Saturday 28 July 2018


I cannot claim to have had a perfect crop of Toms this year, because I've been attacked by viruses; YET AGAIN.

However, it hasn't been all bad, and here is one of those infamous Portuguese Tomatoes that I was going on about.

They really are a wonderful fruit. They are big, solid, and delicious. They are slicing Tomatoes, perfect for that simple lunch, al fresco, under the shade of a big old Linden tree (or our auvent). 

Sliced Toms, finely diced onion, Feta cheese, a few good olives, a very simple vinaigrette, and Bob's your uncle.


  1. Replies
    1. It's the one thing I really miss through the winter; good home grown Toms.

  2. That tomato looks more impressive than last night's moon!

    1. Hopeless, wasn't it. I put the pool lights on, and we went for a swim.

    2. We had thunderstorms all evening. No moon.

  3. Looks delicious all right. Hope you have many more of those simply wonderful meals this summer

    1. Ps feta cheese...from Greece or France?

    2. It was made in Greece (Casa Azzurra). It's cooler this morning after a cloudy night, but all will return to 'normal' this afternoon.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lovely summer plate! A few countries in one plate: Portugal, Greece, France and Italy...well...the name of the feta cheese is in Italian. :)
      Greetings Maria x

    2. I thought it sounded more Italian than Greek, but it says 'Made in Greece'. It just shows how international we all are.

  5. It looks perfect.Once we had a tomato farm near the Dead Sea, where the tomatoes had a wonderful taste.

    1. Tomatoes grown outdoors in the sunshine are wonderful. Those grown indoors in artificial light are NOT.

  6. Looks lovely Cro. This post led me on to your last year's post on Sun-dried tomatoes did it go, were they good and are you still using them now? Might try it myself with all this sun we're getting. How did you keep the flies off while they were drying though, or didn't you bother?

    1. The dried toms were 75% successful. One jar fermented and spilled out of the jar when I opened it. It was the first jar I'd done, and I probably hadn't dried them enough. The other two were fine and we still have a few left. I think they need a good three days in the sun to really make sure they're dry. I don't think I bothered about the flies; they didn't seem that interested. I used the Italian 'Roma' plum toms; I think they're the best.

  7. I could eat that all day, everyday especially when the tomatoes are at their best. Soooo good. 😋 XXXX

    1. You don't really need anything else at mid-day (other than some Aubergine and Ham).

  8. I had fifteen tomato plants that looked wonderful up to a few weeks ago. We have had constant rain and most of the plants leaves are spotted and dead. There are many tomatoes on them and I am hoping that the branches will hold till they ripen. So far only the grape and yellow are ready to pick and they have been delicious.

    1. The lower leaves on most have mine have turned yellow, and many of the Tomatoes have some rot appearing. I shall pick as many as possible tomorrow, and bottle them.

  9. They look amazing. The taste and smell is a summer treat. Large plum tomatoes have done the best for me this year. Enjoy while they last :)

    1. No disease on my Cherry Toms; they always do well.

  10. I am hopeful this year that I will have a good crop. I can pick the first of them in a few days. Fingers crossed.
    The moon was beautiful last night.

  11. I'd pay $20 or more for one of those gorgeous tomatoes. Do you ship? Haha.

  12. Looks like summer on a plate. Bummer about the virus - all that anticipation to come to nought. We got up at crack o' to see the moon and got 10 mins of creeping shadow before clouds shrouded it, so went back to bed. We quit too soon, though, as it turned out that the clouds cleared later & we could have had a good show. Laziness has no reward!

    1. I'm sure this happened the last time we were supposed to have a red moon. Perfect weather either side of the big day, then cloud just when you don't want it! Anyway, we compensated by putting on the pool's under-water lights and having a wonderful swim.
