Sunday 4 February 2018

The World's Second Best Pub'.

If you are lucky enough to visit Sussex, may I suggest that you take the A22 from Uckfield to East Grinstead, then roughly midway make a slight detour to the tiny village of Coleman's Hatch in the middle of Ashdown Forest.

Here you will find yet another of Blighty's low-key, but spectacular, watering holes.

Built in 1430, the Pub' is a classic vernacular Sussex building with white painted weatherboarding covering its upper half (in Sussex this is either wood or tile). It has a big fat chimney stack suggesting a large inglenook fireplace, and plenty of low head-cracking interior oak beams.

Beer is by Harvey's of Lewes, and I believe that all food ingredients are sourced locally.

My father used to take us to this Pub' when we were small. I remember that in one of the bars it had old seats from a dead charabanc; all very exotic.

Today it has caught up with the 21st century, offering everything you could possibly want from an ancient village Pub'. Good beer, good food, and a wonderful atmosphere.

Just say 'Cro sent you'.

p.s. On my last visit to The Hatch, I just happened to mention to a thirsty looking cyclist 'what a nice bike he had'. Oh my god; what a mistake. I was then treated to half an hour's lecture about what weight were certain spokes, how many sprogs were on what gimlet, and the history of every bit from the saddle to the bloody tyres! It was exhausting, and I couldn't escape! My first and last BIKE-BORE.

Should you visit The Hatch, don't speak to cyclists.


  1. Mmm I could go a beer right now, it’s boiling hot outside.

    1. I wish I could say the same, it's 4 C here in S W France, and we have a very cold week ahead!

  2. One of my favourite places in the whole world. So much so, I am making a 150-mile detour to go there with my six-year-old boy this July. We shall also play poohsticks and visit the 100-Aker Wood!

    1. I'd love to join you, but I'm on active service elsewhere. Lucky you!

  3. i see that it also has plenty of outdoor seatiimg which is an extra bonus.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. It's beautiful indoors, but outdoors is better. Sunshine and a glass of beer; what more could you want?

  4. Do I sense a yen to be back in ole Blighty? Do you get back much? I know Lady M does.

    1. I love England, but it doesn't really suit my preferred lifestyle. However, I quite expect we'll be over-wintering there again before too long, and no doubt will enjoy a pint of Harvey's at The Hatch.

    2. seems an odd idea when people from here overwinter on the continent....

    3. It's very cold here, and we heat ourselves with wood. Occasionally the flick of a 'heating' switch seems very attractive.

  5. If it is log cutting that gets you down in winter may I suggest you spend some money on a calor heating system or the like so that you can have heat at the flick of a switch. England in winter is dull, cold, wet and a most miserable place to be in my opinion.

    1. I actually enjoy all the log cutting, and shall continue for as long as possible (I'm still pretty fit). We do have oil and electric heaters which go on in the mornings; I only light fires in the late afternoons when we settle down indoors.

  6. looks a good one to visit...yes, techie bores exist in all fields...I'm glad I mostly race on one gear!

    1. This particular one was awful. He wouldn't let me go.

  7. Bicycle enthusiast advice duly noted. From my observations of country English pubs, they are brilliant, but I don't understand how they can be profitable.

    1. These days it's FOOD. Without good food on offer, many would close. There's no money in just beer.

  8. I wish our pub looked like this one on THE INSIDE ,, unfortunately it's all a bit bland and 1980s

    1. I'm sure when you visit Kent there are pubs similar to this around. There's something very special about really old pubs.

  9. 'The Hand of Glory' near Canterbury is my favourite pub. It doesn't exist.

    1. I used to go to a pub where every record on the juke box was by Jimmy Shand. I think the landlord was a fan. No-one else was.
