Sunday 10 December 2017

Here today, gone tomorrow!


Some time ago I mentioned about rescuing some discarded Blackberry cuttings from a nearby garden. They were of a particularly good thornless variety; but, although they started off well, sadly none of them survived.

The garden from which they came was quite large. The man who worked it comes from a village 7 kms away, and had generously been offered free use of the strip of land by my lovely neighbour L.

He grew a vast amount of produce; far too much for just he and his wife, so I imagine he was selling it.

The garden has now been stripped bare; hardly a single plant remains. The unpleasant man in question was a big supporter of the proposed 'holiday village' (even though he doesn't live in our tiny hamlet), and was exceptionally rude to L (how crazy is that!), to Lady Magnon, and a few others who were against the plan. He has always been a loud-mouthed old fool for whom rudeness and oafishness was a way of life. As a result, he has now been deprived of his free patch of land, and all that it offered. He's now taken out all his winter vegs and perennials, and has departed with his tail between his legs.

His was the second case of such rudeness that we have experienced in the past couple of years, and both perpetrators have lived to regret their silly outbursts; proving, I suppose, that it always pays to be courteous and well behaved.

Some simply have no idea how to behave, others do; boorishness does not distinguish. Good riddance to him.


  1. Good that he is gone. Nobody needs annoying and rude people around. It is not good for the heart or gut.

    1. No-one will miss him, but I bet he regrets being so rude.

  2. Arguments are never won by rudeness and by being bombastic. Good that he has gone.

    1. Even when he was trying to be nice, you knew he wasn't.

  3. There is no place for people like that in a small community. Good riddance.

    1. He's one of those people who's been angry all his life. He retired several years ago because he was blind, but still manages to drive quite happily.

  4. Cutting off his nose to spite his face.

  5. Sounds as though it's a good thing he's gone. Such a pity though. A cheery hullo gives you and everyone else a good feeling, whatever your mood.
    You lost the chance for more blackberry canes but he lost a lot more.

    1. I was hoping he'd leave them behind, but he's stripped the plot clear!

  6. I wish I could get rid of all the rude, boorish and aggressive people around here.

    1. We can't claim to have got rid of him; he did that all by himself. But nice to have him gone.

  7. I have the notion he will not be missed.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. There will be dancing in the streets for the next few months!

  8. Rudeness and Boorishness exist everywhere don't they>

  9. The comment above popped up before I finished writing it - sorry. When it happens to me I try to ignore it - but sometimes it is hard.

    1. We've already had to cross one 'family' off the Christmas card list recently, I hope there are no others around the corner. We've lived here for 45 happy years, but this type of bad behaviour seems to be a very recent phenomenon.

  10. Thank for your very good article.! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!

