Wednesday 24 October 2018

A question of Sex.

Rachel McKinnon (36; above, centre) won first place in a recent championship cycle race, for women in the 35-44 age group.

The competitor who came third wasn't happy, as McKinnon is a sex change rider. You can possibly see from the photo that he/she is a much bigger and 'better-built' person than the other two. In fact he doesn't seem to even try to hide the fact that he really is a man. He/she also seems to be lacking certain female elements in the upper chest department, which is a slight give-away.

Surely there is only one way to settle definitely what sex a person is, and that certainly ISN'T by asking them.

We are all born with sex chromosomes; XX for females, and XY for males. There are a few exceptions, but these are extremely rare. Our chromosomes at birth stay with us for the rest of our lives. 

With 'gender choice' becoming almost tediously common these days, isn't it time that a baby's gender on his or her birth certificate was determined by chromosome testing, rather than a quick look downstairs? A standard XY Male can wear female clothes and make-up till the cows come home, but that doesn't make him a woman. I really don't think Ms/Mr McKinnon should be competing against women, even if it does sound a bit harsh.

I'm perfectly OK with any man who wishes to live as if he is a woman (and vice versa), but when it comes to taking part in sport it's not really in the spirit of competition.

The good old days of hefty Russian 'female' weightlifters, with 5-o-clock stubble, are over. 

At least on the sporting arena, things should be equal. With Ms/Mr McKinnon I don't think they were.

Maybe he thought that 'MASTERS' meant it was for blokes.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm pleased you agree. Madness reigns.

    2. And madness reigns at the UN who now say it's against human rights to ban the wearing of burqa and niqab in public as in Austria and France for example. Women's rights demand that they wear symbols of servitude and completely cover their heads apart from a slit for the eyes like some medieval monk. Yes, madness reigns.

    3. And those who have flaunted the law will now be handsomely 'compensated'. You couldn't make it up!

  2. Oh My Goodness, Well Said ! Well said.
    This was very unfair. Live like you want but this is taking advantage.
    From what I can see from the sign behind them this was held in Los Angeles ? Land of the PC ultra liberal Bat Shit Crazy.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. I have nothing against anyone's (legal) lifestyle, but this is taking the Mickey.

  3. I was looking at a photo of a wo(man) runner yesterday. The headline was 'I don't need a mental coach'. In the photo the other athletes were floundering in her wake as she crossed the finishing line head and shoulders above the rest. There was some discussion about asking her to reduce her testosterone level. As you say, it's 'taking the mickey'.

    1. They should at least confine their sporting activities to where strength and size do not give an advantage. Common sense.

    2. One time entered a mountain race with a field of 40 or 50 runners and I couldn't help noticing that nearly all the front row at the start were carrying inhalers. I had to assume an asthma epidemic had broken out. Cheats will always find a way.

  4. Some times I feel I’m the only one thinking this whole gender business has gone mad so thanks for that. And don’t get me started on gender neutral toilets.

    1. I've already written about gender neutral loos. A bizarre move.

  5. I would have let her tyres down.

  6. Don't get anyone started on gender neutral loos, it is bad enough trying to decipher the dress on the female sign! The Western world has definitely gone mad. I blame the water we drink, full of plastic as well ;)

    1. We are what we eat (and drink); I must be 50% plastic by now.

    2. And oestrogen. I don't worry too much as my water comes from a spring. Half these folk are probably vegan so their legs will collapse with rickets. Serve them right.

    3. Our tap water is also Spring Water. It surfaces about 1 Km from us.

    4. Scientists are finding micro-plastic in people's poo. That's a fact.

  7. Why stop at human gender? I've always been keen on dogs, so now I wish to be known as "Fluffy", half human woman-half male Jack Russell. The world has gone mad. Woof!

  8. Yu're all screaming g about islamisation you're doing
    exactly the same. Too stupid to realise it. You all would have been great "collaborateurs" during WWII

    1. I'll leave your comment here for a while, just so people can witness what a complete cretin you are. Go lie down in a darkened room.

    2. p.s. No-one has mentioned 'Islamisation', and why anyone showing common sense should be compared to WW11 Collaborateurs; I have no idea. But that's just Chloe.

    3. Like Craig Bellamy, she could start a fight in an empty room.

    4. I think he/she must have been reading The Beano before making the above comment; just a brief lapse of reality.

    5. Blog commenting when drunk is a norm for Chloe
      She is an absolute arsehole

    6. Sadly so; it must take a lot of effort on her part.

  9. Brown Owl finds boy in girls tent. That's ok. They are embracing the Equality Act; he said he felt like a girl and they were practicing for their Politically Correct badge which was less boring than the Knitting a Handy Basket badge.
    Brown Owl left them to it. Girl Guides allow boys into girls showers and tents if they say they identify as girls.

    1. They'll be taking their 'Doctors and Nurses' Badge soon.

  10. She'll have been treated with the same drugs that Pirate was treated with as part of his Prostate cancer treatment..this reduces testosterone generally, not just PSA...with that comes the reduction of muscle bulk and power. She would have had her levels tested or wouldn't have been in the race. Some other girls (born so) have problems with naturally high testosterone...which all humans have,not just men.
    I'm not joining in any discussion..just adding a few facts.
    I've a friend who has been through the same process, and yes, I did race against her "before"and "after" in races on the track..I beat her in the "after" races..she has always been "she" inside...

    1. I'm sure what you're saying is correct, but it still doesn't alter a person's chromosomes. That surely is what should determine sex; NOT how one feels.

    2. sexual identity is not one or the other,hormonal balance is, perhaps the best phrase is a sliding scale.
      All foetuses start out as female..some then develop as male...some unfortunates are born with both sets of "equipment",others have the equipment of one and the hormone balance and mental identity of the other..being human is
      confusing enough as it is!!

  11. Very well said, Cro.
    Margaret P
