Wednesday 6 September 2017

My boy Kimbo.

"The sun is much too sultry, one must avoid its ultry-violet rays" NC.

My oldest boy, Kimbo, starts a new job next week.

I'm not going to over-beat his drum, but he's always been an exemplary person/son.

After school he went off on the classic 'gap year' trip which lasted about two years. He worked his way around the world (without ever phoning home for money), and eventually returned to Blighty saying that he had decided what career path he wished to follow; he wanted to be an Hotel Manager. Frankly we were shocked!

Anyway, off he went to Oxford and got himself a degree in some sort of International Management thingy, and ended up managing a huge American hotel.

He's moved on since then and has been managing hundreds of unruly students at a brand new Halls of Residence, linked to a big Midlands University.

However, I think he's now found his true role in life, and has recently been 'head-hunted'; from next week he'll be working in central London as an 'executive' (I hate that word). His new job title includes the words 'Asset, Management, and Europe'; but that's all I know. I believe he'll be doing a lot of travelling, as well as a lot of delegation. It sounds perfect for him, and his new promotion is well deserved. 

So, all the best darling, and don't forget your poor old Papa. One or two meagre Fray Bentos pies each dark, bitter, and lonely winter would be most welcome.


  1. I presume he reads this - all the best Kimbo.

  2. 'High powered' executive by the sounds of it. Congratulations, to him and his parents

    1. Not sure about that, but he's certainly doing very well. I'm very proud of him.

  3. You must be very proud. But is he any good at art?

    1. Surprisingly yes. Many years ago we used to have a visiting Alsatian dog, which he drew. I was totally amazed seeing his drawings. I still have them somewhere.

  4. Is professional success a 'love and proud factor' for a child ? You never speak about your daughter? ? Your son will do a great job that's what our society is longing for,but will he have enough time to enjoy other things ? Seems difficult.

    1. His priority in life is his two boys; he will always find time for them. Otherwise he plays Cricket for his town, and has several other interests. His days are always filled.

  5. Good news about the children are always the best news.

    1. So true! To know that our own children have grown-up to be good people, is to know that the next generation will also benefit. I'm fortunate in having 3 very successful children.

  6. I agree with Yael.
    Congratulations to your son and to the parents! Kim will travel for you too :)
    Greetings Maria x

  7. It's always nice for us parents when our children are settled and successful in their careers ...... well done Kimbo. XXXX

    1. It's all we can hope for. And occasionally there's a little bonus.

  8. Isn't it good when we can be proud of our children?

    1. It must be very difficult for parents of ne'er-do-wells. I've been fortunate.

  9. very sensible,if the job is London centred, to include a lot of traveling!

  10. You breed 'em and bring 'em up well and then it is up to them. But they do not always become a success story.

    1. THank goodness ours have all turned out OK. 2 in Oz, and 1 in London.

    2. Good to hear. I have recently become a little disillusioned with my theories of good upbringings.

  11. I like that photograph. I have seen it before.

  12. You and Lady M raised a man who knows how to make a full and interesting life. You have done well and have every reason to be proud.

    1. I think the praise (if that's the right word) should be directed at him. He's achieved everything by himself, with just a tiny bit of encouragement from his doting parents.

  13. Congratulations Kimbo! (is that really his name?) I'm a high-powered excecutive too. A Home Executive...I manage all our assets beautifully... this retirement lark is great fun!

    1. No, it's not his real name. You sound like me Sue; I have several management jobs. Chef, head gardener, financial management advisor, entertainment manager, restaurant critic, farmer.... need I say more?

  14. All that success and a great Dad to some awesome grandkids!

    1. Yes, he's a good lad, and his boys give us huge pleasure.
