Saturday 24 February 2018

The Royals.

I'm not one of those Royalists who have pictures of The Queen, or commemorative plates, all over the house, I simply accept them as stable figureheads; a permanent part of my life. 

I have great respect for many Royal Family members; including those who are only there by marriage. 

The Queen herself has been a remarkable figurehead. Throughout her reign she has worked incredibly hard, and hasn't put a foot wrong. She has been as perfect a queen as one could ask for.

Her oldest son, Prince Charles, and I have almost grown-up together; he is just a couple of years younger than me. I have always seen him as 'heir to the throne' regardless of his detractors. Charles is yet another very hard working royal; often with several engagements every day, on top of all his administrative work. His sister, I believe, works even harder.

However, I'm not all praise. There have been a few bad apples in recent times. The late Princess Diana was limelight obsessed (and a bit eccentric), the multi-talented Fergie thinks of nothing but money and her past royalty connection, and some of the 'minor' Princesses should butt out of the picture altogether and get themselves paid employment. 

Two of those who currently demand special respect are The Duchess of Cambridge (Kate), and The Countess of Wessex (Sophie). Both perform their duties well, neither try to upstage their husbands, and both are cautiously diplomatic when meeting and greeting. They accept their roles as royals graciously, and are admired by all who meet them. Neither demand to appear on the front pages of international 'fanzines'; in fact the less we know about them, and their home interiors, the more I like them.

The royal family plays an important role in the running of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, and god forbid that the UK ever becomes a republic. As Ral Donner said in his 1961 song 'You don't know what you've got, until you lose it'.


  1. I've been watching The Crown on Netflix and enjoying it tremendously. I have no idea how accurate it is but I certain feel appreciation and respect for the queen. She's had to deal with more than her share of goofballs.

    1. I haven't seen 'The Crown'. They are like most families; always plenty of 'goofballs' around.

  2. I love the Queen and always listen to her annual speech. I like her pastel coloured outfits with matching hats. I believe that the bright colours are useful for security reasons: the Queen must always stand out among the crowd and always be well visible by her guards.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I don't have a clue about her choice of colours, but 'being seen' must be important. Her 'style' hasn't changed much over the years.

  3. I've always been inclined to believe Queen Liz has never put a foot wrong, but then I remember Diana's death, and I think she was at best, poorly advised. Any passion for Australia to become a republic seems to have died completely. It will certainly rise again when Her Maj dies.

    1. The response to Diana's death was certainly a faux pas, but I think they were extremely fed-up with her. They didn't account for her continuing fan base.

  4. Like Maria i also like the Queen very much,Sometime i think we should not let the British go out from here...

    1. I think The Queen is universally liked. She has a very nice smile, which helps.

  5. N.B. I'm having to delete rather a lot of comments today. The usual Troll has been particularly offensive, and rude. Somehow I know she would, but she's excelled herself. I apologize if you happen to read any before I can delete them.

  6. I'd like to them to skip over Charles and Camilla and bring on William and Kate. We'll desperately need these young people on the throne when the Queen goes.

    1. I'm sure that Charles will inherit the throne, but I don't imagine he'll be there for too long.

  7. The Queen's weekly audience with the PM is very important to us all.

    Meghan is going to be the new Diana to the Royal family in every respect

  8. My feelings too Cro. I amnot a royalist but no-one has shown me a better way of carrying on. I hope Charles succeeds her - he has done such a good job quietly, in the background, and I have the greatest respect for him and the work he does.

    1. A friend of mine met him at Buck House with a load of children. They only spent about 15 mins together and my friend was a bit miffed. One of his assistants explained that he had already had several meetings that day, and had another load still to attend in the afternoon. He works very hard. People rarely mention that!

  9. I will feel even better about them once the knighthood comes through.

  10. I love the royal house and all its members.The propers are very proper, the renegades very improper. Diana was a real person, who was wrong footed by the royal family. She shook the dynasty out. Meghan has a roll to play. I do like it all.

    1. Interesting times ahead. Not too traumatic I hope.

  11. If Trump wins a second term I may move back to England. Perhaps Charles will have succeeded by then. He supports many causes that I believe in.

    1. He's often been treated as a 'crank', but most people now see him as having spoken ahead of his time. He's a good man.

  12. I, a South African, learned to be a royalist from my mother, also a South African. I love the royal family and here among my friends and family have been shot down in flames because I confessed to preferring Camilla to Diana. I hope Charles has his 15 minutes of fame on the throne.

    1. One of the things I like about Camilla is that I know very little about her. She is a 'consort' and as such should always remain slightly in the background. Very different to 'you know who'.

  13. Replies
    1. Oh yes, A spine of steel with a gloved hand.
      Works for me.

    2. I think a lot of people around the world think of her as 'their Queen'.

  14. I read your post with great interest, I too am a dyed in the wool Royalist. But not so much Chas 1 or Ollie Cromwell. yes I have met the royals 1945 in Greenock Twice in the Fifties Nov 11 Cenotaph Plus 1947 on HMS Vanguard. I am aware that the Next move from a republic is a dictatorship.
    So you must be 72 and moved to France at the age of 27. and live an idyllic lifestyle.
    Myself. born Hackney 1926 - Barnardos, then fostered, lived in Chalgrove Oxford (Off the grid in the 30s) R N 42 - 66 Came to Aus Aug 71. was Married until last year for 63 years Wife passed on , Also have 5 sons in Aus and a clutch of g & g g little ones.
    Am pleased to meet you. Les.
