Friday 18 August 2017

My late Father as a boy, youth, and groom.

I'm continuing my series of old photos with a few of my own father. I'm posting these mainly for family, as there are a few they may not have seen before.

Above is my father with his older brother.

My father as a schoolboy; aged around 16 maybe? 

And here is my father on his wedding day. From left to right; my father, his older brother, my mother, paternal grandfather, paternal grandmother (the dragon), and two unknown (to me) very Victorian looking ladies.

Please forgive my indulgence, I shall not be showing any more..... Well, maybe just one more tomorrow.


  1. I love these old photographs. I find them fascinating and look at the clothes, the hairstyles, or even what is in the background. Thank you for sharing. -Jenn (have you explained the dragon reference in an earlier post?)

    1. My father always described his mother as such; that's all I know.

  2. It's wonderful that you have these photographs and fascinating for us to see.

    1. Luckily I have lots of old photos; these are just a few of the more poignant ones.

  3. I haven't seen those ones before. I wonder if the lady in the front right (looking at the photo) is Louise (our great-grandmother)

    1. I have no idea who she is. None of mother's family seem to be there, so maybe it was simply a picture of father's family. You could be right!

    2. The photos I have are of mothers family or both sides. Not as good a quality as those.

    3. I'm keeping my favourite picture of mother for tomorrow.

  4. I think almost every family has a dragon somewhere in their background. I just hope I am not seen as the dragon now in my family
    I love old photographs - I have a few but you obviously have a lovely store - I am sure you treasure them. Do hand them down to your children - they might not treasure them now but they will as they get older.

    1. My oldest son has now become the family archivist; and loves it.

  5. Lovely wedding photograph. Your mother, and everyone in fact, look so beautifully serene. Today we are required to gush and it is taken as a point of near scorn if we don't.

    The lady on the far right has a very similar face structure to your mother.

    1. She does indeed. I don't know how I could find out who she is. She also looks a bit like a relation of father's who lived in Saffron Walden.

  6. Your mother looks lovely ... and I love that they are holding hands. Keep showing your photographs Cro ...... I love the past, the fashion and that moment captured. XXXX

    1. I might have got the holding hands bit wrong ..... your mother is holding her bouquet but there is something weird going on with hands between your mother and father !!!!! XXXX

    2. They are definitely holding hands; I'd noticed that myself. Mother had a 21 inch waist too; she kept telling me!

  7. Don't apologise Cro, old photo's are the stuff of the world's history of family. Today selfies and the like, will be as nothing in comparison.

    1. I was listening to a radio programme about the 'selfie' phenomenon last night. They played a clip of the Kardashian woman saying she took about 400 pictures at each selfie-session, then chose (what she considered) the best. What a very vain woman.

  8. What a handsome schoolboy your father was. I love your old photos and thank you for sharing them here.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I have never thought about my father being handsome or not, but I suppose he had his moments. My mother chose him after all!

  9. Those are wonderful pictures, Cro. I am trying to figure out the year by the clothing. 1930's?

    1. I really ought to know when they were married, but I don't. Late 30's maybe?

    2. 1937. A pity this photo has only come to light now. Molly would have known who the two ladies were. The front one is definitely Louise. It is just over a year since Molly died.

  10. Nothing to forgive, Cro...I love old photos like this! Your father was handsome. And what a wonderful wedding picture!

    1. Even my photographs of photographs seem to have come out well.

  11. A bit wary, hoping I'm not intruding too far into a post intended for family . . but apart from enjoying seeing the pictures it's made me think of the 'dragons' of former years. I suspect some women had to be dragons in order to survive - and to help their families survive. They will have seen hard times in one way or another. Maybe they had to become hard in consequence? Even women who were financially well off still had to cope with much under-valuing and that must have been tough for those who wanted to be out and about in the world. And didn't even quite young people have to be terribly grown up! They are quite moving images. I'm glad I live now.

    1. I seem to remember my father describing his mother as 'handsome but detestable'. To call a woman 'handsome' is odd, but I can understand the other bit. I think she was very tough, and ruled the house with a rod of iron. Both her sons were very happy to leave home as soon as they could.

  12. I really like seeing old photos of family and hearing their stories. I have sorted through my grandparents photos and framed some. The most recent pictures of my grandkids are all black and white. I just prefer them sometimes.

    1. B & W always seems more serious somehow, plus one can't see some of the awful colours people wear.

    2. I hadn't thought of the colour of clothes.

  13. I now have confirmation that the lady (extreme right) in the wedding photo is Louise; my great grandmother; my father's grandmother.

    1. She was the mother of Lillia; my father's mother (obviously).
