Thursday 19 October 2017

The throw of a dice.

Some things are best decided by the throw of a dice, or the spin of a coin. Personally I prefer my home-made dice.

It can be anything as simple as which route to take for my morning walk, or if I should prepare Pork rather than Chicken for supper. If I can't make my mind up about something; the dice will do it for me.

Last Friday, for example, I was undecided about visiting a particular distant town; between 1 and 3 was 'yes', and between 4 and 6 was 'no'. I threw a 5, so we stayed at home. It was a lovely day, and we took full advantage.

However, yesterday we did go to the town in question, but by determination rather than 'chance'. Each method has its moments.


  1. I quite like that idea. (Which town?)

  2. Nice dice and good idea. You have some nice rituals Cro like saying white rabbit at the first of every month and catching a falling leaf at the beginning of autumn.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I've already caught my leaf, and I did remember to say White Rabbit on the 1st. Of course I'm not at all superstitious.

  3. I like the dice , not so sure about the idea behind it. I would probably throw the dice and then do the opposite...or dither

  4. Do you remember The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart? It was a bit of a cult book in the early 1970s. This bloke makes all his decisions by rolling the dice. It gets a bit hairy towards the end. I think he based it on his real life.

    1. I don't know it, but it sounds like he stole my idea!

  5. Good idea, i think i shall use it from time to time.

    1. It saves having to make complicated decisions.

  6. There was a documentary on Lucian Freud yesterday, and his gambling obsession. He won and lost millions - literally - once losing £900,000 on one bet. Apparently he did not care if he won or lost - the thrill was in the betting. Any money he won would go straight onto the next bet and he would keep betting until he had no money left at all. When he became so successful that he could not lose all his money by betting, he stopped.

    1. I was semi-listening to that as I dropped off to sleep. The last thing I remembered hearing was about the Krays and Freud, but I didn't really hear what the connection was. I must try to hear the programme again.

  7. I would take the throw of the dice as a suggestion, and then pressure my partner to do what I really wanted to do.

  8. What I really like is the photo, with the polka-dot dice shadows in the background. Very clever!

    1. I was worried that my nails looks grubby; I'd been gardening!

  9. A bit like a niave version of the eight ball. I'm not sure if I could make decsisions that way ..... I'd always think that I'd made the wrong one although something has to convince you one way or the other ! XXXX

    1. You should read Luke Rhinehart Jackie.

    2. I use it for decisions where it really doesn't make much difference one way or the other (which is probably why I was undecided).

  10. Love the homemade dice - not so sure about using it as a way to make decisions.
