Tuesday 4 September 2018

The state of Haddock's.

Our Summer vegs are still performing well, but my attention is now focused more on our winter Brassicas.

At this season I am always reminded to 'eat vegetables as soon as they're edible', and that is already the case with our two varieties of Kale. The Curly Kale, and the Italian Cavolo Nero are both edible, even though the plants are still in their infancy. If the lower leaves aren't eaten, they will simply die off and be wasted.

In the top left of the photo are the tall stems of my newly dedicated Jerusalem Artichoke patch. I haven't yet delved under the soil but I'm hoping for great things. In the foreground are my Aubergines, that are suddenly having a second flourish, and are covered in both fruits and flowers.

Still quite warm here, and still no decent rain. It's amazing that anything has grown at all, but I'm approaching winter with confidence.


  1. Replies
    1. We ate some Curly Kale last night.

    2. We have some ready in the garden as well. Had broccolli tonight.

  2. My runner beans are not doing as well as usual, in spite of regular watering throughout the dry spell. Just about getting enough to keep us happy ! Not bothered about a huge crop as I don't like them frozen. However......the " Sungold" tomatoes...5 huge plants, have been amazing. Can't eat them quickly enough ! That is all that I have grown this year in the veg plot. I am also looking after next door's garden at the moment, and they have a greenhouse full of huge tomatoes......I was forced to make a sauce from some of them yesterday !

    1. My Toms have been a disaster this year. I've just been talking to a neighbour who thinks I may have planted them too early. She also told me to take as many of hers as I wish. Nice neighbour!

  3. I don’t think you’ll go hungry 🍆🥦 XXXX

    1. We've got plenty of conserves already in store, so I think we'll be OK.

  4. Good fresh vegetables. Superfood!

    1. And just a few metres away from the kitchen.

  5. It all looks good to me! I'm ready for fall and winter vegetables, myself. It's still like midsummer here as far as heat, though, so it will still be awhile.

    1. We're still swimming in the afternoons, but it won't be long....

  6. Haddocks still looks wonderful despite your lack of rain. You take such good care of it.

    Our temperatures today and for the next few days will be in the mid 90s F. It has been the hottest and wettest summer ever. We long for some cool, dry air.

    1. No end in sight to our 'good' weather either. I quite expect records have been broken across Europe too.

  7. Replies
    1. We won't starve. Tomorrow I'm bottling Peaches.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Greg. Yes, things are OK on our side of the pond. Salutations!

  9. Just the idea of bottling peaches sound so lovely. This year the stone fruit has been so good.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. I have one tree that is filled with small Peaches, they're ideal for bottling.
