Thursday 8 March 2018

3,000th. Corbyn writes...

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I recently received a letter from 'Daphne' in Bigglesthwaite, who asked 'Is it true, Jeremy, that Mr Magnon has now written a staggering 3,000 pages of his remarkable blog page?'. I wasn't sure about the answer to her question, so I had to consult my, erm, 'secretary' Diane.

Well Daphne, it looks as if you are correct. My 'secretary' confirms that Mr Magnon's remarkable blog has indeed turned its 3,000th page.

I do, of course, read his blog each morning with my Oats and small glass of diluted Wincarnis; it keeps me au fait with the world's vibes (as we young people say).

As it happens, my 'secretary' Diane and I often read his words together over breakfast (she arrives for work very early, you understand). Once Diane has cleaned-up after her regular Islington Pork Sausage and Spotted Dick, we go through all our important reading together, which includes Mr Magnon's blog. Diane often takes notes of Cro's food comments too.

So, many congratulations Mr Cro; power to your pen. I shall, from today, make it Socialist/Marxist Party policy that all my front benchers read your page each morning, and your fine words will then be discussed over Beer and Sandwiches before our day begins in Earnest (Bevan).

Many Congrats, you old Tory; Jezza x


  1. Just in case: Comrade Corbyn is the current leader of the UK's Socialist Party, and the fragrant Diane is his very adept Shadow Home Minister.

  2. I suspect the opposition front bench and reading could pose a problem. Most can barely talk.

  3. Congratulations Mr Cro Magnon!
    Greetings Maria x

  4. I understand Laura (Ms Pidcock) has now had a word with Jezza and Diane and the letter of congratulations has been withdrawn with inmediate effect and any claims you may make of its existence will be denied.

  5. Well done, with most comments commented on as well!

    1. If folk can be bothered to comment, the least I can do is reply.

  6. I really wish I began reading your blog earlier in my blogging life. My loss.

  7. Congratulations, Cro. An Order of Canada is coming your way for 3000 posts.All the best.

    PS-I understand Jeremy is very jealous of Haddocks.

  8. 3,000, that is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations Cro.

  9. It is an accomplishment and you post every day !
    Your fingers are worn to the bone.
    Lucky day for me when I found your blog.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. That's very kind of you Parsnip. Best wishes, Cro x

  10. Well I am 42 ahead of you Cro, I must be careful and put a post on every day or you will catch me up and pass me.
    \congratulations. I love your blog.

    1. Congrats Wave. I'm not sure what it says about us though!

  11. From kippers to communists, from anchovies to anarchists, from puking to Putin, Cro is essential reading each and every morning with your cuppa and copy of the Socialist Worker.


  12. WOO HOO FOR YOU!!! Blogging is not dead as you have proven. As I like to tell my husband, A day Without just wrong.

  13. I still think popular bloggers (such as yourself) should print out and bind together all your best blogs into books. We can buy and read them in front of a cozy fire or on the beach instead of having to sit in front of our computers arching our necks and backs! I would hope your book(s) would include your favorite comments and recipes too!

    1. Now there's an idea. I did once look into publishing, but then thought better of it.
