Saturday 23 June 2018


Whilst most of us in Europe are enjoying a period of beautiful sunshine, soft fruits, and BBQ's, there are still one or two out there (no more) who can only see blackness. If I'd posted a picture of cute puppies the trolls would always find something nasty, and insulting, to write.

I cannot understand the desire to be hated by everybody. I'm sure the world of Psychiatry has a word for it, and possibly even the relevant pills to take, but how much nicer, and easier, just to be pleasant to one's fellow man.

Insults roll off my back like water from a Duck, but others do take things seriously. I know exactly who I am, what my achievements have been, and why I choose to live the way I do, so no attempt at puerile criticism can upset my daily life. I also understand that under-achievers can hold jealous grudges against those they see as higher up life's ladder, but insults won't help them on their quest to achieve the same; if indeed that is what they seek.

My advice to these people is to try to spend a whole week being pleasant. Remember never to speak unless it is with some praise, and see how people's attitudes changes towards you. You might even begin to enjoy life.

If that doesn't work; I see no hope.


  1. I also can not understand the negative comments of that troll,I think it is jealous as you said.

    1. I cannot understand someone wishing to live such a negative life.

  2. Those raspberries look great. I made raspberry jam (sugar free) today but with frozen berries.

    1. They are Tayberries. Same taste but bigger. I believe they are a cross between Raspberries and Blackberries. I shall have to pick again today; there are loads.

  3. I haven't had any for ages and the two I used to have were people actually known to blogmates. A threat to pass on his nasty personal email to the person he knows stopped him short. I expect alcohol was involved. The other could be ok, but I think he had psychiatric issues and would go off at times. Pity, as he was a interesting bloke and made very interesting comments at times.

    1. My one obviously has problems. She has already commented 3 times this morning (I delete them a.s.a.p.). I just don't understand the desire to be hated by one and all.

    2. Sorry, my comment was all about me. You delete them, as I would, means we can't read them. I think I saw one once. Perhaps you should leave one up, and let the battle begin. Of course you would have to trust your blog mates to do the right thing and target what she says, not her. From my observations, your blog commenters are pretty smart.

    3. I have a very good circle of blog friends. There is just this one who insists on being a pain in the backside. I wish I knew why!

  4. People find pleasure in the weirdest things. Think Hannibal Lecter (joke).

    You may remember that I recommended a different approach to you before, how best to deal with what you call your "troll" (a term I don't like using one bit): I find being inclusive and engaging with someone tends to smooth over waves, takes the wind out of hostile sails. Why not meet an insult with humour? Or, if pressed, with biting sarcasm. There are many ways to skin a cat; I don't think crying "troll" and pressing "delete" is, tactically speaking, the way forward.

    I am sure the above will have made me new "friends" but hope that you'll take it in the spirit it's meant.

    Main thing, as you say, that whatever uncalled for is said to you won't spoil your day. And let's not forget that blogland is an open market place. And in any cart you'll find less than perfect fruit. Fruit that isn't to your taste even if, to others, it's acceptable.

    How are the red currants coming on? Can't remember now whether you actually grow any.


    1. Believe me, I've tried every angle. Very occasionally she writes something 'normal', and I reply as I would to anyone else. But....

      Yes I do have red currants, and I have just made another batch of my superb 'Tayberry and Red Currant Jam'!

    2. May I know what do you mean by writing something "normal"?
      Does it mean one must agree with you ?

    3. Come on, Chloe. I give you more benefit of the doubt than most. But you've got to play fair. It's one thing to discuss an issue, it's another to shoot blanks to make a noise.


  5. everyone has their own point of view..but some do go OTT. Just delete those.
    Nice berry crop..ours are really behind,even for Scotland. Strawberries only just coming ripe, with the use of large glass jamjars for mini-greenhouses

    1. Scottish Strawberries are supposed to be the best. We have a variety called Gariguette which is good. Ours are sadly finished now.

  6. I have recently discovered that it is again possible to block someone. It takes some searching in the dashboard, but it can be done. Thinking about it, it may only be possible to block someone who runs their own blog, and trolls seldom do.

    1. Why block anyone? I believe in diversity in discussion; engaging with others, even the ones that make your hair stand on end. In recent times, only one blogger (no, not you) has emerged who I wouldn't engage with ever again. Not because that person is way out of order at times, but because I can see that person's limitations. Those [limitations] you can't hold against them but neither is there any point pouring water through a sieve to catch the water.

      Anyway, I know you find it hard to accept any compliments from me, but hope that Cro will allow me space here to say that with your last post (and in the comment boxes) you show spirit and passion. I like that.
      Whether I agree with you, largely, or in some detail, is immaterial. Spirit is what counts. Putting one's point well. Being open to discussion.


    2. I normally send unwanted comments to my spam folder, but Mr Blogger doesn't seem to want to do this by himself. However, he is perfectly happy to send wanted comments to my spam folder, with no explanation.

    3. those little clickboxes are so close together, are they not!
      Ursula,when the comments get personal and vicious..I reported and blocked.
      its good to have all opinions, but there is a point when they are not relevant to the subject in hand

  7. We had an almighty thunderstorm caused by polar air two evenings ago! This morning the thermometer read 12 C.

    Mind you we were sweltering before with temperatures well over 30 C and high humidity.

    One day up, one day down.

    I blame the Russians. Everybody else does! ;-)

    1. It's about 25 C here today. Just mowed the lawn,and will go for a swim in a while. It's almost perfect weather, so I can't really blame the Ruskies; but thank them maybe?

  8. I picked just a handful of rapsberries today, not many but enough to finish off lunch with.

    1. I've been freezing, and jam-making, as fast as I can. I think I'll have to stop, although we still have the blackcurrants to come.

  9. That bowl of raspberries makes we want them. They're a 4th of July fruit over here. Not that they recognize the holiday, but that's when to begin looking for ripe berries. I believe I know where to plant some bushes! I tell you, when I'm gone the next renter better know what to do!

    1. My bushes came free. They tend to spread, and mine came from next door. I dug up a couple of suckers, and planted them in a better place, and now have to dig my own up to throw away each year. I did manage to give away quite a few this year, so they will also thrive elsewhere.

  10. Daughter makes the best jam, now that she is moving back here I hope to see how she does it !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I had a spoonful of mine on some Greek Yoghurt last night.... it was delicious.

  11. Those raspberries look sheer delight. I almost prefer them to strawberries unless I manage to get some local ones or sometimes Scottish ones which are particularly sweet. I suppose sunshine is what makes them so good.

    1. You should have seen the pile I picked yesterday; this year they've gone crazy!

  12. I have only ever had one comment go to my spam folder and it was one from you .........go figure.

    1. There's no logic to it. I very rarely look at my spam folder, and I'm amazed what I find there; almost anything but spam.

  13. I've often wondered why trolls troll. It seems such a waste of energy. In the meantime, I hope you have some cream to go with those beautiful red berries!

    1. It's the desire to be disliked and deleted that amazes me. I can think of nothing worse.

      Not cream Judith, but lovely thick Greek Yoghurt. Lovely.
