Monday 4 December 2017


                            Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump"

Before, during, and for a short while after the recent US election, I over-generously gave Trump the benefit of my doubt; I couldn't believe that he would continue in his boorish fashion once he had his knees beneath the oval office desk. It would have been in his best interest to become more 'pragmatic and presidential'. How very wrong I was; as we all now know, he refused to become so.

If anything he has become more of an oaf than before. His arrogance has increased, his posturing is more pronounced, and his questionable mental state even more in question.

The man is a laughing stock, as well as being a serious danger to every single one of us. The USA used to be seen as a progressive, modern, country; it is now seen as a 'toxic' world problem. As a respected Washington commentator recently said 'It's like watching a great power committing suicide in front of a global audience'.

I suspect that the orange hooligan wishes to go down in history as the man who destroyed North Korea. Maybe both he and fat boy should be locked away safely before they destroy the whole bloody planet.

If that wasn't enough, he's started to insult Britain. YOU DON'T DO THAT Sunshine. Yet again, I despair.


  1. In 1993 Bill Clinton said if N Korea ever threatened the US he would wipe them off the face of the earth. This received great whoopees and cheers. Hillary Clinton is not president nor is she secretary of state so you do not know what she would be doing right now if she was. She can say what she likes from her current position to reflect what thread of public opinion suits her. If she was President she would be doing considerably more than merely rethinking her previous position, which contributed to N Korea building up nuclear weapons in the first place.

    1. She has a lot to answer for. An equally dangerous woman.

    2. ISIS make me feel worried everyday. The lies about weapons of mass destruction, and where the world ended up, from Bush and Blair and Lewinsky sucking Clinton's cock during workings hours while he was President of the US are still within recall. So far you've got nothing to complain about.

    3. You forgot to mention Hillary's emails in her list of sins.

    4. Yes, Jane. Her damned emails would have been the death of us all.

    5. Oh for god's sake give it a rest with the emails. It makes you look crazy, still harping about emails that are irrelevant (considering that the election is over, you got that? OVER) and trivial (in comparison to the outright lies and incompetence and bufoonery of der Drumpf's every day in office).

      I cannot imagine what you think was in those emails that could be "the death of us all". Pray, tell. I need a good laugh.

  2. What a picture! Looks exactly like the odious toad he really is!

  3. The world is a much more dangerous place than it was before he got in.

    1. I've not felt so worried since the Cuban Crisis.

  4. Quite frankly when our MPs and PM spend more parliamentary time virtue signalling over Trumps tweets as the they spent on the Manchester Arena bombing which left 23 dead and 500 wounded then we deserve insulting. Every single bit of it. The content of 140 characters is now equal to 23 dead. Bravo Westminster you shallow pile of sh..

    1. They have private phone numbers for insulting each other, but in open conversations, tweets, etc; they should try to be diplomatic.

  5. If he comes to Britain I think no one should protest loudly
    I think the streets of London should be deserted

  6. Many strange things in this world I can rationalise. The election of Trump and his subsequent behaviour, I cannot. I agree with John. If he comes to Britain, do not protest against his visit on the street. Just ignore his presence.

    1. He can buy his own ticket if he wants to visit, but there should be no red carpet.

  7. He's a dangerous asshole and needs to be impeached. Living in the US is a daily headache..literally. I've given up the news due to stress. You could tell what he was YEARS ago and that he was incompetent and stupid...
    hoping he is NOT allowed in the UK.....

    1. They have enough nutters in the UK as it is!

  8. Everyday with Trump is a day of anxiety and great sadness. A year ago I could never have imagined all this horror happening in my country. He has unleashed hate and racism that is reminiscent of what happened in Germany in the 30’s. We will make it through these days of Trump (which hopefully will be ended soon), but the wounds will hurt for generations to come.

    1. I would be amazed if he makes it through his first term.

  9. Buy why couldn't you understand before the man is a toxic mushroom. Millions of us, the majority, railed against his election.

    1. I just couldn't believe that he was genuinely as idiotic as he presented himself. Rather like Corbyn over in the UK.

    2. Why bemoan now that he is what he was. Put your time to resistance. Every voice and shoulder counts.

  10. Yes, yes, yes. I agree with all of the above. He is an ignorant narcissist. The results of his domestic decisions will be long-lasting, especially in the justice system where he is appointing racist, retro-thinking conservative judges to every open slot in the federal judiciary.

    1. Still, and even sadder, is the fact that he remains popular with those who elected him. They do find the constant tweeting counter-productive, but they love him, Cro, for all that you find detestable. I worry that he could actually be re-elected. Given the level of my anxiety under this government, I may not live to see that happen.

    2. I can't see him being given a second term, but it seems that anything is possible in 21st C America.

  11. You are right to say the rest of the world is worried and rightly so. He is toxic.

    1. I start to worry every time he opens that big mouth of his.

  12. Not only Trump, but the jackasses he installs in positions of power are damaging to us and other countries.

    1. His choice of flunkies is as bad as his so-called policies.

  13. Not only Trump but the rest of them as Bea says - I despair and wonder where it will all end.

  14. Trump is certainly a worry but what really scares me are those that continue to worship him. His racist ignorant base are now emboldened to crawl out of their hiding places.

    1. Has he done anything yet that benefits his red-neck gun-totin' supporters?

  15. Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America elected according to the rules of that republic. He inherited the Korean problem from his predecessor. He has been to the region and met all the important leaders within his first year in office.Rex Tillerson was a good appointment and I hope he remains. He will be needed.
