Saturday 31 March 2018

Fred the Cat.

Cats are strange beasts. They are basically wild animals, but like to think that they belong in a human world. They are all too happy to accept our food and water, but they generally wish to stay aloof.

Freddie has always been relatively 'unfriendly'; he's not a lap-cat. However he regularly sleeps tucked under my chin at nights, and his resulting purr could rival Stentor.

Like all Cats he changes his mind quite often. One day he will sleep in the hand basin, the next in the oven (not literally). Recently he has taken to joining me on the dining table when I come downstairs in the mornings.

I rather like him sitting in front of me (although Lady M doesn't). To me, a cat should have just three basic qualities. They should look decorative, be good mousers, and show at least a tiny bit of affection.

I think Freddie just about qualifies.


  1. Nice cat - must be a fair age now.

  2. My cats, nor any cats I have ever had, have been aloof.

    1. Fred certainly is. He's rather haughty too.

  3. I totally agree with you about cats, and Fred too! And I can't help but remember that Victor Hugo quote, "God made the cat to give Man the pleasure of caressing the tiger." I wonder if Fred would agree?

    1. I'm not sure if Fred would agree with anything said by a human; but he might grudgingly nod his approval.

  4. Classic photo. Like Lady M I wouldn't like him on the table....normally, but he looks like the perfect silent companion.

    1. I wouldn't want him on the table whilst I'm eating. Otherwise I'm very liberal about the behaviour of our animals. Lady M despairs.

  5. Lovely photo of Fred. He looks content here; paws tucked under in front of him and his eyes shut tight. Looks like he's purring too.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. He's quite a happy cat. He could be a bit more friendly, but otherwise....

  6. Replies
    1. In March the cuckoo starts.

      Just made it.

    2. Have they been heard yet in England?

    3. No I haven't heard one yet. The weather here is absolutely appalling. I have heard the start of the dawn chorus though.

  7. Cats are very interesting creatures,I wonder what they think about us.

    1. Not much, I imagine. As long as they are fed regularly, they just forgive us for not being cats.

    2. Mine act like they are big softies when I have been away and won't leave my side when I get back, food or no food.

    3. You've obviously trained them very well.

    4. I am very strict with them and they know their boundaries.

  8. Rick thinks he is a cat. He purrs a lot.

  9. Seen out three cats. The most wonderful Thomas loved affection, but unfortunately along with high volume purring would drool voluminously. The former cat was nasty and met as sad end on a road. The latter was also nasty and met a sad end at the vet's. Thomas showed genuine love, I believe.

    1. One in three ain't bad. From my experience they generally come to a sudden end.

  10. Cats in a house are quiet background music when you were revising for your o levels

    1. I might suggest the cat on lap whilst revising; very soothing.

  11. He probably has similar basic qualities for his humans; look decorative and be a comfy place to rest ,provide food when there are no mice and only give affection when HE wants it!

    1. I can't claim to look decorative, and my ratting clothes are probably not THAT comfortable. However he does have good tasty food (not that I've tried it).

  12. It's funny how cats seem to like computers. Ours will lay on the laptop, especially when you want to use it. She also likes to have a nap on any new cushions, sheets,towels that come in the house.

    1. I've made several comfortable beds for Freddie; he won't go near them!

  13. I’m with Lady M on cats sitting on tables and the like. My father had a girlfriend who was always having tummy upsets. His take on it was, her cats sat on the worktops in the kitchen. After a poo in the flowerbed and a general stratch in the soil to cover the evidence, what better place to sit to have a cats lick and general all round ablution?


    1. My cats are not allowed on kitchen worktops, and they know it.

    2. I agree, but on the table he has his own cushion and is only there whilst I do computer stuff in the early mornings. I should add that one of my real obsessions is cleanliness in everything to do with food and its preparation.

  14. Merida and Oliver, before the addition of puppy Winston would lounge everywhere but not on kitchen counters or tables.
    I don't let my dogs or cats up where I cook my food or eat. No kitty litter feet by my food.
    Both cats will sit in front of sons keyboard or on his lap when he is working. So entitled but so cute. Silly Kitties.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. The animals are allowed in the kitchen, but not above ground level.

  15. I love cats but you certainly never own one - more true to say that they choose to own you I think.

    1. Having been born 'somewhere in Windsor', I think Freddie rather looks down at us.

  16. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
    A truism I think!

    1. I am certainly 'staff' as far as he's concerned. I open doors for him all day long, feed him, then allow him to sleep on my bed.

  17. Cats accept humans in the cat world.We have our uses!
    I have been "looked after" by cats when ME attention, snuggling up when they wouldn't normally..and one just looking round the bedroom door every so often to check as he patrolled at night...

    1. I can't see Fred doing that. More likely to go and live next door until I was well again!

  18. My cats have all had very distinct, interesting personalities. We had 6 at one point and they were pure entertainment. Two of our cats lived to be 20 years old & their loss was crushing...I was so attached to them. I now have only two, a brother & sister who are 10 years old. The boy sleeps plastered against my back under the blanket and the girl sleeps at my feet. I am well protected from burglars & need no heat in the winter. Your Fred sounds like a fine fellow!! xo
