Thursday 12 October 2017

EC Regulations.

On 17th September (not even a month ago) I reported that the nice egg man at our nearby market was now following new EU regulations, and was stamping his eggs with some silly nonsense that told us where they came from, and when they were laid, etc (if we could be bothered to decipher the smudged red writing).

Well, I'm pleased to report that in true French style, the new regulations are already being ignored, and my last Saturday's purchase of eggs (above) were all STAMP FREE!

For a moment I'd imagined the French were becoming lackeys to Brussels' bureaucrats, but my faith has been restored. 

Aux armes citoyens, formez vos bataillons. Marchons, marchons. No more red stamping on local free range eggs!

If next Saturday I see him being hauled off to the Guillotine; I'll let you know.


  1. Your egg crater looks very beautiful with rabbit design in the middle. That's true, we get eggs from different ways. Now a days we need to be careful in eating any product...

    1. The UK recently declared that it is OK to eat 'runny eggs'. I eat mine reasonably well cooked.

  2. I looked all over my eggs for the red stamp! Lovely eggs though.

  3. Yesterday my husband came home with 10 supermarket bought eggs (they come in packs of 6 or 10) and they are stamped with expiring date, where they come from and if the hens are cage fed etc, and I noticed an addition, "shell not edible"!
    Greetings Maria x

  4. Sounds familiar. Regulations made to be ignored. Some of our supermarket eggs have a red stamp . Don't think that regulation has even crossed the horizon of the market egg man's horizon yet.

  5. That wasn't very clear. I mean he probably hasn't even heard of the regulation. Possibly in Athens things are a little stricter.

    1. No, he'd already started stamping them, but either he forgotten to do so last week, or he'd decided to ignore the new rules. I hope it was the latter.

  6. I wish the UK ignored EU regulations and directives. We are just too too stupid in this country for our own good.

    1. I remember when 'roll bars' were first introduced for tractors. It was highly supported by the French, who then totally ignored the new ruling. In the UK an army of inspectors went from farm to farm, handing out fines where necessary. Bloody fools.

  7. Your egg man is going to bring down the whole EU with his rebelliousness. It does sound very French. Obviously you think so, but I find many things to admire about the French character. I am amused by the warning, shell not edible and Rachel's comment about ignoring the regulations. UK citizens do tend to be very law abiding in these areas but then love to complain about the EU. Perhaps the UK regulators might apply a bit more interest in the harvest of chicken meat, as you would no doubt have heard about.

    1. I do hope you're right about the EU. re the chicken meat; I think everyone should think far more carefully about where their food comes from. I only ever buy whole, outdoor bred, chickens. They are no different to having one's own. People who buy junk deserve what they pay for!

    2. Andrew, those who complain voted Leave. Presumably those who don't complain voted Remain and are representative of the jobsworths that this country so loves.

  8. Your little rabbit egg holder is very cute, but why a rabbit? I didn't think they laid eggs!!

    1. I bought it as a Valentine present for Lady M. I think it was designed as an Easter egg holder; Easter bunny, etc. Yes, a bit odd; and only for 5 eggs too.

  9. I've eaten runny eggs all my life - no stamps needed!!
    I ignored Edwina back in the day too.

    1. Edwina was just stating what we already knew. I've always eaten soft-boiled eggs, but not 'uncooked'. My mother used to drink raw eggs.

    2. Edwina got amazingly mispresented at the time and suffered for not engaging her brain before she opened her mouth. The media will not let such things pass them by.

  10. What a shame that we in UK don't have the same cavalier attitude to nonsense rules by EEC.

    Just one example, a local butcher used to make brawn, big trays of the stuff and sold in cut squares, often bought for pet feeding, but I loved the stuff; sadly he is no longer allowed to do this due to some obscure EEC ruling.

    1. Restaurateurs are no longer allowed to make their own Patés here, or sell any of their own preserves. A crazy ruling that has caused a huge decline in local gastronomy.

    2. Sad to read that, chefs usually have their individual repertoire of pates, preserves, sauces and stock and take pride in their preparation.

      Fortunately our local butchers still make their own famous Cumberland sausage, each having their secret recipes. I keep wondering how long before some interfering jobsworth decides that this is no longer going to be allowed?

  11. New regulations often come about after there is an outbreak of sickness in regard to a product. It seems ridiculous to warn people not to eat the egg shells, but lawyers write these to protect the companies from idiots who might look for a loophole to sue.

    1. I think the crunchiness might be a clue, but there are people these days who sue for anything!

  12. Maybe your eggs are old and were laid before the regulations came in !!!!!! Sorry, I hope I haven’t put you off your eggs ..... I love an eggy, stamped on or not !!! XXXX

    1. I hadn't thought of that, I've just thrown them all away (no I haven't).

    2. Haha !!!! I would imagine it would take a hell of a lot for you to throw any food away Cro ..... unless it was walking on it’s own, you could turn anything into a feast. XXXX

    3. You're right. Waste, to me, is a sin.

  13. The French do seem to have a tendency to interpret the rules to suit themselves.

    1. As should the rest of the EC. I think that was one of the UK's great mistakes.
