Thursday 21 December 2017

Christmas Cards.

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I no longer send cards; just Emails, plus greetings via my blog page.

Lady Magnon, however, likes actual cardboard cards, and has recently been distributing them to one and all.

I believe that, included in her distribution this year were one or two to right plonkers that I wouldn't piss on if I found them on fire; and she was duly ticked off. We all have moments of madness (actually, I never have them). Sorry, but if you're off my Christmas card list; you STAY off.

It wasn't so long ago that we would receive anything up to 100 cards every Christmas, but I would be surprised if this year we have much more than 20. The whole idea of sending cards in stamped envelopes has almost died-out.

I actually welcome this trend, as receiving last minute cards from those we'd forgotten always involved an awful rush to get one off before the last posting date. It was a right pain.

One may not be able to prop a Christmas Email with the other stiffies on the mantelpiece, but I suppose that's progress.

If anyone receives a greeting from ME at Christmas, they should know that it was sent with sincerity, and genuine good wishes; never by mistake.


  1. Will remember that next year. Just made a note on my list.

    1. Which bit did you remember? Now I'm worried!

    2. I haven't sent any for years; it's Lady M wot does it.

    3. I read it that you would rather not receive cards by snail mail.

    4. Not at all, we love receiving cards of all sorts. It was receiving late ones from unexpected quarters that always caused problems, as one felt obliged to return the favour with just a day or so to go.

  2. Like Lady M, I am old fashioned and love sending and receiving cards. There are people whom I have not seen in decades because they live far away and Christmas cards give us that opportunity to catch up with each other. I treasure those notes. My Retired Man has never sent a card to anyone ever, but I put his name on the ones I mail. We all have our different ways and no matter how each celebrates or expresses their good wishes, it is all good. I hope you and Lady M have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Thank you A; we certainly will have a good time. Lots planned.

  3. I haven't sent any cards this year but did type out a form letter of greetings for friends and relatives who don't read my blog or have an email. Yes, there are a few of those, five in fact.
    I've kept cards that I've received over the last few years and hang those up around the house, usually. Haven't bothered this year.
    Cards are a dying breed as you say. Thank goodness because I never got them out in time

    1. I always keep the last year's cards; for making present labels! There probably won't be many this year so next year I'll probably have to buy my own labels.

  4. I still send cards that I make myself but not as many as previous years.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I used to send LOTS; it took ages, was very expensive, and I expect they were probably hardly looked at.

  5. For the past few years my partner has threatened to no longer send Christmas cards, but he can't face the battle not to against myself and my mother. We received about 35 this year, down from the highest of about 45. To me, they are an essential part of Christmas.

    1. I'm just back from the baker, and have heard about the Melbourne attack.My thoughts are with you all.

  6. My thoughts are with the people of Melbourne, Australia. There will be others, as usual during the season of goodwill. Re the late Christmas cards I always include a "merry Christmas and a happy new year" greeting in the late posted Christmas card" reply. That's a useful tactic for what it's worth.
    Never had any complaints ;-)

    1. As I just said above to Andrew (from Melbourne), I have only just heard about the disaster. No doubt more news will follow.

    2. I was going to blog something else but instead I've taken up your Christmas card theme. Two cards are featured. The second 'Against the Light' by a man who paints with his foot.
      Hope you have a good one. Yours is often the first blog I see. I know you're an early riser!

    3. Habit of a lifetime Gwil; Christmas will be no different.

    4. Sadly this is the 32,257th islamic terrorist attack since 9/11 according to those who monitor these things. God knows how many dead and maimed the total so far amounts to. I daren't look at those figures. I believe a baby was killed. How many babies will die before this evil is spent? Sorry to spoil the party.

  7. Happy Christmas to you and lady M.

    1. Thank you Yael. And I wish you, particularly, a peaceful new year.

  8. Our Christmas card list is very short, only 3 mailed out to people who live too far away to visit. And 5 delivered by hand to the other bungalows in our cul-de-sac.

    No 2 son (the only member of my family with whom I have contact following an acrimonious divorce 11 years ago) has decreed no cards in the spirit of forest conservation.

    Can't say I'm disappointed.

    1. That's another good reason not to send any; no trees were cut down for my Emails.

  9. We still send cards ... or rather, I write and send the cards and put my husbands name on it !!! I will be sorry when the inevitable happens and Christmas cards become a thing of the past. I am like Starting Over ..... it's a good way of keeping in touch with people who are spread around the world. XXXX

    1. I'm not sure how many we've sent this year; probably less than 15.

  10. I like Christmas cards because not everybody I like to make contact with is someone I would contact via email. And sometimes I just like to send a Christmas card whatever.

  11. Thank you for my card, Cro. Happy Christmas to you too.... and 36 others.

  12. I like to exchange cards with old and distant acquaintances, it's a nice way to keep in touch. Never could see the point of giving cards to people you see on a daily basis.

    1. You've just reminded me; I did give one to our postie, Marie-Ange.

  13. Less Christmas cards here too. Less received and less sent. I usually send cards to my out of country relatives and I have started to hand deliver my local ones. I generally like Christmas cards with one exception, politicians sending them out on my dime. There is always one.

    1. A politician who sends cards??? Sounds like a miracle.

    2. It was common here but has started to fade out. Think of your Mayor sending you a Christmas card with the infamous holiday let as the cover to wish you a Merry Christmas.

    3. I can picture it now; no thanks.

  14. Your comment about loathing someone so much that you wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire made me laugh. I admire that kind of passion, to be able to rouse enough energy to hate someone with that much intensity. I'm so worn out from despising our current president and his Republican party that I don't have much left for my personal animosities, and I mss that. I love a good feud.

    I like Christmas cards too, especially if they have glitter.

    1. If you knew the people involved you would probably feel the same. GHASTLY.

  15. If I knew your address I would send you a card Cro - and choose it carefully. You are one of my favourite men.

    1. That is very kind of you Weave. I hope you have a really good Christmas in your new home; in fact I know you will. Your circle of friends will make sure that you do. Cro xx

  16. I adore sending and receiving cards. I made my living by designing cards. Receiving Mail, real hold in your hand mail is so wonderful to me.
    If other do not want to send mail that is ok but for me it is real mail !
    This year my Arizona Christmas 12 days of Christmas design is up to the Ninth Day of Christmas. It is a Roadrunner this year.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Years ago I used to really enjoy selecting my annual card. I would have them specially printed. These days I really can't find the enthusiasm. However, my Emails are send in the same spirit.
