Saturday 10 February 2018

Breakfast with Lord Snooty.

I know I go on a bit about 'breakfast', but it's the only meal of the day that I get to eat alone, and it gives me time to contemplate. I'm now sitting down to the above (No 1 on my list) and, whilst I think about it, writing down a further nine favourites.

I feel so sorry for children these days, who are presented at breakfast with a multi-coloured cardboard box filled with some ghastly industrially made, sugar coated, Disney endorsed, airy fairy nonsense. Imagine being faced with that rubbish each morning before being sent off to school.

Any of the below are far preferable.

1: Toast and Marmalade (it doesn't have to be Fortnum's)
2: Soft boiled eggs (preferably served in a pleasant antique egg cup)
3: Kippers
4: Fried egg and bacon
5: Nairn's Oatcakes with Stilton (other blue cheeses, and other oatcakes are available)
6: Fruit
7: Last night's curry, reheated
8: Fried haggis (Grant's, tinned)
9: Fried Tomatoes on toast (when in season; the Tomatoes, not the toast)
10: Patum Peperium on lightly toasted sourdough (possibly Lord Snooty's favourite).


Nothing that requires any Michelin stars to prepare, not a Disney character to be seen, and all designed to set you up for the day ahead (or at least until lunchtime).

Bread appears in 7 out of 10 of my breakfasts; my own preference is for a good sourdough, but any non-industrial bread would do.

I have purposely omitted beans on toast, sausages, and black pudding; I'm saving them for another occasion.


  1. I'll leave the kippers but everything sounds good. One style of food I won't eat for breakfast is Asian/Chinese breakfasts.

    1. The last time I visited Morocco, the (hotel) breakfasts consisted of coffee and huge mountains of hard-boiled eggs. There must have been 20 eggs for each guest!

    2. I love a Japanese breakfast, rice, some fish, umeboshi (pickled plums) leftover pickled veggies and some good really good soy sauce.Perfect !

  2. I see you did get some Patum Peperium in your Christmas Hamper - lucky you. I am with Andrew - everything on your list except the kippers.

  3. I tried to send my kids out to school with a decent breakfast (usually instant oatmeal and orange juice) but getting four kids up in the morning, encouraging them to keep moving, making their lunch, stopping the arguing and whining and herding them to the bus on time and then getting myself out to work was not an easy task. Most working mothers do their best. My husband always left early for work in the morning to avoid the chaos. Weekends were easier, and we would have eggs, pancakes or waffles if any of them got up before 11 am. They all survived.

    1. I think a lot of cereals are sold these days because they are endorsed by Star Wars, or Frozen. Kids want the toys, Mum buys the boxes for peace and quiet. The edible contents are usually rubbish.

  4. How is the saying: breakfast to serve a king, lunch a price and dinner a pauper. Your list is healthy.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Our lunch and dinner are mostly the other way round, but I agree with the breakfast.

  5. A great breakfast list. If I could I would follow your lead , a tasty breakfast exactly to my taste, hot coffee, peace and quiet, time to enjoy and contemplate
    An ideal start to your day

    1. I really enjoy my half hour eating alone; even more so in Summer when occasionally I eat outdoors.

    2. Presumably she's out at work or walking the dog or whatever. But I think YOU are beginning to bore him....if his perfect family make you yawn why do you keep coming back for more?

    3. Sue, there's little point trying to rationalise with the irrational. She's beyond hope.

    4. I’m with Sue G on this...


    5. Chloe's comment says it all. Stupid and illogical.

  6. I have bought the Gentleman's Relish long ago for the lovely old fashioned pot it came in, to be honest I threw the contents away after tasting. Is it's container plastic now?

    1. Yes, plastic; with a huge bump underneath. The contents are miniscule. Anchovy is not to all tastes!

  7. When I was working, breakfasts were a bit frantic. I always made sure the girls had a 'decent' breakfast before school but their choice was always coco pops or chocolate cheerios. Your toast looks good.

    1. We did too. Other children in their classes were starving; poor things.

    2. Godammit I've just had to go and make myself some toast and marmalade!

    3. I like Coopers Oxford Vintage (thick cut). They sell it at Leclerc.

  8. I love kippers. Some other things in your list i have to google,but i shall do it latter,must listen to the radio now,may be this is the first day of the war with Iran ,things happen here.

    1. I'll have to listen to the news; I hadn't heard about your Iran trouble. I believe that India and Pakistan are almost at war too.

  9. You omitted Marmite. Cardinal sin in my book.

    1. I have sung the praises of Marmite on many occasions; I was worried about overkill.

  10. Replies
    1. Time for change. I prescribe a full English, with plenty of Black pudding.

  11. The thought of kippers for breakfast is an ugh! The rest of the list is alright though. This morning, for the record, I had some red marmalade (home made - but not by me), a small piece of leftover hard cheese, some wholemeal bread, and two mugs of mocha.

    1. Personally I find Kippers for breakfast the height of luxury! In fact I will buy some on Monday!

  12. Funnily, I too have a jar of Ginger Marmalade in the cupboard, that I've been a bit wary of opening. I'm not sure if I'll like it or not.

  13. Just finished my weekend breakfast: half a grapefruit extracted with a special grapefruit knife - pith is good for you, homemade muesli with chopped apple and yogurt, a dash of milk, mugs of tea. Monday to Friday is always porridge cooked on the hob. My husband cooks himself and any awake children and guests a Full English at the weekend. Later today I will be making marmalade as real coffee (freshly ground beans filtered through a cone lined with a paper - thence to the compost) and toasted sourdough with marmalade is my secret mid-morning pleasure when working from home.

    1. That all sounds perfect, and not a wheatex flying saucer in sight. I haven't had a Grapefruit for breakfast for years; that must be remedied.

    2. Some meds don't mix with grapefruit I think.

    3. Really? I wonder why? Too acid perhaps.

  14. I like Greek yogurt and blueberries for breakfast and occasionally, a good old fry up !!! Love kippers ..... our Dad loved Bloaters !! I love everything on your list ..... I just adore food !!! XXXX

    1. Bloaters are really old fashioned; are they still available? I used to love them.

    2. Bloaters are still available. Great Yarmouth is the home of the bloater.

      BTW I love all the things in your breakfast list, but I just don't eat them for breakfast because I don't eat breakfast!

  15. No porridge?!Proper stuff, not that Oat so Simple rubbish.
    I have a bowl of porridge when I come in from seeing to the animals (Can't eat as soon as I get up)

    1. I eat my oats RAW; I really don't like them cooked. Lady Magnon makes Porridge for the grandchildren; they love it.

  16. Couldn't agree more, always fixed my daughter breakfast before she left for the day. No cereal at our house.

    1. I always made sure my three had filled bellies before school. Nothing worse than being hungry in class.

  17. I've had a Saturday morning sleep-in and I'm just drinking coffee while reading blogs. Now I'm thinking about what to have for breakfast. Mostly I'm thinking it would be nice to have a loaf of really nice bread for toast, versus the regular "Country Harvest" type. You wouldn't need to share your kippers with me, and husband would eat all of your Stilton (his favourite). -Jenn

    1. I like cheese for breakfast, and a good strong blue cheese is the best. Your husband would be welcome to join me.

  18. Breakfast is my favourite meal time. I have started to make my own marmalade, so its that on toasted whole wheat.

    1. On my last visit to Marrakech I pinched a couple of Oranges from some trees lining the main road. On return to France I made Marmalade from them; it was very good!

  19. Breakfast usually just grab a bit of toast slathered in lurpak or bowl of fice krispies on workdays when off soft boiled duck egg or double yoker with soldiers to dip. Or crispy bacon roll with brown sauce.

    1. Bacon in all its forms makes a wonderful breakfast. Where would we be without it!

  20. Everything sounds so good to me and like above comment to Andrew the Japanese breakfast is now a treat for me.
    I miss Japan.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

    1. I have no experience of Japanese breakfasts, but if they are anywhere as good as their other meals, then they must be good.

  21. You certainly hit the spot mentioning breakfasts... Our normal is basically toast and tea (or coffee). But occasionally we do like eggs and bacon or some form of pancakes. I do like oatmeal with peanut butter too! No tomatoes or kippers thank you... and although my dad was from London and we drink a lot of tea, orange marmalade is not a favorite.

    1. My wife, who was party raised in Washington DC, eats 'jam and peanut butter' on toast almost every morning. Not a combination I would wish to try.

  22. All of those are breakfasts I would be more than happy to eat.

  23. My favourite marmalade is Tiptree Orange.

    1. I could try making my own again, but the Coopers Oxford Vintage is the only one that is sold here. It's very good too.

  24. My kiddos preferred pancakes 🥞 for breakfast and juice or milk. I wanted their bellies full, so concentrating in class wasn’t an issue. Gabs

    1. The only time Brits eat pancakes for breakfast is on Pancake Day, and I don't even know when that is!

  25. Eggs benedict and cwarfffeeeeee
    Very New York

  26. Bacon is big here with us raising our own hogs. Eggs almost everyday. Grapefruit with a honey drizzle. COFFEE COFFEE and more COFFEE

    1. I was listening to a British farmer recently who said he ate 6 rashers of bacon and two fried eggs every day of his life for breakfast. He looked very fit on it too.

  27. I once ordered kippers for breakfast in a hotel in Wales. The waiter went 'harumph!' I looked at him in surprise and said 'Did you just go 'harumph!'!'. His response was a grumpy 'Well, kippers is kippers, ain't they?!'
