car clock is also unchanged. I need a tool to reset it and always forget. It will likely stay the same until Spring.

    1. We should organise a Blogland protest; 'Leave our clocks alone'.

  13. Calm down, it's not winter yet. It's still autumn. I have to admit it was shockingly cold over the weekend and still is at the moment.

    1. Better here today, but Sunday was a real shocker; I could hardly believe how suddenly it had all changed.

  14. I haven't had the time for mushroom hunts as of yet. Maybe you suffer from S.A.D.? A friend of mine does, and he has to lie down in a brightened room.

    1. If I had to give a name to it, it would be that. It's become a very strong sensation, that I can't shake off.

  15. Very cold here this morning and we still have leaves on the trees. Your picture looks like Christmas. Stay warm.

    1. It felt like Christmas. Much better today, thank goodness.

  16. Cheer up Cro, that stove looks cosy.

    1. That was its first lighting of Winter. Not so cold today, so as yet unlit; it will be later.

  17. I have just got out my flannel robe that I wear around the house in the morning and evening. Lovely.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. I forgot to mention above that I've also started wearing socks; the first time since about last May.

  18. I hate the winter, too, Cro, but living in the soft south (Torbay, Devon) we usually miss the worst of the weather. What I hate most is the darkness of winter. The cold wouldn't be so bad if all the days were like to today, bright and sunny. I hate the dark days when it looks like twenty past four in the afternoon all day long! Don't get me started on this arcane business of changing the clocks - a total waste of time. Literally!
    Margaret P

    1. The world isn't really very well organised. We should have daylight from about 7 am to 9 pm, daily temps between 20 and 25 C, rain only ever at night, and no strong winds. Not much to ask.

  19. That is quite a dramatic change in weather. Three degrees, now that is cold.

    1. It only lasted for two days, but it'll be back.
