Tuesday 21 November 2017

Where are they?

Do you know where your children are at all times? No, nor do I, not that mine are really 'children' any more.

My oldest is on business in Singapore. Facebook informs me that he is at Raffles, enjoying a few Gin Slings.

Well, someone has to keep them busy!

Have fun Kimbo!


  1. I had a work colleague who was horrified to learn that my oldest son who lives with his wife about 150 miles away, didn't inform me every time he travelled out of the U.K..

    1. I vaguely know what mine are up to, because we speak quite often. But occasionally.....

  2. No doubt about my children, and grandchildren. They're here on the island and can't move without someone seeing and reporting. My girls had complete freedom but they knew if they strayed somehow it would get back to us.
    Now you have them reporting back all by themselves on facebook

    1. I suppose my Facebook page was designed to keep track of them. Between Facebook and Skype I know roughly where they are.

  3. Somtimes i look at Whatsup in my phone when they were "last seen" just to see that they are ok.I don't tell them that i do that.

    1. I don't know anything about Whatsup, but it sounds interesting.

  4. Following on from Hester's comment one of the things that I am now experiencing for the first time in my life is that I can go places and do things and there is nobody to tell where I am or what I am doing. It is very liberating.

    1. Now's the time to do that big bank robbery you've always dreamed of.

  5. What high flying children you have raised, Cro. I found Raffles disappointing. There was no attractive punkah wallah languorously making the fans swing with the cord attached to his toe. Instead we crunched around on discarded peanut shells, with less than excellent air conditioning and beer that cost $20 a glass. We would have had a sling, but that was even more.

    1. Life can often be disappointing, as can well loved places.

  6. That is the only joy of facebook, keeping up with the family, mine are spread around UK.

  7. Replies
    1. They wouldn't divulge everything; thank goodness.

  8. There is an app which tracks the phone owner down to within inches of where they are in the world by satellite. A Parisian friend of mine watched her sister wander towards the terrorist shootings in Paris as they were taking place. That was a bit stressful.

  9. Oooh, I have sipped Singapore Slings at Raffles. An experience to remember.

  10. I like to know where my girls are but they don't always want me to know where they are!

    1. Nowadays they give themselves away with all their hi-tech kit.

  11. I usually know where my daughters are as they call me often, my son, not so much. He, though posts pictures on FB.

    1. Facebook has it's uses. I use my page for family, and very good friends, only.

  12. I generally know where they are and yes Facebook is helpful. Its just family and close friends. I also take care of the pets when they are away.

    1. All ours live too far away for pet-sitting. My youngest does have a house just a stone's throw away, but he tends to live in Australia. When he's here we steal his boys.

  13. We went to Raffles in the 1980's and loved it - my daughter was 3 and she had great fun following tiger's footsteps on the floor which were made to represent an actual tiger's visit to the hotel. Suppose it has all changed a bit now.

    1. Everything changes, and usually not for the better. I shall no doubt have a report later!

  14. I know when ours are away but i don't know their every movement ..... that would be wrong !!!
    Wishing Kimbo many Gin Slings and have one for me ! XXXX

    1. I'm sure he will Jacqueline. He may even read this.

  15. fb has its uses when family and friends are worldwide...
    My offspring keep and eye on what I'm up to as well....!!

    1. I think ours are more concerned about us these days, than we are about them.

  16. My son lives just down the road but I try not to know what they are doing and where they are going. Unfortunately I sm just about at the age when I cease to be interested in what he is doing and he is more and more worried if I am alright!

    1. That's the way it should be. You spend most of your life worrying about them, now they can do a bit of worrying about you in return.
