Tuesday 26 December 2017

Went the day well.... again?

It's the traditional regularity that I enjoy the most. Knowing that on that one special day, each year, the table will be groaning under the weight of a Roasted Turkey, accompaniments, and Plum Pudding.

Elsewhere in Magnon-world, they were eating Sushi, veggie something, and a Turkey crown with Duck legs.

We, however, stick with tradition, and shall be enjoying the remnants for the next few days; plus, I have put one whole cooked Turkey breast in the freezer for a later date.

It is no surprise that at our ages, we have pretty much all we need, so no big presents. The Fortnum's hamper (that everyone had denied sending) turned-out to have come from my lovely daughter Tenpin (thank you darling), and Lady M was delighted with her new handbag. I'd been told which one to order, and Mr Vuitton had been up all night adding the finishing touches (ahem).

So, another Christmas is over, and only another 12 months to wait till it comes around again, and frankly I'm rather looking forward to it.


  1. Ah good, you've survived another one as have I here in Illinois.We had snow too to make it even better. The bitter bitter cold though, is a pain in our collective arses but our rocket mass stove is keeping us warm. All is well.

    1. It was cool with fog here yesterday morning, then it cleared and we had cloudless blue skies and a lovely sunny afternoon. Snow looks OK on Christmas cards, but that's where it should stay.

  2. Your Christmas Day and dinner sound delightful. I am enjoying this Christmas so much, my whole family together at one time. A real treat.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Ours has been lovely too. Let's all do it again next year!

  3. You realy know how to enjoy and be happy with the "small" things of life,every thing looks so good.

  4. A lovely Christmas here as well. Had cold turkey, lamb and ham as I didn't want the oven going in the 30 degree heat we had been getting. It turned cooler but was muggy. Still pleased we went for cold though.

    Yours looks good. You will have leftovers for a month I should think.

    1. Leftovers for at least two days, plus some in the freezer. Lovely tender moist meat too; I let the bird rest for an hour; something I don't normally do.

    2. Ours was nice and moist as well after resting about 20 minutes. We had hot roast turkey on Christmas Eve then cold with the family on the actual day.

  5. Lovely surprise from your daughter. I like your table setting and what's on it looks very scrumptious! Also that's a nice carving knife.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Yes, she always spoils us. The carving knife and fork only come out once or twice a year, I should use them more often!

  6. Not being a lover of turkey, we enjoyed a roast pork shoulder which turned out very well.

    1. I have a shoulder joint in the freezer which we shall have for New Year's Eve. Roast Pork can do no wrong!.

  7. OMG L. Vuitton bag, I thought you were not submitted to this fashion craziness. I hate Vuitton, all women want it so were is the individualty and Vuitton in a little Dordogne village...olala.Your food looks tasty.

    1. Shut up Chloe; my Christmas niceness is now officially over. If she wants Vuitton, she'll have Vuitton (not that it was, of course).

    2. Haha were is your legendäry brit humour. As say the French "chassez le naturel, il revient au galop. " you try to be nice, but in fact you're probably not. A fashion victim.

  8. Merry XMas Monsieur Cro !🎶🔔♩

  9. Today's the second of Christmas. Only ten more to go!
    All those drummers drumming and geese a-laying are waiting to greet you before it's really over

    1. I thought it was the seventh of Christmas, with just five to go! I must work to a different calendar.

    2. Christmas Day is the first day.

    3. Of course. We wassail on the 6th Jan, which is twelfth night. Too much Canard-Duchene, and single malt.

    4. Breaking. Yer turkey ain't from Tesco's 'Finest' range. 59 quid a bird. You'd maybe be on your way to hospital if it were.

    5. I suspect people bought their Turkeys early, left them in their plastic covering, and expected them to be fresh two weeks later! I've known people do this with Chickens; it's just the same.

  10. Traditions give us comfort and joy. We had a wonderful day with great food (which I didn’t cook) loving family and friends, and lots of laughter. It couldn’t have been better and I am so grateful for the blessings I have. Today, though, there will be lots of clean-up and the rest of the week’s schedule is full. I will rest in January.

    1. I got up early (earlier than usual), and did all the washing up that wouldn't go in the washing-up machine.

  11. Cro, Thats sounds like a lovely Christmas. I really enjoyed my Christmas with my daughter and grandkids. We all helped cook turkey and all the trimming and I made the butter tarts. Just a really good day.

    1. Good. We would have liked our grandsons here too, but not possible this year. Next year maybe. Best wishes.

  12. I feel inspired by your green plates to look for some new, more colourful ones for us. My white ones seem to dull. x

    1. I had those made for me in Biot. A bit of a rash moment, but it was worth it.

      La Poterie Provencale Auge Laribe. I wonder if they're still there?

  13. Your dinner looks scumptious and the presents seem to have gone down well! Meant to tell you, Cro: I lost my darling Grant (hubby of 46 years) last month. I had a Christmas Eve dinner with friends, complete with brussel sprouts and pumpkin pie; and the next day a Christmas lunch with family and friends - all oh-so-traditional. I love it; I enjoy it every year and look forward to the next one in 12 months' time just as you do.

    1. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear about Grant; I had no idea.

      Good to hear that you were with friends over Christmas, otherwise it would have been very grim. My sympathy to you Jo. Cro xx

  14. Your traditional dinner looks exactly as tradition says it should. And perfectly cooked. Our turkey was rather dry but the gravy, Brussel sprouts, stuffing and roast potatoes helped it all disappear.
    A wonderful day here.

    1. I let my Turkey rest for an hour, upside down. It became very moist and delicious; almost falling apart. I shall do it again.

  15. A fine feast. Ours was a little more pre prepared, I believe.

    1. WE shall be eating it in different forms for at least another two days!

  16. Pleased you enjoyed it all. I managed - with lots of help from friends and family alike - to get through the two days with only a few tears. The first Christmas is always the worst and thankfully it is over.

    1. It must have been very difficult for you Weave; good to hear you survived. All very new for you this year. Cro xx

  17. Sounds terrific. Ours was the best almost in living memory for me because for once I wasn't hot so could enjoy the preparations without melting. Still planning a cold climate Christmas one day more convinced than ever that it will suit me better.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.
