Thursday 29 March 2018

Battling the Blizzards (not that we've had any).

                             Résultat de recherche d'images pour "extreme cold"

My hatred of winter and cold weather has calmed recently; I suddenly find myself much more tolerant. Maybe I'm better equipped than I was previously.

I now own thick long-sleeved thermal vests, very warm thermal jackets, and very cosy thick woolen socks for my gumboots. I also have really warm gloves, and one of those Russian style furry hats that is kept for the very worst of the cold. The only bit of me that now actually feels any cold, is my face; maybe I should also buy a Thug-U-Like black balaclava.

This winter (17/18) we have suffered temperatures as low as -7 C, but even in such arctic conditions I haven't really felt particularly cold. Normally I would have been complaining loudly.

We're now into a period of fog, wet, and cold, yuckiness. Maybe it's all a question of age; I seem to be grateful for every new day, however nasty it may be.


  1. Our winters are very mild in Tucson, so very few winter clothes but lots of summer clothes.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I'm so looking forward to wearing just T shirt and shorts again, but it'll probably be another 2 or 3 months yet.

  2. My grandma always used to say "Every day above ground is a good I'm!"
    I tend to agree. Hopefully spring is around the corner. We have minus 2 here this morning.

  3. I wrap up in thermals and thick clothing, but when out and about seem to be the only one dressed for the weather, everyone else seems to be in thinner clothing, makes me feel wonder if I am overdoing it but at least I am warm.

    1. Better safe than sorry. I even take my brolly everywhere at the moment.

  4. If you just wrote that on your window it must still be pretty cold.

  5. When I was in Siberia I wished I'd got a balaclava. My face was the only part of me that was cold. My grandmother used to knit them for us when were children. I agree with what Vera says too. It is the same here.

    1. The only problem with them is that you look like a criminal.

    2. Not in my granny's knitted ones though.

    3. You can't buy rainbow one's in the shops.

  6. You and me Cro, celebrating each new day, sign of getting old I suppose?

    The weather here in Hythe is glorious, the sun is sparkling off a calm sea. With two fishing boats a couple of hundred yards off... it’s a magical view: a good to be alive day.


    1. Nice here today too (it makes a change). Leaves are just beginning to sprout, and plenty of blossom about.

  7. A weather man here recently said spring is 2 or 3 weeks late. I think I believe him.

    1. I think our frosts may be over, but I shouldn't say so.

  8. I hate wind and rain. They sap the spirit.

  9. You can dress appropriately for cold weather, but hot weather is much harder.

    1. I'm happier in shorts. Not keen on thermals.

  10. Damp, overcast, and foggy here. I'm hoping for nice weather next week while I'm off for spring break. We seem to be mostly done with the cold here, except first thing in the morning. I've been having my coffee by the fireplace to fight the chill, but that won't go on much longer.

    1. I've just had look at our long term forecast, and we are having temps up to 20 C next week.... Things are looking up!

  11. Last week heavy snow, today is warm with rain and heavy fog. Spring is two weeks behind and very few bulbs are up and blooming. The buds are on trees and I am hoping that they pop next week. Spring will get here, we just have to be patient.

    1. I've just come in from a tour of the garden, and there is suddenly quite a lot of new greenery and flowers. Will it last? Not sure.

  12. Dressing for the weather makes it bearable. I walk everyday and am always grateful I can do that. It has become a bit of a blessing to start my day. My twin grandkids are 12 today so I am especially grateful for this day.

    1. I walk the dog every day; usually twice. And there's plenty of gardening to do, so I keep very busy. Congratulations for your grandchildren's birthdays.

  13. I woke up this morning to wall to wall sunshine, a white haar on the fields and ice on the pond. But there is no wind! I have said for many years that if I wake up in the morning then it's a Good Day.

    1. I've just looked outside this second, and it's raining. Spring is a strange season.

  14. I have to dress very warmly too to go down to town on my quad bike. The down side of it is all getting dressed for the cold. So many things to put on. I wind my scarf around my face and then realise I have to blow my nose, put on my gloves and then have to take them off to clip on my helmet etc Thank goodness it is a little warmer now and I can forget the scarf and except in the morning the gloves.
    So much easier to get your shorts on and go out the door! Won't be long....can't be long now!

    1. I can't wait... I love the freedom of simple light clothes.

  15. I feel much the same as you Cro - I have to venture out with the dog but confess that on really cold days my walk length is considerably shortened.

    1. I do try not to cut short my early morning walk. I don't think Bok would understand. However, occasionally....

  16. I’m not going to say anything about the beautiful weather here, it might bring your weather.

    1. I just mentioned above that it was raining.... 5 mins later; beautiful sunshine again.

  17. wet and cold yuckiness feels worse.
    Real cold you can at least wrap up properly and get on with things

  18. A weather man here recently said spring is 2 or 3 weeks late. I think I believe him.

