Wednesday 13 June 2018

Testing times.


I've been feeling a bit low recently; I expect it's been brought-on by a combination of the weather and so much depressing news.

The ageing process, far too much rain, and a few unimportant niggles, have all added up to my feeling a little depressed; much as I usually do through Winter. News about the crime-wave from 'back home' hasn't helped either.

England's Cricket XI were recently beaten by Scotland (heaven effing help us!), The Football World Cup will no doubt see England being sent home for an early bath, and I probably won't see any grandsons for another 6 months or so.

I believe that 'ecstasy' tabs (or was it LSD?) were first invented to make USA pensioners feel happy; well maybe I need some too. When one feels down, it's very difficult to shake it off, even by simply stroking the cat.

This morning I read an every-day tale of life in today's Britain, which made me want to bloody scream. This type of story is not uncommon, and fuels my despair.

Last month a Lancashire brewery was invaded over a Bank Holiday weekend, by over 100 'travellers' who completely trashed the place, doing over £100,000 worth of damage. They also contaminated all the beer that was in process of brewing, which then had to be thrown away. The police eventually escorted them all to a nearby motorway, and sent them on their way. No-one was prosecuted, or even fined. These people are immune from the law. The brewery may not now re-open.

If that had been ME breaking into the brewery, and doing all that damage, I would now be behind bars. In the UK, this type of PC (don't be cruel to travellers, immigrants, criminals, etc) behaviour is making a mockery of the legal system. It's not surprising that so many school leavers see a life of crime as a good option.

It's OK, Lady Magnon has now returned from London, and I'll soon feel a bit better; even if my fury over Snowflake coppers and judges makes my effing blood boil.


  1. I've been hearing a lot about "microdosing" LSD lately to treat depression and mood disorders. Everything comes back in style eventually, eh?

    I hope you feel better soon.

    1. 'Californian Sunshine' was make of very pure LSD.

    2. ...and ecstasy was developed by the Nazis in WW2.

    3. Sounds like it was LSD then. I'm too lazy to look it up.

    4. You don't need dope you need a good long walk with your dog.

    5. No, he needs mind-altering drugs. So does the dog.

  2. Cheer up. I have enjoyed watching the Leftards going into meltdown over Trump. His efforts may come to nothing but it is a step in the right direction. Lefties can't step right.

    1. It appears that neither O'Barmy or La Clintone have congratulated Trump on his coup. As I often say, there's nothing the left hates more than success from the right.

    2. I don't think it's a peculiarly leftie thing to begrudge the "enemy" victory, even just success. I speak from personal experience that when a view of someone has taken hold, be it bad, be it good, that image will stick and take on a life of its own. Regardless of facts, regardless of reality. And that is what has happened to Trump. If he put the world to rights tomorrow a lot of people would worry about him having an ulterior motive.

      To give you hope for the future, Cro, what Adrian and you hint at - that maybe just maybe Trump should be congratulated on his success - was pointed out to me last night by the Angel (he is twenty six) in no uncertain terms. But then he is of a questioning and sharp mind. Which gives me great comfort as I know he'll never run with the herd.

      As an aside, Cro, there are factions in the British press which believe that Kim's move was strategically shrewd and he may yet have the last laugh. Whatever that means.


    3. Only time will tell. It wouldn't surprise me if the North and South Koreas reunited. The North's Communism has been such an obvious failure, that even Fat Boy can see its faults. There is a great opportunity for him.

    4. Barrie the Warrior should nip round to the Maison Blanc and humbly leave his Nobel Peace Prize Medal at the guard at gate for The Donald.

  3. I blame the weather, it's enough to drive a person to drink. Good job the wine is cheap.

    1. I've almost been driven to not drinking; it's that bad!

    2. Ye are in a state Cro....

      Jo in Auckland, NZ

  4. We don't have the same weather but i feel like you Cro, i hope for better times.

    1. Everything seems to have come at once; overwhelming.

  5. We have a neighbour from hell, the police took 3 years to sort an issue with her making false accusations against us. The Environmental health have ignored our complaints for 6 years. Her rights have to be looked after..............and her neighbours suffer. I'm retired now and have my big girl pants on, so the fight is on.

    1. I know exactly how you must feel. We have a loony neighbour who was walking his dog through our garden for over two years. When my wife told him to stop, somehow it all became OUR FAULT. You can't win!

  6. Sorry to hear about you feeling "under the weather", Cro. What you describe sounds more like low level depression or SAD (seasonal affective disorder), nothing to do with the state of the world or your grandsons being far away. Those are things to make you sad (!) naturally, but not on such a sustained level.

    I have never taken LSD or any other drugs (other than what the doctor ordered) as I am dead sceptical about anything that alters brain chemistry artificially. You never know, you might, as we say in the motherland, fight the devil with satan.

    All the best, Cro, may the sun shine on you,

  7. Is cannabis legal over there yet? Perhaps you need to chill with a few puffs? (and have a cuddle with Lady Magnon now that she's back.)

    1. It's not legal, but it's as good as. Maybe I should dedicate a corner of Haddock's to its production. Actually I can't see myself taking up smoking again.

  8. my Pirate is feeling a bit low too, despite our sunshine. Anno Domini sucks at times.
    What has helped is not regularly following the "news"...generally hyped up for someone's agenda...and getting on with Life. You'll get sun soon enough and Haddocks will shine too

    1. It's not raining today; hallelujah.

    2. We've got Storm Hector...wind and rain..luckily Pirate got out on his bike before it arrived,so is feeling better. exercise...dogwalking for example....helps

  9. I was surprised to learn that gypsies were called travellers in the mid noughties Britain. R's family is very down to earth, but even they called them travellers. How did the supposedly innocuous word get traction? We were only harassed by one female in Blackpool. An unkind person might suggest we deserved it for visiting Blackpool. Hey, I wanted to ride on a Blackpool tram.

    1. There used to be a clear difference between 'Travellers' and 'Gypsies'. Pukka Gypsies travelled in horse drawn wagons, whereas travellers pulled white caravans behind white vans.

    2. OK, I think the horse drawn have disappeared. Now a small roundish van pulled by a Morris Marina.

  10. I can see the brewery you mention from my bedroom window, it's about 4 miles away.
    If it makes you feel any better, the company,"Thwaites" have left the building after decades in Blackburn to relocate.They left the week before these idiots trashed the place.

    The weather certainly affects our mood and the rain won't last forever, will it?

    Hope you can find some joy and always remember to look upwards when you're feeling down.
    Best wishes.

    1. I was just this minute reading that Thwaites will now close down that brewery for good.

    2. looks like the were doing that anyway....

  11. You grandchildren leaving, constant rain, and listening to the news all contributes to feeling sad. Many of us are in the same position. However, the sun will eventually return, you can and should make plans to be with your grandsons, and try to choose carefully what you read. Stay away from stories that make your blood boil and look for the good. I try to stay away from anything about 45, although that is almost impossible as he takes up all the air.

    1. I am slowly sorting out my niggles, and all should be back to normal in a few days.

  12. I hope its sunny for you today and I wouldn't like not seeing the grandkids for that long. As for the news, well there is a special place in hell for Canadians. There are some very good jokes going around about that. It helps. Take care.

    1. It's on-n-off today. The pool walls had turned green so that has occupied me for a while.

      Don't worry, Canada will always survive. It's a bit like Switzerland; it doesn't SHOUT, but is always heard!

    2. We are good, I just have to name my victory garden! I think going for a swim is a good idea.

  13. It was a few years after leaving school that I realized I am always mentally down in June - always a time for me when things ended and I found myself mentally alone for the summer. Now it still takes me a few days to realize those feelings are ingrained from years ago and then I feel a bit better.

    1. I'm usually such a happy person, it's actually depressing feeling depressed.

  14. In my situation Cro I can never for a single minute allow myself to get down. Such a feeling results in an all time low and I sink into a slough of despond. I tend to go out and metaphorically 'smell the roses', as good an antidote as any.

    1. I've been trying that; it didn't work. I'm much better now.

  15. It is a strange time. Have always felt pretty unconcerned with the political ups and downs until this past year. It's all very weird... and does keep me on edge... the political situation as well as school shootings. Where is this all coming from?
    As for your feeling down, it probably comes with the territory (aging), but with Lady Magnon home and hopefully some sunshine, all will be well.

    1. I may have a swim later this afternoon. That always lifts my spirits.

    2. I apologise on behalf of Chloe; but I expect you already know all about her!

  16. You really do need a holiday on a greek island. Wall to wall sunshine and Retsina by the sea with an ouzo chaser will have you zorbas dancing down the road!

  17. I suffered from post-operative depression when I was 16 after having had (ablative absolute?) half a lung removed. I've never ever been depressed since but (looking back) it was a marvellous experience because it allowed me to understand what it is and it has made me realise ever since that I could well have died then and all the wonderful (and the shitty) experiences I've had since then would never have happened. I can't do anything about the awful state of the world and many of those who occupy it so I just say thanks for what I've got and sigh.

  18. Sending you my best wishs Cro from Blighty. I know how you're feeling, it will pass.

  19. France is just as bad if not worse. They slag off Italy for not taking the latest shipload of refugees, Italy which taken so many, and at the same time quietly tell Corsica not to take them which is the real reason the boat us now heading for Spain. This Macron chap who is always telling others what they should do a la Merkel is beyond the pale to put it politely.

  20. When reality bites Cro it does hurt..but you have an optimistic nature and life is really good .... make yourself count your blessings each night...remember this too shall pass...and thank you for always posting a comment over on my place x
