Sunday 8 July 2018

England mot Sverige, Fotboll.

What happens when you have a Swede and an Englishman watching an important England versus Sweden football match together?

Well, of course, we fight, we get completely pissed, and later we pass-out at the tattoo parlour whilst having rude words inked onto our foreheads. We're traditionalists at heart.

The next morning, suffering from unbelieveable hangovers, we ask who won. One of us cheers, whilst the other goes to lie down in a darkened room.

It was meatballs and glogg at one end of the table, and beer and pork scratchings at the other. Harmony reigned.

England 2 Sweden 0.


  1. Best post ever !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Thanks Parsnip; I wish I could say the same about the game.

  2. I didn't know there was a tattoo parlour in VdP.

  3. I read it to my husband this morning and we both laughed!
    Lady M is a good sport, she will still bake your favourite cakes!
    Greetings Maria x

  4. So did I read it to my husband. He also laughed - but if the result had been for Sweden to play CRO-atia he might not have thought it so funny.

    1. Nor would I. Not a very inspiring game, but at least the result was good!

  5. Football pundits said how very well they had played. You don't seem to think so. Due to Rachel's really good crits over the season, I watched most of it and I must say that I really enjoyed it.

    1. The only interesting bits were the goals and the saved goals; the rest was rather tedious. Of course I'm a Rugby man, where we like action.

  6. The football seems to be going on forever this year. Now I don't know who to support, England and or Belgium? I think Belgium is still in there.

    1. Support England, then quite soon you'll probably be able to get on with more important things

  7. Of course we only won because Mary, my SIL, and I, sent my brother out to the kitchen twice to make tea for us.

  8. Like you I'd rather watch rugby these days or cricket or tennis or the Tour de France or even F1 (and that can be really boring) or better still touring car championships or rallying or Le Mans or well, just about anything really. Having said all that I rarely watch any of them anyway.

    1. I try to watch the last 15 mins of each stage of the Tour de France, that way I keep up with how things are going. Tennis, no thanks. Cricket, I don't have the time. F1, too dull these days.

  9. You have a tattoo parlour? Your little house is so well-appointed.

    1. I specialise in LOEV and HAIT on you knuckles.

    2. There was a skinhead in Bath who tattooed himself in the mirror one day. He wrote SNIKS. This is a true story. I saw it myself.

    3. This was his forehead, btw.

    4. There are some right plonkers around; you see them in the Tattooist queues.

  10. And a good time was had by all! What, no driving through the holiday lets honking your car horn. The tattoos on the forehead were a nice touch.

    1. There was a wedding in the village during the match. All the car horns sounded like supporters!

  11. Were they Vikings or were they merely swedes?

    1. Lots of Swedes in our family, plus a few Norwegians.

    2. I can remember two good players - Henning Berg and Lars Bohinen. Lars was colour blind but it didn't come to light until the referee forgot to change the orange ball for a white one when the snow had thawed.

  12. You have some very clever commenters.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. I have two tatoos. One done by a gent named "mouse" who smelled like a rat at the Sturgis Bike Rally in 1979. The second came when I turned 50 and was done in Galway by a talented young and very clean fellow. My husband hates the tatoos but says he still loves me. We'll see what he says when I turn 80 and get the Loev and Hait tats on my arse.

    1. There are good and bad, but personally I'm not interested. I think alcohol is responsible for most of the 'bad'.
