Monday 2 July 2018

Is Cro becoming a 'Leftie'? Surely not!

The French Air Traffic Control people have been on strike again. As soon as the sun shines, they down tools, and head for the coast. They do it every year.

So, no planes landing at nearby Bergerac airport over the weekend. Am I sorry? NOT ONE BIT.


As you will see in the photo I took yesterday (above), there is not a single vapour trail in the sky. A very rare sight. Bravo!

Also, no doubt my supermarket, and the local street markets, will be temporarily devoid of all those loud braying English women in their big straw hats, long diaphanous frocks, and oversized ugly sunglasses. Bravo again!

So, yes; I'm supporting the strikers. May they continue (at least until Lady M wishes to go shopping in London again).

Everybody OUT!


  1. Think of the money you will save if Lady M can't go shopping in London.

    1. She usually buys a few treats for me too.

  2. Enjoy the peace.
    Midsummer miracle!

    1. It is, especially when one looks up into the sky.

  3. There are other ways to travel. One time French air traffic controllers were on strike I was due to fly Manchester Paris Vienna. I ended up doing the journey both ways on the bus! It took a long time but I met interesting people and enjoyed most of the journey. On the return journey German polizei boarded the bus and checked passports. They took off some Slovakian men. And after that we were allowed to continue. That was before the Schengen but it's just the same now. There are always queues.

    1. I quite like train travel abroad; I've only done very short trips on busses. You see a lot more by both methods. Flying, all you see are clouds.

    2. A friend recently travelled from Venice to Vienna on the night train. Five of the six in the sleeping compartment had their money stolen while they were asleep. One person got off in the night. Be careful on the trains.

  4. We live near an aerodrome. I glance up nervously sometimes as the light planes appear to be skimming my roof, knowing some of those pilots are learners.
    You? A leftie? Come over to the dark side Cro. We have cookies.

    1. It's OK, it was only a rush of red stuff to my otherwise all-blue brain. Your 'learners' sound like our French Air Force boys; they play 'let's knock the chimneys off' as they go by.

    2. Lovely to see the use of the word aerodrome. I wrote a post the other week about the word and the word inspectors decreeing it no longer in use and therefore not to be put in dictionaries any more. How wrong they are and this is yet another example that proves it! Thank you Andi.

    3. I noticed it too; nice word.

    4. Vive le aerodome. All spelling and grammar suspect.

  5. The misery seems to be for those crossing French airspace and foreign airlines. The best way to beat the strike is to actually book with the French airline because their own flights still operate during the strike. Crafty.

    1. It's a bit cloudy here this morning so I can't see vapour trails. However, I can hear the sound of 'planes. How pleasant it was yesterday!

  6. I am glad I no longer live under a flight path. THought this would interest you

  7. Who you calling a loud, braying English woman?

    1. I'll answer that when I see your diaphanous frocks and oversized sunglasses!

  8. After 9/11, all air travel in the US was halted for a number of days. The quiet was deafening and frightening.

    1. It still seems quiet here today; maybe the strike continues. Lovely.

  9. How I would enjoy being a woman in a big straw hat, long diaphanous gown and big sun glasses, shopping in a country market. Sandals, too. Don't forget the sandals.

  10. They do seem to strike more than those in any other country. Are they really that hard done by?

    1. I don't think so. They have a strong Union, and they love to go to the beach.

    2. Stupid cupid little Cro. You're lazy for more than 45 years.

  11. haha, what fun, enjoy it while you can Cro, particularly the lack of braying women - we get those here too! There's far too much air travel these days, about time somebody cut it down a bit, bravo the french ATC's.

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