Monday 25 September 2017

A Sunday Walk.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, that we decided to leave the confines of home, and take Bok off to one of his favourite haunts. 

This 'designated' walk is at nearby Lavaur, and follows an old glacial valley between reasonably high rocky escarpments. 

The area is covered in mossy mounds, all sorts of ferns, and (usually) gently flowing streams; yesterday these were mostly dry.

As usual the path was very quiet, but Bok did manage to make one new friend. He bumped into Rick; the recently acquired dog belonging to nearby neighbours Sue and Paul.

For all of you who've been cooing over Rick on Sue's page, I can assure you that he's even more beautiful in real life!

It's amazing who you bump into out in the wilds of S W France. Sue and Paul's daughter, Sarah from Oz, was also enjoying the walk with them. 

On our return home, Lady M had another swim, and refused to let me close down the pool. Brrrrr again!

p.s. Silly me, I should have taken a photo of Bok and Rick together.


  1. That looks a delightful walk, and meeting fellow bloggers as well......

  2. Your 2nd photo with the moss brings to mind a stanza from a Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem...
    "This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and hemlocks, bearded in moss and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight..." A lovely walk for you and Bok.

    1. There are lots of dead bushes that are covered in mosses too. They're unlike anything else locally.

  3. That top picture reminds me of a Pissarro painting that hangs in the Fitzwilliam.

    Did you all go shy on each other, except for Rick and Bok of course?

    1. No, we're getting used to meeting each other in strange places.

  4. Beautiful photos and Bok is a lovely dog.
    What a lovely surprise meeting Sue, Paul, Sarah and Rick in the middle of nowhere, without programming it! I feel excited as if I met them myself.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Yes, it was nice. I think it's a favourite walk of theirs too.

  5. Oh ho, I hope that dog doesn't run after me. Don't worry I always slow down and walk or if it's being unfriendly I stand still and pray that the owner turns up.

    1. He might lick you to death, but that's about all. He does tend to jump up on people which is not good, otherwise...

  6. How beautiful & how lovely to live in such wonderful surroundings..... and great to meet up with a close by blogger. XXXX

    1. It was a very good Sunday all round. Hope you're feeling better!

    2. Thanks Cro ...... I felt better as soon as I had been sick ...... I've just got to wait for the bruises to disappear now !!!! XXXC

  7. Replies
    1. Especially as one hardly ever sees anybody on such walks.

  8. Didn't realise that Bok and Rick were near neighbours. It is a small world we live in.

    1. They live about 3 miles apart, had never met before, but got on like old pals.

  9. You forgot to mention that I'm even more beautiful in real life!

  10. What a surprise (and a nice one) that must have been.

    1. Great minds, etc. It was the perfect day for that particular walk.
