Thursday 1 February 2018

Spot the Cat!

Sometimes we find him staring at the wall, other times he follows me up to Haddock's and tries his hand at gardening.

Yesterday Lady M called out "Come and look at Freddie; quickly".

There he was, friggin' about again, doing his own thing, trying to attract our attention.

I just ignore him. If he wants to go mountaineering; well let him. Churchill famously said "Cats look down on you, Dogs look up to you, and Pigs treat you as equals". Well, I know very little of Pigs, but as far as the other two are concerned, it looks as if Winston knew what he was talking about.

As was always said; "If you fall off there and break your legs, don't come running to me!"


  1. cats be crazy !

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  2. Churchill was correct. Our pigs often pull up a chair next to mine in the evening insisting on a bit of Jameson in a glass for themselves. But I will not give in, not at $25 a bottle.

  3. Donna OShaughnessy made me laugh.
    Cats have nine lives so I think Freddie is ok.
    I love your stone wall house.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. It's about 300 years old. Leaning a bit in places, but still standing.

  4. Your house looks delightful. I guess there is some reasonably easy access for Freddie. I think kittens get stuck in places. Cats less so.

    1. We're not sure how he gets up there, nor are we sure how he gets down again. Only he knows.

  5. Surveying his kingdom, and his serfs

  6. Our cat Edmund do it almost every day,may be i shall post again some of is "flying in the air" photos.

    1. I seem to remember his flying. He is more advanced than Freddie.

  7. Well, if Freddie falls, he Is lucky enough to have eight more lives !!! Cats love exploring don’t they ? ... ours used to be on roofs, up trees and used to go up all of our chimneys and come back covered in soot ! Freddie looks happy enough up there. XXXX

    1. He survived unscathed. He's just been sitting on my lap.

  8. Cats are a law unto themselves. Unfortunately our popular neighbourhood cat Tommy who had about 6 different 'owners' lost his last life to a member of our species a speeding motorist . . .

    1. We used to have a shared cat back in England. I think he had three homes, and grew very fat.

    2. I wish Albert would sit on the would limit dirty paw prints all over the kitchen

    3. When we let animals into our lives, we have to accept that hairs and footprints come with them. Hair is a constant battle; the footprints I can tolerate.

    4. I seem to have a slight allergy to red haired cats. If I go into a house where a red cat is living I generally start sneezing.

    5. Our shared cat (above) was a red-head. He was a very ordinary cat.

  9. I like cats that climb. One of mine goes over the roof tops of the old barns here. He has a vantage point from where he can survey all the other cat comings and goings. (There are a lot of cats around here, not just mine).

    1. Fred loves a vantage point. He likes to be able to watch EVERYTHING that's going on; in all directions. I suppose the roof is the perfect spot.

  10. I love playing spot the cat! Our Sampson (who looks just like your Freddie) is a bit of a climber, too. What a wonderful home you have! -Jenn

    1. Yes, it's a nice house, lots of old beams and a big fireplace; just how a country cottage should be.

  11. Beautiful house. Let's hope Albert doesn't see Freddie up on the roof. I am guessing Freddie read about Albert going out the bathroom window yesterday and thought he would top that. I like climbing cats.

    1. He loves climbing trees too. Bok chases him up (just for fun, of course).

  12. On any day, I can look out the window and see one of the four ferals that live in my yard/deck sitting in a tree. Cats love heights; it has to do with their survival. Getting up seems easy, getting down could be dicey.

    1. He's up on the roof again now! I was wondering where he was.

  13. He just be lording over His realm. Cats like to make sure everyone knows who is the (dare I say it) Top Dog.

    1. Freddie runs rings around me. I keep saying that I'm going to quit being his slave, but it never happens.
