Wednesday 14 March 2018

Good Conversation.

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The last time I smoked dope in any meaningful quantity was in Tangiers (Morocco).

We had bought what looked like a big 'chocolate bar' of Hashish, complete with its Government Stamp, and soon set-to with a few joints on the shady flat-topped rooftop of our 'hotel'.

Unfortunately hashish has an instantly soporific effect on me, and I fell into a long and deep sleep, whilst Lady Magnon and our American friends all floated away down to the casbah and dined on delicious Couscous. When I awoke I was not happy; I'd missed a wonderful evening. It was at that very moment that I decided that Hashish was NOT for me.

When I'm in good company I want good conversation, not the incoherent ramblings of spaced-out dope-heads to a background of Hendrix. And I certainly don't want Morpheus nipping at my ankles.

One of the real advantages of wine-drinking over most other 'stimulants' is that it encourages lively conversation. I don't think Bacchus coined the maxim in vino veritas; but he should have!

Dionysus may have championed 'ambrosia' (probably Amanita Muscaria), but as a conversationalist he would never have matched Bacchus.


  1. Just couscous? It does sound like the kind of thing you would do after a few puffs. I used to sometimes have it with alcohol, and while it was great at the time, I was wrecked the next day. I got bored with it eventually. Alcohol is good for conversation but only a certain amount.

    1. I don't drink a lot these days, but still prefer my evening glass of rouge to anything else.

  2. I have never tried drugs, smoked or got drunk. The only times I get "knocked out" are during surgeries. I must be very boring. But I do enjoy a glass or two of wine, in company of family or friends, during meals.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. The occasion that I mention above was in 1970, so my abstinence has lasted for 48 years; I don't see any chance of my going back. Like you, I'll stick with my glass of wine.

  3. Strange stuff the Moroccan hash.

    Used to sample the Dutch weed, usually as a ready-made joint available in the coffee shops, it never had that affect, the usual result being un-controllable laughing and a firm belief that the floor was moving about like a boat at sea.

    1. I remember laughing a lot too, it was after the second or third joint that I used to drop off.

  4. In Las Vegas Elvis Presley once asked Tom Jones the question: "What do you 'do' Tom?" Meaning what drugs do you take. Tom replied: "I've 'done' them all and none of them are any good. The best thing is beer."

    Unfortunately the King of Rock 'n' Roll didn't listen to Tom's good advice.

    And it's true folks. Here's my own beer cocktail.
    Take a bottle of Ottakringer Dunkles (an award winning dark beer) and a bottle of Gösser Naturgold (probably the best tasting on-alcoholic beer). Simply mix them together and enjoy your drink.

    1. I think I'll stick with my €1,10 litre vin rouge. I very rarely drink beer.

    2. I buy red wine, Merlot (when available), direct from my farmer, a pioneer they all laughed at 30 years ago, a man who uses no pesticides or chemicals. I don't drink monoculture supermarket wine which is harvested in a rough manner by machine and can be contaminated by dangerous substances on the leaves.

    3. And treated with Sulphur in the barrels, and mixed with allsorts of imported rubbish from around the world. Far better to buy direct from a producer that you can trust. OK, our wine isn't exactly Pétrus, but it's fine for me!

  5. I used to love Ambrosia Creamed Rice in a tin. It's probably in plastic portions now with jam.
    I was always a scaredycat as far as drugs were (and are) concerned.

    1. Not quite the same as Dionysus's Ambrosia, but I know what you mean. I've never actually tasted it, but had lots of school friends who raved about it.

      In London in the mid-60's we tried almost everything (that wasn't injected or habit forming). I survived somehow, and have never been tempted since.

  6. In the mid sixties, I was always in London .... clubs and anywhere one was ‘supposed ‘ to go ...... I never came across a drug .... I must have been mixing with the wrong people. I’m like Potty ... I’m a scardy cat ! I used to smoke ( gave up in my forties ) but still like a glass of wine, purely for medicinal reasons ! XXXX

    1. I moved in strange circles, sharing a flat briefly with Syd Barrett didn't help.

  7. I never knew Dionysus championed tinned rice pudding.

  8. Canada will legalize pot this summer. I haven't smoked in many years and thought maybe I will this summer. I am still thinking about it.

    1. I'm afraid that I shall not be taking up the pastime again; I can't stand the smell of it any more.

  9. I prefer white or rose’ wine when I am enjoying the company of friends. My mind is a delicate thing and getting more delicate by the day. I need to keep my wits about me so I usually stick with just tea. My wilder days are long gone.

  10. Apparently we're allowed 2 (flower) pots of pot in the garden for personal use. Well that's the rumour anyway.
    My friend has a few but doesn't use it. Told her she should make brownies to share around. The hostess with the mostest

  11. Nothing better than being present.

    1. And nothing worse than falling asleep and missing everything.

  12. Ha! I remember the 1970's and how smoking pot was no big deal...until we moved to Florida and got ahold of some Maui Wowie once and about 8 of us smoked one joint and woke up the next day in bed with not our spouses. It was worse than that time I did Tequila shots and woke up next door naked on the bare floor with my neighbor's husband. We had to move & I never drank Tequila again. I have a low tolerance for everything, so I don't even drink wine...but I do have some fascinating the time I smoked a doobie with Jesus, but that's for another day. xo

  13. PS: I found my old post about tokin' with the lord:

    1. Wow! That was a fantastic story!!

    2. Ha ha... great story. We all need a 'jesus' in our lives.

  14. Replies
    1. Smoked, or rubbed on your chest?

    2. Marion - That's a great story about tokin with Jesus. How trusting we were back then, huh! Different times for sure.

  15. I am allergic to po. No touching it, I start scratching and when I smell it I instantly start coughing my lungs out !
    So no Thank You.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I'm not even very keen on tobacco smoke these days.

  16. Brought up in Liverpool in the '60s I have never tried any such substances. I'm not sure that it was quite as widely used as legend has it. I'll go with your wine and conversation any day.

    1. In London in the 60'sit was everywhere. I can even remember going to very smart homes where big lumps of Hashish were served on silver dishes along with the wine. You were given the choice. I always chose wine.

  17. Cannabis today comes in many, many varieties, some of which enliven you and make you chatty and bright rather than sleepy. If you're ever interested in starting up again, check online for info on varieties. (At least, that's what I HEARD it was like!)
