Thursday 20 September 2018

Shock; horror!

I never imagined for one moment that I would ever agree with anything proposed by Labour's Shadow Chancellor John Mcdonnell (above), but I have been proved wrong. On this occasion his wisdom is unparalleled.

He's declared that when (if) Corbyn is replaced as leader of The Labour Party, it should be by a woman.

Of course it should Johnny, and I have just the person. Yes; the fragrant, and highly capable, Diane Abbott; of course!

This would make a seamless transfer of roles, from Shadow Home Secretary to Leader of her party.

She's PERFECT for the job. She has my vote!


  1. "In my constituency, I have a community of Charedi Jews that are actually subject to hate crime more than other Jews, because they wear that costume, they walk to Synagogue."I gooled her.(I hope i am not bringing some troubles to your blog... i shall delete the comment if so.)

    1. Bring what sort of trouble? Of course not. All your comments are extremely welcome!

    2. I imagine your Charedi Jews are what we know as Hasidic Jews; big hats, long black silk coats, pigtails, etc.

    3. Cro, When visiting grandparents living in Tottenham we were fascinated by the Hasidic's costume plus the ringlets of hair at their ears. Definitely not pigtails.

    4. I meant 'ringlets' I just couldn't remember the word!

    5. Potty, I did dedicate one of my regular 'Style Awards' to the Hasidic Jews. I know nothing of their traditions, but love their 'style'.

    6. The point is that the lady referred to their dress as a costume, I quoted her words from the net.

    7. She's well known for her quote. I'm not one to defend Ms Abbott for her 'slips', but in this case I think she was just showing her ignorance, rather than being racist.

  2. It 's okay if you delete it in case it 's provoking the demons.

  3. Seconded.
    On her recent visit to Northern Ireland, Diane Abbott was asked what she thought of County Down. She replied: ‘I preferred it when Carol Vorderman was on it.’

  4. The scary thing is that it could actually happen.

  5. I'm so out of touch when I first saw it I thought your Shadow Chancellor picture was Tony Benn!

    1. Almost as bad. Wedgewood-Benn was known as 'The most dangerous man in Britain'; Mcdonnell has almost replaced him.

  6. Interestingly if that happened there would be a female type 1 Diabetic at the head of both the Conservative and Labour parties....

  7. Both parties are in the same situation. Who the hell is going to replace Theresa May when she finally gets the push? The Cons will also have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find a replacement.

    1. The Cons have already had two female PM's; neither of whom were elected because of their gender. Mcdonnell wants to chose a party leader by sex rather than merit; never a good idea.

    2. Rees-Mogg wouldn't be exactly scraping the barrel. Come on.

    3. There are lots of high-flyers amongst the Tories. They are mostly well educated, with PPE qualifications. Making the choice is the tricky bit.

    4. I stick by my original assertion.

  8. I fees as Tom does. There is no one up there (or maybe down there?) in any party who inspires a shred of confidence in me as having the brain, the imagination, the creativity, the chutzpah to be a leader.

    1. I'm sure there are plenty of responsible people in all parties; most of whom aren't the pushy types. I can think of at least two in the Labour party who could possibly lead them to victory.
