Thursday 26 April 2018

I've Been Told Orf.

Lady Magnon took me to task; she said that the small freezer in the studio was a complete mess. She didn't know what was what, or what was where. It was time to de-frost, and she needed to temporarily transfer everything to the other freezer in the kitchen.

In my role as 'Keeper of the Freezer', I received a good telling-off; you'd have thought that I'd committed serious freezer crime. She claimed I needed to keep notes of what was in each drawer, when it was frozen, and by when it should be eaten. Is she kidding; what nonsense!

She even suggested I should label the drawers so that I know what's in them. Of course, I can assure you (and her), that I know exactly what's in them, and how much of it there is, etc.

Anyway, I've relented, and I shall from now on label all the drawers as she suggested.

Here are the new labels; I hope she's satisfied!


  1. Great job! It would be easy for her to pick things.
    I have labelled in bottles not in freezer rack....

    1. It's back on again now, getting ready for re-filling.

  2. Looks efficient with a freezer between each drawer.

  3. When I go off on my Camino travels, my partner JL simply eats his way through the freezer till its empty. When I come home I can start filling it up again. Works a treat!

    1. Well, that's one way of emptying it! When my wife's away, I empty the freezer of Lamb. It's become a habit.

  4. The man who sold me a rather tall fridge the other day said the freezer part, that is the bottom third or so, doesn't ice or frost over. He tried to explain the new technology, new to me that is, but it went in one ear and out of the other. I don't know if it works as explained because I haven't plugged it in yet. This is my first freezer. I've always avoided them because of the need for defrosting. Hope it's not frosty between you and Lady Cro . . .

    1. You'll now be able to have huge stocks of Ice Cream and Sorbet in the house. How did you survive before?

    2. The corner shop has a freezer. I use theirs. It's only 10 minutes walk there and back. :-)

  5. Ooooooo... Cro's going to get a spanking for that sassiness!

  6. Haha, your labeling is very funny! You'd get on very well with my husband.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. We men are all alike when it comes to freezer stocking.

  7. Sounds like my freezer. Miscellaneous galore.

    1. Is there any other way? If it was any more organised, I'd begin to worry about my sanity.

  8. That's part of the fun, guessing what you've got for supper.

  9. I haven't got a freezer, just an icebox.

    1. I don't know how anyone could survive without a freezer; I'd be running to the butcher every day.

  10. I looked at the photo and laughed at your audacity. Then I could only think of one word. Incorrigible.


  11. That is so clever and funny.

  12. you like living dangerously!
    I'm with Lady M on this

  13. I too am with Lady M on this one, but I did have a really good laugh at your labelling.

  14. Coincidentally, I just did a freezer inventory the other day so I knew exactly what was buried in there. It's time to start using things up, rather than keep buying more. I have more frozen rhubarb and strawberries than I know what to do with! Our freezer is a chest type, so it's much harder to see things as other things get piled on top. No labels, though. -Jenn

    1. We used to have a chest freezer, as you say, they are much more difficult to keep up to date; and to find things.

  15. As you appear to do most of the cooking I assume that you know when everything went into the freezer in any case, and what is in each bag. It is a bit like me and my untidy office, I know where everything is and that is all that matters

    1. Of course I know where everything is, and what is there. It's because Lady M has nothing to do with the preserving, or cooking, of food, that she becomes confused.

    2. p.s. It's the same with my studio, she doesn't understand that I can put my finger on almost anything at a moment's notice.

  16. Thanks for the laugh! I love the new system.

  17. I no longer have my own fruit and vegetables to freeze so downsized recently to just one fridge/freezer. The only thing I label is when I make lasagne or shepherd's/cottage pie. They can't be identified in portions when wrapped in foil.

    1. I freeze mushrooms in small plastic pots, which I am obliged to mark C (for Cepes), and G (for Girolles). Otherwise it's pot luck.

  18. Ha ha I am the keep of our freezer. I managed to get 11kg of minced beef for £11! the other day. Apparently it was over ordered or it was supposed to go to a different store so they were marking it down to get it out of the shop. The Mr was really happy with that as he can have burgers now. But I do know what is on each shelf. It needs clearing out for veggies from the garden to go in

    1. I can only dream of having 11kgs of mince in the freezer; in fact I've just this minute finished my final small pack. I shall replenish tomorrow.

  19. Ha! The Freezer of Miscellany.

    1. That's the one; a treasure hunt every day.

  20. Andrew sent me and I am smiling. Those labels pretty much describe my life.

    1. It saves making too many serious decisions (which should always be avoided).

  21. I also came via Andrew , my freezer is the bottom third of my fridge and everything in it is labelled with what it is and the date it went in there. Except for things bought, like ice cream, which needs no label and boxes of fish cakes which also need no labelling, although I will write on the box how many is left after I use some.

    1. This sounds rather like 'efficiency'; I had that removed at birth!
