Thursday 4 January 2018

In a Reflective Mood.

I was dusting my mother's photo yesterday (as one does), when I suddenly had a thought that she would have adored our dog Bok.

As a girl she'd always owned Welsh Terriers, but she also loved our little college days Terrier mutt, Hamlet. It wasn't so much the look of the dog that appealed to her, but its character. She and Bok would have got on so well.

I know she would have loved our Christmas tree too. Again, it wasn't that it was expensive or beautifully decorated that made it likeable, but the spirit in which it was erected. Ours, this year, was once again the top off a Leylandii hedge, and it touched the ceiling. It wasn't particularly well decorated either, but it had 'ambiance'. She would certainly have approved of my homemade crackers, as well as, Monty, the Teddy Bear for a fairy.

She would have loved sitting by the fire here. The rusticity of our little cottage would have appealed to her enormously. I can picture her sitting with some needles sticking through a ball of wool on her lap, listening to The Archers, Bok by her side, enjoying the peacefulness of it all.

She would also have enjoyed this Saturday's Wassailing, then eventually sighing with relief as we take down all signs of festivities until next year.

She would certainly have said her White Rabbits, because it was her who made ME say them all those years ago.


  1. Sounds like you two had a special relationship. How long has she been gone?

    1. She sadly died back in the early 80's; quite a while ago.

  2. Your mother is very pretty. I can hardly wait for Saturday and put away the Christmas things. On Italian tv they are gearing up for their 12th day of Christmas celebration which involves some black chocolate cakes containing 'carbone' - the witch, wearing black gloves is stirring the pot! It's called 3 Kings here in Austria. Children from the local church sometimes come round and put a sticker (C+M+B) on your door in exchange for a charity donation.
    The letters stand for Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar which are the traditional names of the 3 wise men or kings).

    1. The decorations become boring after a while, and one is only too pleased to see the back of them.

      Here they celebrate Epiphany on the 6th. I have no idea what it is, but we all eat 'Galettes', which are flakey pastry cakes filled with frangipane. Very nice.

    2. We had the Jehovah's witnesses around recently; I think they were after the same thing.

  3. A nice reminisce. You too are an early taker down of Christmas decorations. I insisted they came down earlier this year, before New Year.

    1. We take them down on 12th night (6th Jan) which is traditional. It's also the night we go out Wassailing; pouring cider over fruit trees, and having fun.

  4. The picture of your mom is lovely and I understand the emotional remembrances that touch us at this time. I recall how much my mom loved the holidays and how important family, both close and extended, was to her. This included the dogs we owned also. She is always with me in my thoughts and I will always miss her.

    I have started dismantling the decorations but the tree will be up till Saturday. Putting things away is never an easy task.

    1. I shan't be sorry to see all the decorations put away. They seem to have been up for months. If Lady M had had her way, they would have been up since August; I have to control her.

  5. I become more and more minamilst with my Christmas decorations each year. I don't have grandchildren (sob) and my grown children don't care, really. It took me all of one minute to take down the little string of lights on copper wire. They now reside on the back porch and look very pretty.

    Your mother was beautiful. As was mine. It doesn't matter how old we are, we miss our mothers so much.

    1. I still like to 'go over the top' a bit with decorations; especially if any grandsons are here. They find it all so magical.

  6. A lovely lady..reminds me of a photo of my grandmothers when young.

  7. I can see where you get your dashing good looks from.

  8. Dusting? I am impressed. Lovely photo, there is definitely a family resemblance.

  9. Cro, What a lovely post and remembrance of your Mom.

    1. I'm just sorry she's no longer here to enjoy things.

  10. Memories of our Mums (and Dads) are so poignant aren't they Cro?

  11. What a pretty lady. I can feel the love you have for her in this post. ❤

  12. Lovely post in memory of your beautiful mother
    Greetings Maria x
