Friday 13 July 2018

Village Picnic (Marché des Producteurs).

This was the second 'picnic' of 2018; last week's was a bit of a wash-out, and we didn't go.

As usual, our own village event is probably the most popular within a good radius, it wasn't exactly packed, but I would think there were at least 400 people present.

We went with several friends. Margaret (top in white), who lives nearby, and some others from the UK. I love spending time with our old friend Margaret; we turned up in this area at about the same time all those years ago, and have been good friends ever since. Her book 'Tropical and Subtropical Trees' remains the world authority to this day. She is a mine of information of all things horticultural.

On offer last night. BBQ'd Duck breasts, Confit, simple salads, and SNAILS. I was in heaven.

Sandrine, our Boulangère, was also present, so it saved a Sunday 20 Km round trip to her bakery.


  1. One of the best summer events in the area (but I'll give the snails a miss).

    1. The snails were the best bit! I love them. It was a perfect evening; not TOO many people, and the magrets were cooked to perfection.

  2. That all looks delicious - Creamed mussels here tonight (wild pork was for lunch).

    1. Sounds equally as good as our last night's meal. We went home at about 9pm, had a swim, and a good night's sleep. Perfect.

  3. Do you really drive 20km each Sunday for
    a bread? (I drive every Sunday 20km for a hairdresser...).

    1. I buy two large sourdough loaves on sundays. One goes into the freezer. They last us the week. It's also the best bread around!

  4. I am impressed with the company you keep. Margarets book has a place of honor in my library. When asked to design the interiors of conservatory’s or any garden rooms I always use her book as a reference.

    1. Her own garden here is beautiful; makes mine look very plain. I'm OK on the design side, but know absolutely nothing about plants.

  5. Good food, good company, minus the snails for me :) What are magrets?
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Magrets are Duck breasts. Have you ever eaten snails? They just taste of garlic, butter, breadcrumbs, and parsley. What could be better!

    2. Yes, Cro, and forgive me for being contrary, but for something to "taste of garlic butter" you don't need snails. Your forgot to mention their texture. Rubber in a shell.

      Still, the above is neither here nor there; main thing you enjoy them.


    3. They shouldn't be 'rubbery', they have a slight texture, but not too much.

  6. When I saw the photo of the snails I could smell the garlic!
    Our village does the annual event with stalls from which you purchase your choice of food and wine. The sellers are all local. Music and a raffle - of course!

    1. We occasionally have music (I tend to leave), but no raffle. Maybe I should suggest it to the Mayor.

  7. Would love to try those snails. Looks like a great day.

  8. Replies
    1. They're a bit out of fashion these days. You can still buy them frozen, but I don't think many do.

  9. a well attended event, and weekly as well..lucky you!

    1. We don't go every week; too many people. Yesterday was relatively quiet, in a few weeks time it'll be a nightmare.

  10. I had snails in a restaurant in Brantome many years ago. It was one of the best meals I have ever had, can remember everything about it and the snails were out of this world brilliant. We also have a village picnic here.

    1. These were delicious last night, but it was only me eating them. I don't know why people are so funny about them. I think the whole idea of collective village picnics is brilliant.

  11. I admire the French tradition of communal banqueting. The Italians do it too, but the chairs and tables are usually divided up into family regional allegiance, or they are in Siena anyway. Very competitive.

    1. We have to grab tables and benches from a nearby building, and hope to get a good spot. As we had friends with us last night, we went early and got the exact spot we wanted, overlooking a beautiful landscape.

  12. My head shot back when I saw confit and snails. I know confit is eaten here but I don't like the sound of it. A local and personal Boulangère must be a wonderful thing. We rely on our local Depot du Paine for top bread at top prices.

    1. Confit is one of the world's great delights. As for the Snails, I suppose you have to like them. I'm on very good terms with my baker's wife!

  13. It all looks very good. I like snails but I will always have the duck. One of my favourites.

  14. We don’t have picnics here but have weekly festivals in the spring, summer, and fall. It is wonderful to bring busy people together and take the time to interact with your neighbor. Community is so important and adds to the well being of us all.

    Is there anything that you will not eat? I envy your delight in foods many of us would never put to our lips.

    1. These mass picnics only date back about 20 years; they are such a good idea. They're now found all over France and elsewhere.

    2. p.s. I eat whatever tastes good. I really don't mind what it looks like, or sounds like.

  15. Over the years I've attended a few French Village 'Picnics' of varying shapes and sizes: all accompanied by my trusty Opinel (which now accompanies me around the garden like a long-time trusty friend).

    1. I haven't counted mine recently, but I think I must have about eight. One is permanently in my back pocket, I always eat with one, and the others are all over the place, including one in the car.

  16. Your friend Margaret has beautiful hair!!!!!!! Simply beautiful.

    What fun all these village events must be. I love that, about life in the countryside of the UK and in France, etc. True Village Life.

    And so delicious!!! Oh my!!!!

    1. Our village has always had a wonderful community spirit; maybe not so much today as previously, but it's still there.

  17. Replies
    1. It was Weave; good country fare, and all delicious.

  18. Oh My Goodness this looks so wonderful. Duck on a grill perfect.

    cheers, parsnip
