Saturday 11 August 2018

What All Girls (9-13ish) Need.

Following on from my similar posting about Boys, here are my recommendations for Girls.


Firstly Girls need a good education. Preferably in a convent.

Where they need to learn the folly of covering themselves with tattoos (the girl above obviously didn't attend a convent).

They need to stand in front of a mirror, and shout 'NO' until they can say it with real authority. This will prove essential in later life.

Having personally been seduced by a pretty girl who could cook a wonderful Estofat de Boeuf and a Tarte Tatin, I will be a tad sexist and suggest that they also need to learn how to cook (as do boys)! 

Otherwise they need to learn a second (minimum) language, to ride a horse, to pluck a chicken, give orders to a maid, to avoid learning shorthand, to draw, to speak without using the word 'like', to look elegant in gumboots, to use make-up invisibly, and be kind to animals.

They also need a caring father, preferably several big strong brothers, and a 'best friend'.

I think that's about it.


  1. I don't know whether shorthand is still in use but, even though I didn't think so while learning it, I am sure it was a great help in getting good jobs. I, obviously, live a different life as I have no need to give orders to a maid.

    1. Next you'll be telling me you don't know how to pluck a chicken!

    2. Plucked plenty of them in my time and dressed them.

  2. I know a second language and could give orders to the maid to pluck the chicken. My school did teach me the basics of cooking and sewing. You didn't include how to darn socks by the way, though Id give orders to the maid for that as well.
    Check the father and three brothers who do still care.
    All over my education in a rural NZ school wasn't too lacking!

    1. You see; giving orders to the maid covers everything, including darning the socks. Does anyone darn socks any more? Somewhere I still have my mother's wooden darning mushroom.

  3. Going to a convent never taught a girl to say no. I speak from experience.

    1. That's why I added it as a codicil to Convent life!

  4. Salient about darning socks. My socks, mostly all bought about six years ago, have holes appearing at the heels. I have been throwing them out, but what I should do is give them to Mother, who while lacking many domestic skills, used to darn socks, aided by putting an orange inside the sock. I wonder if she remembers how to darn a sock.

  5. Further, here as well as 'like' 'Oh my god' needs to be eliminated from the language of eligible young women.

    1. My mother had (and I still have) a special wooden darning 'mushroom', which you put in the sock, instead of your mother's Orange.

    2. I've still got a wooden mushroom that was my Grandmothers ( and several thimbles), however ,I would think my life too short to darn any sock that is to be replaced and bought from China - even wrapped in plastic.

    3. Every so often I gather-up all my pants, socks, and T shirts, and chuck the whole lot. I then buy a dozen of everything new, and begin again. It's surprisingly satisfying, and not that expensive.

  6. Girls at any age just need to listen to their inner won't usually let them down.

    1. Sadly, I quite expect there are many who wished they had!

  7. I like this post. It's always interesting to hear a man's point of view on some things. And I agree with most of them... especially the "be kind to animals" one. And I have to admit that I've never plucked a chicken (or care to), and have never given orders to a maid. But I did have a wonderful English father and an older brother who I loved dearly!

    1. There's still time for Chicken plucking, and the maid may arrive any day. Otherwise it sounds as if you had it all.

  8. I taught my girls to be the stuff and not the fluff and the importance of education. Since two of them are vegetarians, plucking chickens is not needed. They are all accomplished women and all earn more money than their spouses/partners. They can afford to buy new socks. Like me, they adore all animals.

    1. In which case I congratulate you. They sound like my own daughter!
