Friday 12 January 2018


I wasn't too keen on this new Kale variety called 'Fizz'; in fact I fed all the larger leaves to the horses. I found it a wee bit tough!

However, as with all my Winter Greens plants, I left them in the ground to sprout, and they are now doing just that.

Usually the new year's sproutings of Winter greens are more tender than the earlier growth. The only others I have left to sprout are the Italian Cavolo Nero, which produces really delicious young shoots

Haddock's is a bit sparse at the moment; just the remains of the Perpetual Spinach was keeping our scurvy at bay, so these are suddenly very welcome.

So, how were my 'Fizz' sproutings? They were delicious. I cooked them for longer than I will again, as I was still worried about them being tough, but they were perfect.


  1. Our Black Tuscan, chard, Red Russian Kale and Tenderstem broccoli are still going strong. We’ve even got a few mooli radish left in the ground that are tender enough to use in winter salad.... we got them in the ground late because of the drought this summer... might do that again this year.... but deliberately, not through necessity!!

    1. I'm still eating the Cavolo Nero leaves, but they will soon also start to sprout from the bare stems. I really love all the sproutings at this time of year. I've never grown Mooli; do you have sandy soil?

  2. We grow Cavalo Nero but this year it's covered in white fly. It's completely inedible. Are you troubled by this tiny pest?

    1. No I don't have any. If the plants are still in the ground, strip off all the leaves, spray the stems with diluted washing-up liquid, and they should start to sprout in the next month or so.

  3. Thank you. I shall take your advice!

  4. Wish we had your garden! Ours has only lettuce and rocket this winter. The clover just off and over. We've just been to the farmers market this morning and bought luscious spinach and cauliflower.
    I've never seen kale here. I would like to try some

    1. Kale is like Marmite; you either love it or hate it. It is quite 'dark' tasting, and always feels as if it's doing you good. I love it, others won't go near it. Ordinary Curly Kale has now become one of the UK's most popular green vegs.

  5. I associate kale with cattle fodder. I am slow therefore to take the first step and buy some let alone eat it.

    1. It always was cattle fodder. Lucky cattle, I say!

  6. I'm looking forward to my Cavolo Nero sprouting again..I'm resisting using the leaves it has left! Being further north I'll have to wait a bit longer for growth!! I've grown Russian Red a few years ago with success.I'll have a try at Fizz if I see it

    1. I think Cavolo Nero sproutings are the best of all. Delicious.

  7. They must have run out of names for vegetables years ago and began calling them things like 'rocket', 'greyhound' and 'fizz'.

    1. Fizz is a really stupid name; almost off-putting.

  8. Supermarket veg just isn't the same.

    1. Being a veg' grower, I rather begrudge buying the stuff from someone else; especially from M Leclerc.

  9. My mother used to make me eat Kale and I hated it. I have not eaten it at all since childhood However, we get so much of it at the food pantry where I work and I encourage our clients to try it. I even pass out recipes. I am a leafy hypocrite.

    1. It's not really a child's veg', although two of my grandsons absolutely love it.

  10. This brought back memories. In our veggie garden days Cro we always liked the green sproutings better than the before Christmas real thing. Brussels sprout sproutings were a particular favourite.
    We can buy 'baby kale' now - I wonder if that is sproutings.

    1. Yes, I loved the brussels' sproutings too. Most people just pull out their old plants, whereas the best is usually yet to come!

  11. I use kale in soup. It makes me feel very virtuous.

    1. I always feel 'virtuous' when I eat anything dark green!

  12. Kale time is fart time, so don't forget to open the windows.
