Monday 2 April 2018

Post-Bloody-Brexit Trade (yet again.... yawn).

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The UK recently celebrated 'Commonwealth Day', where The Queen and her family are subjected to 'entertainment' from all corners of the earth; some of them more tuneful or watchable than others.

On the same day, the EU (Junker) enjoyed spreading horror stories of how the UK will be left friendless after we quit their political clutches, so let's have a look at some Commonwealth stats.

It comprises of 53 Countries. The EU boasts just 28.

It has an area of 30 Million square Kms. The EU has just 4.5 Million.

It also has a population of 2.5 Billion. The EU has just 511 Million... I could go on.

The Commonwealth will be just one part of our post-Brexit trading partnerships. We will also have The Americas, Asia, and Africa to trade with.

And if the EU decides that it wishes to continue trading with a post-Brexit UK, then we will have the whole of Europe to trade with too; such things are reciprocal. I really don't see this as anything to be feared!

Hard-drinking Junker may like to insist that the UK will regret Brexit, but, frankly, I think the EU (and Junker) will regret not having our annual £20 Billion membership fee, far more than we will regret their unnecessary rules and regs.

Be optimistic; things can only get better!


  1. I think we're all going to be fine. Everyone needs to calm down and enjoy life again without all the needless worries the media keeps us focused on.

  2. It will be great. Business and wealth generators will always try to succeed.
    With friends like the EU who needs enemies.

    1. I quite expect we won't notice any difference at all; unless the EU hatch some dastardly plot.

  3. Methinks Juncker doth protest too much.

    1. One has to wonder how Juncker (a Luxembourgeois) managed to achieve a net annual per-capita payment of €16,170 for Luxembourg, whereas the UK had a per-capita deficit of €937. A remarkable achievement; anyone would think he had influence!

    2. I forgot to add that Luxembourg is officially the second richest country in the world. Well done Juncker!

  4. Replies
    1. I see no reason for pessimism (in anything).

  5. Astounding to think that the UK survived for centuries and developed the British Empire with absolutely no involvement from the rest of Europe.

    1. Quite amazing. I can only wonder if it ever actually happened!

  6. # Always look on the bright side of life #

    The decision was put to the people: let’s stop looking backwards whinging and moaning. Look to the future and make a go of it.


    1. That has to be the best way.

    2. Now I'm singing that song from Life of Brian in my head. Appropriate for Easter, I suppose!

  7. I forget about the Commonwealth, being far away from it all now. Interesting to see all the flags. Surprisingly few with the Union Jack. It's the yellows and greens that pop out.

    1. It's basically Australia and New Zealand who still cling to the Union flag; about time they took the initiative and looked inwards.

  8. The numbers put like that are striking. I think it will be all alright on the night.

    1. They may not be as rich throughout the Commonwealth (Commonpoverty?) as in the EU, but there is plenty of trade to be done.

  9. 'Things can only get better...' Now where have I heard that before? I miss the map on the school wall almost completely covered in pink.

    1. That pink map was (and still is) welded into my head.

  10. If i wasn't so old I would like to go to bed until after Brexit is complete - it is headline news almost every day here.

    1. I apologise Weave. I just knew someone would run screaming!

  11. We, in the US, love the UK and wish them all the best.

    1. I'm so sorry about those comments SO; I've now deleted them. I'm afraid there are certain people out there who cannot help themselves being both negative and insulting. Again, I apologise on their behalves.

    2. I am posting late and I love the UK and France. I hope all will be fine.

      cheers, parsnip

  12. I hope very much we are like Iceland, we rise from the ashes. We are lucky we arent in the Euro, that is one less headache, as we would have been forced to take a lesser level of fiscal comparison. Dig in get on, we will be fine as long as the MPs etc stop fighting each other and push forward.
