Saturday 25 November 2017

So very annoying!

Imagine how you would feel if you went to your local shop, and suddenly they no longer sold your favourite brand of Baked Beans or Biscuits or Bangers. We come to rely on our shops for certain products, then if they are no longer there, it's a right bloody pain.

Such is the case with a certain Indian pickle that I used to buy from my local Leclerc. I'd been buying and enjoying this particular 'Simtom' brand of 'Pickles Assortis' for several years. It's a hot and sour mixture of pickled vegetables that is perfect with a simple curry.

Suddenly it was no longer on the shelves. I wrote to the management; no luck. I looked at other branches of the same supermarket; nothing.

So, I tried to find some online; it didn't seem to exist. By now I was wondering if the Co had gone bust.

So instead, I ordered a 6-pack of Patak's Mixed Pickle on line. Not at all the same product, but very nice, and I now have enough to last me through till 2020; or beyond.

Thank heaven for Amazon. I can see myself doing this much more often!


  1. Whatever it is, clothing, food etc. when one finds something one really likes the powers that be always seem to delete it.

  2. I have stopped using Amazon. They are force things on you like Amazon Prime when it may not be in your best interests to have it and it is very difficult not to have it because of the way they operate. It wasn't in my best interests anyway, so I closed my account with them.

    1. I use them rarely. Maybe 5 times in my life. Time before last they said your book is on the way, then after a couple weeks they said your book is out of stock it's not on the way. That's them. I slipped up once and ordered on US Amazon site. Fortune in postage! Could have got it half the price on a EU site.

    2. I haven't used Amazon very often; maybe just 3 times. My experience so far has been good, and everything I've ordered has arrived on time (or in this case 5 days early). My youngest seems to have parcels arriving almost every day; he's had no problems that I know of.

    3. The problem for me was Amazon Prime where they say free delivery pay for it later. The pay later basically is taking a large lump sum without asking you out of your credit card. You have to opt out of Amazon Prime rather than opt in and even thinking your Amazon account is as it always was you find you are in Amazon Prime without wanting it and they do not make it easy to get out. Beware.

    4. I see no mention of 'Prime' on my order confirmation, so I presume I'm safe from their clutches.

    5. I think Prime is fine for people who are heavy users of Amazon but as I am not it is a rip off and a con.

    6. That's probably why they don't try to sign me up!

  3. I don't order much food stuff online, marmite being one. A few years ago there seemed to be no foreign visitors on the horizon and the marmite was almost finished. Of course a whole horde of visitors came after that all bringing marmite. Anyway, I found mine on ebay and it was cheaper than amazon.
    I can usually find what I want elsewhere. Amazon never seems the cheapest, but if you can't find it elsewhere, then go for it. Good eating!!

    1. I keep a good supply of Marmite in the house. Deprivation would be hell.

  4. Is there anything one can't buy at Amazon?

  5. I buy a lot of things through Amazon and have been satisfied with their service so far. I like that I can get what I want. Living in the countryside has cured me of the endless hours I used to spent traipsing round shops, which is something I hardly ever do now.

    1. For those of us who live away from the UK, and are hooked on certain home comforts, it is very useful. I do have very good shops within about 25 kms, but you can't guarantee they have what you want.

  6. Amazon Australia is about to officially open. Shop front retailers are worried. You illustrate one reason why they should be worried. Plenty of Pataks down under.

  7. We've just ordered a Christmas Tree from Amazon. And a dog walking pouch.

    1. Can't you 'scrump' a tree? What's a Dog Walking Pouch?

    2. Paul ordered it so I'm not sure. I think it's got pockets for water, treats, map, compass, hot water bottle... Paul likes his gadgets.

    3. Does Paul wear it, or Rick? I'd imagined it was some type of Dog Pannier.

    4. It's for Paul although I did suggest Rick could wear it!

  8. That's the same pickle we buy. Luckily it is easily available in supermarkets here.

    1. We have all sorts. Lady M's favourite is Brinjal; my taste is for the hotter pickles.

  9. I shop local and Amazon (mostly Prime). The convenience is unbeatable for me at this time. Besides the two day shipping being free (for a reasonable yearly fee) it also includes movies, tv shows and music that I enjoy. It is not for everyone but for someone who no longer wishes to shop in crowded stores and malls, it is a good alternative.

    1. I only use them for things that I can't otherwise buy. Very handy, and the world is my oyster.

  10. Simtom seem to be based in Leicester, UK.
    Their mixed pickle seems to be available from Spices of India, UK.

    1. I tried to order it on line, but it always came up as 'unavailable'.

  11. I try to shop local but I use Amazon and the market deliveries now. My Amazon come so fast even before I signed up for Prime. Love the movies on Prime also.
    As my illnesses progress I am becoming more and more housebound online shopping helps. All my Christmas shopping as much as do,has been done for a weeks.
    Even with son's help it is still exhausting to get ready and put the walker in the car. I/We try to get out at least once a week.

    The pickles sound great I will try them.
    cheers, parsnip

    1. Keeping active is so important, but if (when) it is no longer possible, places such as Amazon can be a lifeline. I can see myself using them more and more, even though I'm perfectly mobile (for the moment).

    2. In the summer I walk my pool but we have just shut off the heater so no more walking for me.

  12. I recently discovered that our local grocer stopped selling Lyons tea which I became quite addicted to the summer I studied in Galway. Ticked me off it did. Found a seller on Ebay and bought 6 LARGE boxes. Not a bad price either. Now I can stop bitching, for at least 6 months I hope.

    1. In which case you will understand my annoyment. We get used to certain things, then when they are no longer available we panic. We much prefer the old type of lightbulbs (which are no longer sold here), so my youngest bought a huge box of them which should last through to about 2099.

    2. I like the older lightbulbs also.
