Thursday 21 September 2017

Tory Rory.

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With a leadership crisis possibly looming in the Conservative Party, may I propose Rory as a future replacement.

He may not have 'film star' looks, but he could be a rising star in other respects.

I am putting my reputation on the line, and am placing an imaginary Ten Euro note on Rory Stewart becoming leader of the Conservative Party (and therefore Prime Minister) some time in the future.

His educational credentials are exemplary. Dragon, Eton, Balliol (PPE), 2nd Lieutenant Black Watch, and several post grad' positions with the Foreign Service, including Indonesia, Montenegro, and S Iraq. Somewhere amongst all that, he also found time to write books about Iraq and Afghanistan, and tutor the young princes William and Harry. He is multi-lingual, and a member of The Athenaeum.

An MP since 2010, the 44 year old's present position is as Minister of State for International Development.

The Conservatives are top-heavy with responsible intellectuals, but Rory shines out. It's a pity one can't say the same about those Merry Marxists on the opposition benches; they would absolutely HATE Mr Stewart. His superior intellect and qualifications are everything they fight, and attempt to legislate, against. Never mention 'meritocracy' to a Socialist!

Don't let me down Rory; Ten Euros is a lot of money, even if it is simply in the ether.

In the meantime if an urgent replacement is needed for Mrs May I propose either Sir Michael Fallon, Philip Hammond, or just for fun why not the rebellious Jacob Rees-Mogg; that'll give Rory a few years for some essential extra experience.

Of course there's always Boris!


  1. Anything would be an improvement on the May, Hammond, Rudd disaster.
    I suspect that PPE degrees are not something to put on ones CV. Nor for that matter is tutoring William and Harry, be like nailing a jelly to the ceiling.
    Ten Euros isn't much and in a few years will no doubt be worth the same as a Bolivar.
    Boris, Gove or Mogg would be a refreshing change.

    1. May is a very private person, and therefore gets bad press; I don't think she's doing a bad job.

      I often wonder what degree really does qualify someone for the role of PM. They mostly seem to study Classics, Law, or PPE; I'm not one who believes in 'The University of Life' degree.

    2. Okay. Better to be thought a fool than speak and leave no doubts.
      I suspect this is May's philosophy.

    3. I think you're right, but it's not good propaganda.

  2. In the absence of Churchill and Orban he might have to do.

    1. I've only seen Rory speaking once, but he was very good.

  3. Oddly likeable for a Tory politician. Surely, being a remainer and with interest in Human Rights issues he wouldn't be the first choice of many in his party?

  4. I'd like to say that there was no vacancy. Too much media, including social media, time /space / airwaves etc are being engineered by those with their agendas to destabilise the UK government. The other night I was enraged by the BBC news -with Laura(!) outside No 10 and footage of a rat on the pavement there. Subliminal 'rats leaving the sinking ship' I suppose. Shame on them.

    1. The Beeb is beyond shame. They are now rotten to the core.

      Strangely, after my recent rant about the BBC, I read some tripe on Facebook saying how thoroughly RIGHT WING they were. Blinkers are getting bigger and bigger.

  5. In truth, the Conservatives deserve Boris Johnson, but the country doesn't - actually, maybe it does...

    1. He doesn't seem as much fun these days; I used to like him, but he now seems like just any other politician.

  6. Nobody is going to be able to make a good job of Brexit. The ones who shout so loud saying May isn't up to the job should shut up and show a bit of humility and support her.

    1. She still seems like a very tough cookie to me. I rather like her. In fact I like anyone who makes Corbyn look such a fool at PMQ's.

  7. I fear he is too establishment and connected, no normal person has had the chance to do half of what he has done, and I suspect it is because of who he knows and not what he can actually do. Landed gentry and not short of money types come up short when faced with the problems of people who need to earn a living. He is too free and easy with tax payers money for my liking.

    1. Personally I would close-down the department of International Development, and start again from scratch; with a much smaller budget, and a much bigger research dep't.

  8. Let's try JRM - then he might be too busy to start more babies. Surely bringing six into the world is enough when we look at the poverty around.

  9. Oh and incidentally I think Tory Rory is rather handsome and certainly has film star looks (for me at any rate.)

    1. That just goes to show that I have no idea about what makes 'handsome'. You're right, he has enough children, a more time consuming job might calm his ardour.

  10. I don't mind his looks at all, in a Jagger kind of manner. I have changed my mind about Ms May. She wore such a nice top at the UN today, she can't be all bad. Alas, someone is going to take that seriously and I don't know how to put emoticons into blog comments.

    1. But it really was a nice top. Google it.

    2. I haven't seen it, but I did see a photo of the Dutch Queen Maxima in an amazing all red outfit that I thought was very dashing!

  11. Replies
    1. He'd probably be as good as anyone else. Don't forget; the only person we really need to be afraid of is Corbyn.

  12. He is a very attractive chap.
