Monday 24 September 2018

Tree trunks.

Along with my regular wood piles I also had a few hefty Oak tree trunks lying around, that have been awaiting some enthusiasm.

The one in the foreground that I'd just cut in two, weighed almost as much as a Mini, and I was obliged to use various winching methods just to release it from the ground where it'd been lying for the past few years.

This one (above) weighed more like a London bus, and took a lot of shifting. 

So, as the weather was perfect, and most other outdoor work has drawn to a halt, I decided that now was the moment to tackle the beasts.

There were three very heavy tree-trunks in all, that when processed will provide logs for at least a couple of weeks.

Not to be sniffed at; although lugging sawing and splitting in 31 C heat was possibly a bit foolish. Thank goodness for the pool.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, but I should have insisted that these particular trunks came ready cut and split.

    2. I thought they were a tree you had cut down.

    3. A neighbour was thinning some woodland, and had left a huge pile of 2 metre length 'logs' which I offered to buy. Most were OK to deal with, but a few just got sidelined.

  2. It looks like hard work, I'm lucky that here I have only an air conditioner for the winter.

    1. We burn a lot of wood through winter. It keeps me busy every day.

  3. Replies
    1. It was yesterday afternoon, this morning it's quite chilly.

  4. Well done for all your hard work! I read once that a fire keeps you warm three times. Once when you cut the wood, once when you carry the wood, and once when you actually sit in front of it. In that temperature, you could add a fourth: just standing an looking at it!

    1. I've been out cutting-up the one in the middle picture this morning. I can assure you that it DOES warm.

  5. Dunno why, but I am thinking of Lady Chatterley.

  6. You still enjoying summer weather. Us too, thank goodness. The sea is cold but the sun still burns

    1. It's warmed up now; this morning there was a chilly wind.

  7. Mind your back with these lumps. Bend the knees!

    1. That's what Lady M keeps telling me. They may not look it in the photos, but they are very heavy.

  8. Well you can have some of our cold weather with my compliments. A good couple of weeks? How many trees do you burn a year?

    1. Quite a number. I should think we use at least 8 cu metres.
