Saturday 21 April 2018

Teach them Origami.

Pupils and parents at a particular school in Hertfordshire UK have been complaining that during the recent heat wave, the pupils were charged 5p for a plastic cup, in order to get themselves a drink of water.

Parents have been rightly outraged, as not only is the world trying to use less plastic, but it is also the 'human right' of every school child to have a ready supply of drinking water.

The solution is, of course, very simple. Show your children the short video below, and make sure they take careful note.

The best paper to use, is that page from their History Textbooks that contains the dates of all the British Kings and Queens (that you're supposed to learn). Alternatively (if that page has already been used), equally good are any pages from the Algebra section in your Maths book.


  1. No, hands off the Maths textbook, it's a sacred text! There are plenty of disposable pages in the Social "Science" text...Anyway, weren't there any bubblers/drinking fountains in the playground? Are kids supposed to carry their own water to school like sherpas?

    1. I don't know all the details, but I believe there had been a 'fountain' at the school, which had been removed.

  2. I think it so that they will recyclce the plastic glass over and over again seeing they had to pay for it. However I still find it shameful they have to pay for a glass of water at school!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. It caused quite a stir in the UK. People were furious!

  3. Hands off the science text books....Use the general studies, the Koran and the Bible.
    They should just scoop it up in their hands as we used to do.

    1. I thought I might be decapitated if I suggested the Koran. How is your neck?

  4. Yes, cup your hands under the tap is plenty good enough. The nuns never gave anyone a cup for water. We survived.

    1. They were probably all too busy texting or sexting.

    2. The snowflakes generation couldn't imagine having to drink out of their hands I suppose. They might get a germ.

  5. An enameled metal cup like they give to prisoners. It will last them all through their school days and beyond.

    1. Or one on a chain attached to the water source.

  6. Cro shame on you teaching such tricks, although I can think of a few subjects I had at school that I would happily of used the text books for such purpose - we had no gas at home and I never lost my fear of the bunsen burner, which knocked all science on the head from day one.

    1. If you blew hard down a Bunsen, it would put all the others out. Great fun.

  7. Sorry, I obviously mean happily 'have' used!

  8. I don't know why, but I have always despised origami. Only the other day someone made an origami frog in the pub and I thought, 'so what?'

  9. As suggested by others cupped hands used to be quite sufficient but a lot of water went to waste - can't have that can we?
