Thursday 14 December 2017

Off to the moon again.

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President Trump has just announced that the USA will once again point rockets at the Moon and beyond.

I don't know how much money it costs to go swanning around in space, and landing on floating lumps of dusty rock, but I do know that the money could be much better spent down here; where it's really needed.

We pollute the air, we pollute the soil, and we pollute the waters; so much so that people talk of our lovely planet being uninhabitable in years to come, if it's not blown to bits by nuclear weapons.

So what do they want us to do?  Are we really supposed to go to live somewhere where there is no air to breathe, no soil in which to plant our crops, and no vegetation whatsoever. Are they effing kidding?

Dear Mr Trump; why not simply try to make our true 'home' a better place to live. Let's not poison it any more than we have to, let's reduce the massive world over-population, and let's no longer rape and pillage every ounce of the world's minerals in order for the few to become inordinately wealthy.

And don't think, Mr Trump, that we didn't notice your mention of 'Military uses' in space; because we did!

No, let's not go back to the Moon, Donald; it's really not a very nice place, and I for one am certainly not going to live there.


  1. I wouldn’t mind him being a passenger on a one way flight. Bannon can fly him there.

  2. Re the comment above, it would be worth paying for a trip to the moon if he could go on a one way trip.

    1. That's two votes already, and we've only just started.

  3. I never did understand the reasons why anybody would want to visit the moon.

    Haven't we got enough problems on our own planet?

    1. Not somewhere I'd wish to spend a two week summer holiday, let alone settle there.

  4. Couldn't agree more Cro, I hope you've sent a copy of this to the White House!

  5. At the risk of being out on a limb, I welcome a bit more Space working which may lead to International co-operation.
    Star Trek/Star Wars have to start somewhen.

    1. At least there'll be someone to watch the blast-off; I shall be otherwise engaged.

  6. No doubt Trump thinks there is more fun in playing with rockets, weapons and space ships than dealing with tiresome issues like pollution and saving his own planet.

    1. I fear so, it also takes the nation's attention away from more serious matters.

    2. Now you've got it! That's the sole point.

  7. Nothing wrong with Nasa, US and space, they seem to go together to me and not such a big deal, privatised or otherwise.

    1. I suspect he military ambitions are more important than space exploration.

  8. Mock Trump all you like, but there is good scientific knowledge to be gained from space exploration. And don't all here believe in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake?

    1. As I said above, I suspect this might be more about military exploration than space exploration.

  9. I saw the space shuttle take off into a very blue Florida sky. I was surprised how moved I was, it brought tears to my eyes. I hope this space exploration is for all the right reasons.

  10. I agree with everything you say about the Earth - but also find the idea of going to the moon inspiring. My fear though is that people landing on the moon will think it belongs to them - and that would be very dangerous as well as uncivil.

    1. I can almost imagine them 'blasting' out minerals, and upsetting yet another eco system. We have to be so careful.

  11. An ida would be to put him on board and accidentally leave him there.

  12. too much needing attention here..waste of time and money going into space, when inner space...the far more unknown

    1. A NASA for the sea would be very interesting, unless they started to pollute it even more than it is already.

  13. It's ironic that you complain about space exploration on technology that came about from advances made in the space program. The transmission of those complaints goes either via satellite, from the space program, or via fibre optic cable a by product of military research. President Trump has agreed to reinstate NASAs original program that Obama slashed in favour of funding the likes of ISIS. Incidentally I suggest you read what the Iraqi and American military say about Trumps handling of the military campaign against ISIS. NASA and the Russian space agency have also agreed to jointly design and build a moon orbiting space station to aid in further exploration of the solar system. The return to the moon is part of this. Who knows what further technology and medical advances will be unlocked, Google a list of all the previous ones, but it will certainly achieve more to advance the human race than whining about everything and doing nothing. The possibility of mining Helium3 from the surface of the moon to provide unlimited non radioactive nuclear power with no waste products is itself a worthy goal. Though not as worthy as scolding trump for pulling out of a climate change deal that accomplished little other than draining $2 trillion from the US taxpayers pocket I am sure.

    1. Obama favoured funded ISIS? What an extraordinary claim. Oh dear, another reader lost. Our Dust Buster wasn't terribly good and while it still sits in its laundry stand, it is unplugged and unused. I've never had the need for the other three items.

  14. Here you go cro read this article on the advancements the space program has given us from NASA alone

    1. OK, so we have to thank NASA for Memory foam, space blankets, DustBusters (?), and racing swimwear. Well done.

  15. To be honest we lived so much better when there was no technology!! Stuff technology. It keeps breaking down anyway and then we all starve because the supermarket doors have jammed shut and we need a man from India to troubleshoot for us via the phone only if we can give the right name and password because of the privacy act he cannot divulge anything. Sorry but I can't see the need to advance the human race if the past 40 years is anything to go by.

    1. It's a bit like climbing Everest; we did it because 'it was there'. It was much the same with the Moon, and it was fabulous. But, it's been done, and there are far more important things to spend money on.

  16. Surprised no-one has posted this as yet:
