Tuesday 10 April 2018

Danger Mouse.

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With the very welcome news of a new 'Centrist Party' being founded in the UK, it looks as if  the hard left could soon be sidelined. 

The Russian KGB called Corbyn's hero, Anthony Wedgwood-Benn, 'the most dangerous man in Europe' and an 'unnecessary simpleton', and Lord Sugar has now described Corbyn himself as 'Absolutely dangerous'. Even dear Boris has recently called him 'The Kremlin's useful idiot'. Sugar has advised the Labour Party to be rid of Jeremy 'as soon as possible'.

Personally I'm not as worried about him as I was. I'm pretty sure he's a spent force. The only people who could tip the balance to have him elected as PM, are those gullible students who previously believed all his tripe about no university fees, and a return to grants; but I don't think they'll be as easily taken-in the next time around!

However, he mustn't be ignored; Corbyn has presented an extremely serious threat to UK Plc. He has taken the usual Socialist 'Tax and Spend' policies way too far, and a return to a Bankrupt Britain would certainly have been on the cards. I shall heave a huge sigh of relief when he returns to the back benches, where his peculiar version of Marxism really belongs.

I wonder who'll replace him? The most important thing will be for the Socialists to distance themselves from the 'Momentum' group of hard left loonies; as well as making a really serious shake-up of their front bench.

Maybe Anthony Wedgwood-Benn's son Hilary could be called upon; I can assure you he's nowhere near as extreme as his late Dad. But who knows, maybe Hilary will jump ship, and join the no-hope Centrists; in which case they could 'almost' stand a chance!


  1. Did he used to be a train driver?

  2. Tony Blair is behind the plans for the 'Centrist Party'. He was certainly not a pacifist.

    1. He certainly tried to change 'Labour' into a centrist party, but the hard-core wouldn't play ball. Without his bellicosity, he might well have gone on to greater things.

    2. Yes, this is true and we should all be worried. The analogy is Made in in France, who came from nowhere because the establishment realised in advance of the last Presidentials that Le Pen would win against RPR and established parties so they created Macron. The difference in the UK is that the horse has bolted and UK is leaving EU. Watch what happens: when/if this party gets off the ground, it will be with an open and explicit aim to get UK back in, and it will be heavily backed by international money.

    3. Macron not made in. Spell checker sorry.

    4. The sooner MR. Blair realises his views on just about everything will have the exact opposite of what he hopes for... the better. So best he put a sock in it and retires to his many and various homes to count his money. History will judge him and not in the way he had hoped for...

    5. I think that you convemiently forget how much you utterly despise Blair, Cro. New Labour - remember? He went on to much greater things than he should have done - sterting fires in the Middle East which will not now go out until we are both dead. Do you, in this instance, disagree with me, Colonel?

    6. I was really thinking in terms of interior UK politics. He was (far a while) the acceptable middle road.

    7. He set the tone for interior UK politics by making deals with Rupert Murdoch to get himself elected.

  3. We already have a Centrist Party led by the wonderful and charismatic Theresa.
    She is a marvellous gurner but little use for anything else.

    1. Plenty of good gurners at Westminster; it's just a matter of finding the least dangerous.

    2. True but what a choice to have. The country deserves better.

  4. Replies
    1. When the original 'Gang of Four' quit the Labour Party to found the SDP, if they had immediately joined with the Liberal Party to found a 'Liberal Democratic Party', they might have done well. It is the same with these 'Centrists'; they should have negotiated with the 'Lib Dims' and started something viable. No brains!

  5. Not much to choose from really.

  6. 'e looks a wee bit confused, the old gurner! I'm learning a new language from y'all! Refreshing! A welcome change from American politics. :-)

    1. He's spent too much time with his nose pressed into Das Kapital; poor man.

    2. I see the drunk arsehole is back

    3. I despair John. The poor fool doesn't learn, does she!
