Wednesday 2 August 2017

Plans change.

It's always the same; I make loads of plans for summer, then everything goes awry.

Prior to the annual holidays I fill the freezer with legs of Lamb, plenty of Fish Fingers, joints of Pork, Sausages, and at least one Turkey. Then nothing goes according to plan.

Restaurants are booked, BBQ's planned, our village 'Marché des Producteurs' is visited (above), various invitations to parties arrive, then there's no time left for my well studied agenda.

Ollie is about to declare that he's a veggie, neither of the boys eat very much meat, I refuse to eat anything that comes in a multi-coloured packet, and Lady Magnon has a stinking cold. In other words, it's the same as most other years.

I'm seriously considering becoming a Teetotal Veggie, just as soon as we've eaten all the meat in the freezer, and I've emptied everything that holds wine, which may take some time.

Actually we've come to a sensible arrangement. When we're out the boys will eat Pizza, and brown-n-white sugary Food-Ex in pots, whilst Lady M, Kimbo, and I eat big Steaks, smelly Cheese, and fresh Fruit.

Forget the plans; chacun son gout!


  1. Big steaks, stinky cheese, and fresh fruit sounds like my kind of meal!!

    In fact, we had steaks for supper tonight along with heavenly fresh corn, heirloom tomato slices, and crispy salted cucumber spears. Dessert was fresh peaches.

    Summertime means good eating at our house!

    1. I'm letting the boys BBQ some steaks tonight. I'll do the rest.

  2. As long as you are all happy that's what matters.

    1. And we are. My problem is that I spend too much time thinking of what everyone would like to eat. Food obsession!

    2. I can understand that, i am the same.

  3. I also obsess about what to feed my family. One of my daughters and her family are vegans. Another daughter is a vegetarian. The other two are meat eaters but with one grandchild being lactose intolerant and a recent vegetarian who will eat fish. It is easier to take them out to a restaurant that will have selections for all of them. That isn't easy either.

    1. I know exactly how you feel. We have a varied selection too. Luckily I eat everything (except bread and butter pudding).

  4. We eat meat everyday. We are big and strong.

  5. I now suffer from horrid acid reflux exacerbated by my much loved red wine, and now white. Coffee, red meat, citrus fruit, pastry, chocolate all have it in for me. Life suddenly became boring and sad, especially here amongst all the French goodies. So now it's a very healthy lifestyle which has managed to become a positive, not in a holier than though way but in a healthy, green and alternative way. Sort of a paleo diet. We rather let food rule our lives. Like you, I have filled the freezer with chicken, pork, casseroles for grandchildren and their parents arriving tomorrow. They usually want to go out for modules and frites and pizza. Sigh... Have fun x

    1. Sounds like here; you offer them Maxim's, and they plump for McD.

    2. Ally you need Alka Seltzer! Cure all.

  6. Mmmm. .. Must give modules a try. They may be alkaline for me..

  7. It's always difficult when there are lots to feed and when veggies and children are involved !!! I'm sure that you and Lady M will manage to clean out the freezer when they all go home !!! Are the boys enjoying the caravan ? XXXX

    1. They are loving it; I've also just returned with a second repaired bike, so we probably won't see them for several hours.

  8. I'm already fretting on food plans for my two daughters when they come out in September, one vegan and one who is very much into her dairy and meat. Know any restaurants around here that cater for vegans?

    1. No. Looks like you'll have to rope her in to cook for you.

  9. I feel your pain, Cro. I learnt my lesson the hard way. Many moons ago, we had invited one of my husband's "directors" and his wife for dinner. Do I have to relive this? The wife, who - for reasons best left unexplored - disliked me on first sight omitted - on accepting the invitation - to mention that her husband was a vegetarian. Her husband being a BIG man I assumed he'd love his meat. Don't ask. That was the dinner part of my own personal hell.

    Ever since I tend to ask guests for their "dietary" preferences - well in advance of any planning and shopping. The day I was handed an A4 sheet tightly spaced as to what someone could, and mostly couldn't, eat was the day I flung my heaviest Le Creuset pan across the kitchen.


    1. I always ask these day. If they're not veggie they're gluten intolerant. Or if they're children, their tastes vary from day to day. Sometimes I despair.

  10. Last week's village Marché Nocturne I had Melon and a freash cheese with bread instead of the same plus Duck and sauté potatoes. Along with the wine I was not hungry and the purse was heavier, by a €10 note, when we left. Result!

    1. We take most of what we eat, then just buy the MEAT.

  11. The best laid plans of mice and men and all that Cro.

  12. With being separate from the house and having no electricity you certainly are going on holiday to a unique destination!

