Monday 16 October 2017

Spurs v Bournemouth.

I've only been to one professional Football match in my life, and that was at Brighton & Hove Albion, back in the 1960's. I can't remember who they played.

The noise was so loud that I had a headache for a week.

On Saturday, Kimbo and Ollie went to watch Spurs playing Bournemouth. I'm not a big Football fan, but I do kinda support both Chelsea and Brighton, because they're the only places I've lived that have decent teams.

Ollie was given the Spurs tickets by his school, and as you can probably see, they were way up in the gods.

The score was Spurs 1 Bournemouth 0. Predictable.

My son-in-law is in the UK at the moment, and no doubt he'll be going to watch Arsenal while he's there. He's a fan-atic! I see that they lost against Watford; so he won't be happy.


  1. I presume he must be a budding soccer player to be given tickets by his school.

    1. I think he does play a bit, but I believe the school just gave them to children who asked for them. As you can see by the photo, there were plenty of empty seats, so maybe it was simply a Spurs public relations initiative.

  2. Hope he enjoyed the experience. He certainly is a long way from the action

    1. I think it looks further away in the photo than they really were; even so, they weren't exactly ring-side!

  3. I think the experience and to be with his school mates is the real fun part.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. There's always a great atmosphere at top-notch games. They loved it.

  4. I have only been to one football match. That was at White Hart Lane and I only went because a boy I liked asked me. I have no interest in football but come from a long line of Hackney born and bred Spurs supporters.

    1. You sound like me Andi, once was probably enough.

  5. Nanna & Grandad lived in Tottenham so Mum was a supporter, she married an Arsenal fan and that has been 'my team'. The only live game I've been to was at Filbert Street and it's funny how many times that place comes up in quizes.
    BTW I saw my first live sanglier this morning.

    1. We came across a Sanglier last year, which was the first I'd seen for about 20 years. Very secretive creatures.

  6. Spurs' home ground is Wembley this season while White Hart Lane is redeveloped. I guess that means there are a lot of seats to fill (80,000?). Nevertheless it is a good initiative by Spurs, who probably play the best football in the Premier League. And perhaps it was the support of the youngsters that allowed them to chalk up their first home win at Wembley this season.

    1. So is that Wembley above? I didn't know. Looks very smart; almost as smart as Brighton's new stadium.

  7. It's a hard life being an Arsenal supporter.

    1. He has Arsenal TV back in Oz; he never misses a game. Yes, can't be easy this year.

    2. It hasn't been easy for several years.

  8. Replies
    1. It's that game without the word 'Rugby' in the front.

  9. Football is played with a a laced up leather ball that has a bladder inside it. The idea is to kick the ball between two coats lying on the earth. Usually in dusk's failing light.

    1. That's certainly how I remember it; however, when my time came to play in an actual 'team', they had changed the shape of the ball to oval, and erected very tall goal posts.

    2. That leather ball when wet got very heavy and they are now starting to blame damage caused by too much headbanging done by the more pro football players.

    3. Heading those old leather balls was like going four rounds with Ali.

    4. It happened to me too. One day at my new school I saw long white poles that reached to the sky had been erected and someone said to me: Williams, you're big and you played in goal at football so now you're in the Bantams. Report to Mr P for your jersey. They clearly thought I was a chicken or a motorbike.

  10. Nothing to do with football, Cro, all with your recent post on Villefranche. So there I was, in reverie and an idle moment, googling property in Villefranche. Lovely. One of the houses catching my attention a total wreck but "affordable". Not as affordable as pieces of land round your area. Acres of the stuff. It's amazing. I can see it now. 28,000 Euros later I'll be able to pit my tent.

    Anyway, that's not what I am writing to you about - ever since, beware google, I am bombarded with advertisements for properties in France. Can't one just dream for a moment without being reminded of one's folly forever and ever and ever? As drip drip drip effect goes we may become neighbours yet - providing you (or I) don't snuff it any time soon.


    1. Bizarrely, I do know of a nearby 'ruin' that is for sale at €28,000. It is a very old village house with beautiful carved stone pillars holding up the roof over a patio. Unfortunately it would probably cost several hundred thousand €'s to get it back to being livable-in again.

      I know exactly what you mean about the annoying ad's; it happens to me on the daily on-line newspaper that I read. I just ignore them.

  11. When I was 10 - 12 years old, my cousins and I were all MENTAL for football. I think half the fun was fighting over whose team was better (Liverpool v. Tottenham v. Arsenal v. Man Utd. v. Blackburn). Dad keeps me updated on how Tottenham is doing, but now I'd rather watch rugby...

    1. I never played Football; always Rugby. I played from age 8 to about 20. One of my pleasures are annual the 6 nations games.

  12. High five to Kimbo and Ollie .... I'm a Spurs supporter !!! The atmosphere at a football match is amazing .... I love the singing !!! XXXX

    1. But oh so loud! I imagine it's the same now as it was in the 60's.
