Friday 23 March 2018

It all starts here...

My 2018 vegetable campaign has now begun.

Yesterday I put in two rows of red onion sets, and filled a second defunct wheelbarrow with strawberry plants. I'd already established a new patch for a few 'Jerusalem' artichokes.

I have planted more soft fruit bushes, and replaced the 'globe' artichokes and rhubarb crown that perished last year.

Pretty much everything has now finished, so, other than my perpetual spinach, I will soon take out all the remaining 'greens' plants. The spinach will keep giving for a while yet; I'll take them out when their spot is required.

The fruit trees are all looking good, and I have tidied-up the north end of Haddock's. I like a tidy patch.

Other than a bit of digging, I shan't do a lot more until mid-April, and I must say, I'm really looking forward to it.


  1. I didn't know Haddocks was surrounded by a fence but, of course, you have to keep away animals from grazing on your vegetables. I like the gate; did you make it Cro?
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Before I fenced it, I once found a Deer sleeping under my Broccoli plants. With too many horses breaking out of their field, I had to do something. The gate was one I had hanging about.

  2. I like the idea of planting strawberries in a old wheelbarrow.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It works well, and is easier to stop slugs getting amongst them.

  3. Bill and Ben have left their hats on your gate posts.

    1. And their friend 'Weed' has been breeding like fury.

  4. This week I have planted brocolli, swiss chard and perpetual spinach ready for the cooler months ahead.

    1. Just as I take mine out. It's a topsy turvy world.

  5. We've just replaced two panes of glass in the greenhouse and a roof to the shed as a result of "The beast from the East"
    A white Easter is forecast here so I think planting shall be delayed a little while yet. I'm itching to get going though!

    1. It's nice to get back to planting again. I can hardly wait.

  6. Nothing like the start of a new growing season. I am itching to get started in my new garden. I have a rather lovely and well-fenced chicken run (chickens long departed) to turn into my new kitchen garden. Sad to give up my allotment after almost 18 years but pastures new beckon. Have I mentioned I am a no-dig gardener? I dig trenches for potatoes and that is all. I have just sourced 1000litres of Council-produced green waste compost for £66 delivered as sadly there is no compost heap to mine for black gold. After this initial delivery I will be composting everything and working a closed loop system as I’ve always done. Exciting times ahead for us gardeners ...

    1. My next big job is to re-make my compost heap. I shall make a 2 bay heap, so that I can alternate years. My present heap has become one big mess.

  7. I too like a neat and tidy patch. I saw a glorious photo taken last Saturday of spring blossoms and new greenery in the Loire Valley. By the Monday, it was all covered in snow. I hope you haven't started too early.

    1. Our last risk of frost is mid-May, so we have to be cautious. Last year I planted-out much too early, and was covering all my tender plants with flower pots every night.

  8. It is too early here to begin digging (snow on ground), but I look forward (with some trepidation) to gardening soon. The soil in my raised beds has to be replaced so I have hired a nice young man to help me in some tasks that may be too much for me. I wasn’t happy about having to get assistance, but life is what it is, and I have to accept my own limitations.

    1. A 'nice young man' sounds perfect. I wish I could get someone to dig Haddock's for me.

  9. How I wish I was more mobile Cro. I used to be such akeen gardener and now all I can do is to issue instructions to my gardener . This morning I have bought a dozen rock plants to go in my empty rockery and various herbaceous plants are waiting to go into the ground. It is all exciting.

    1. I only get really excited about vegs, although I have already put in a few flowering annuals.

  10. I have checked for winter damage but it's still to cold to do much. I can hardly wait to get going.

  11. Great photograph of your plot. We have potatoes chitting in our front room and we sowed some carrots in the polytunnel today. Too wet to do any weeding.

    1. It looks as if we're in for a long spell of rain, so probably the same here.
